ISSN 0254-9212
versión impresa




The Anthropologica Journal will accept for publication unprecedented research works, assays proposing theoretical progress and book reviews recently published in the area of the social sciences. Articles in Spanish and in Portuguese are accepted. The articles in Portuguese t accepted for publication should be translated into Spanish by the author and sent to the journal.

The articles will be submitted for anonymous arbitration of specialists in the subject. They should be sent with a summary in Spanish and in English and with key words in both languages.

A biographical outline should be included indicating the professional and academic affiliation, subject or interests of research and most recent publications of the author. Originals should be presented in Times New Roman 12, double space, size A4 and with 2.5 x 2.5 cm margins. The extension should not exceed 20 pages. It should be sent by E-mail to the following address: <>.

The works will be evaluated in accordance with the following criteria: clarity and coherence, adequate internal organization, quality of the bibliographic references, contributions to the knowledge of the object, adequate preparation of the summaries and relevance of the title.

Title: Acronyms should be avoided. It should be explanatory and show the essence of the work. It should be written in Spanish or Portuguese and English.

Summary: Also in Spanish or Portuguese and preferably in English, with a maximum extension of 200 words. It should contain: brief introduction, objective or purpose, method, principal findings, and principal conclusions.

Key words: In Spanish or Portuguese and English: description of the work using 5 key words for inclusion in the national or international indexes. It should be presented at the end of the summary.

Quotations: Quotations marks should be used for quotes that go within the text and in normal letter.
Quotes that exceed four lines should go outside the text in a separate paragraph.
They should be written in single space, without quotation marks and in normal letter.
They should go with an additional margin of 12 to 15 spaces from the beginning of the normal lines, with Times New Roman 11.
Simple quotations marks should be used for quotes within other quotes should be encompassed.
If Internet sources have been used, the author should mention Web page, day, month and year when the consultation was made.

Emphasis: If some words must be emphasized, they should go in italics. Notes: The notes will go in Times New Roman 11.
The notes should be numbered correlatively and using footers.
Notes numbers, both in the text and in footers, should go in superscripts numbers.
The call for notes in the text should be placed after the punctuation mark, if required.
Bibliographic references:
They should be made in the text, placing in parentheses the surname of the author, the year of the publication and, after the “:”sign the corresponding page (s). E.g.: (Basadre 1910: 120).
After the text, the bibliography that has been cited in the article should be presented in alphabetical order:
1968 History of the Republic of Peru. 16 vols. Sixth DD. *Lima: University.
TAYLOR, Gerald
1976 "Camay, Capac et Camasca dans le manuscript Quechua of Huarochiri."
Journal de la Société d Americanistes. LXIII: 213-224. Paris.
Manuscript references: The manuscripts cited in the article should be placed in chronological order before the bibliography.
The complete title should be specified or, if not, the first words of the cited document indicating author (if known), date, certain or probable. The reference of the corresponding file should appear below. If more explanation is necessary, a done should be done.
The work should be indicated as follows:
Independent publications: SURNAME, Name. Title and subtitle. City. Publishing house, year, number of pages (in Romans and in Arabic, if needed).
Journals: Title and subtitle. Publishing house (in case they are mentioned) volume. Issue: first page-final page. City.
Tributes, Proceedings of Congresses, Compilations, etc.: SURNAME, Name of the editor(s) or compiler(s) followed in parentheses by the abbreviation "ed." or "comp."
Title. .. (As the others, independent). For consultation or sending of material the E-mail address: can be used.



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