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  Desde el Sur, a journal edited by the General Courses Coordination of Universidad Científica del Sur (UCSUR), is a peer-reviewed semi-annual publication. It features previously unpublished research articles from all over the world in the fields of humanities and social sciences, preferably with a focus on Latin American issues. Desde el Sur is distributed free of charge in both its printed and online versions.

Those wishing to submit articles to the Desde el Sur journal’s editorial team should bear in mind the following criteria:

I. Formal criteria    
  1. All articles submitted to the journal must be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. They must address issues associated with research into areas of the humanities and social sciences.

2. Articles must be completely original and unpublished. By submitting their text to our journal, authors undertake not to submit it simultaneously for evaluation by another journal, in any language.

3. Articles must be submitted by electronic means, to the email address, or via the Open Journal System (

4. Texts must be written in the program Microsoft Word for Windows 97/2000 or XP. The font required is Arial, single space, size 12.

5. If the text includes graphics or figures, these must be submitted in TIFF format at a resolution greater than 500 DPI. Figures are considered to be drawings, maps, photographs or graphics, ordered with Arabic numerals. In the case of conventional photographs or drawings, on the back of each of these, their number must be included, in the top right corner, together with the author and title of the article.

6. The journal Desde el Sur contains the following sections:

a. Research studies

b. Essays

c. Book reviews

d. Letters to the editor

e. Reissuing of texts

All submissions must include: 1) Sworn statement that all the authors agree to the submission of their article to the journal’s editorial process, 2) List of authors, correctly filled out, 3) Article following the guidelines outlined in these instructions.

1. Article structure

General guidelines

1. Regardless of the section for which the article is submitted, the first page must contain:

a. Title of the article: This must be written in Spanish or English. It must be brief and clear and reflect the main idea behind the research.

b. Authors’ identity:

i. Name and surname of all the authors: The author or authors may suggest the form in which they wish their name to appear in the publication, in order to ensure correct citation; otherwise, the first name and first surname will be cited.

ii. Affiliation: Authors must state their institutional affiliation, as well as the city and country.

iii. Profession and degree: Authors must include their profession and highest academic qualification.

iv. Authorial contribution: In cases of multiple authors, information must be included concerning the individual contribution of each author during the writing of the article.

v. Financing sources: Authors must name the institution which financed the study, or indicate that the work was self-financed.

vi. Possible conflicts of interest: Authors must include information concerning any relationship or condition, either institutional or financial, which might affect the objective interpretation of the article.

vii. The corresponding author must include contact information (email, telephone).

All articles which have been submitted previously to a scientific event or which form part of a thesis must include relevant information (in the form of a citation).

2. The content of the article must include the following parts:

a. Abstract in two languages, Spanish and English, and keywords in the respective languages (see: This applies to research studies, essays, bibliographical studies and literature reviews.

b. Main text: The length will depend on the section, as detailed below.

c. Bibliographical references for research studies, essays, bibliographical research and literature reviews (corresponding to explicit citations in the text). They should appear at the end of the text in alphabetical order. The only bibliographical references included should be those cited in the text. The model of the American Psychological Association (APA, see: should be followed, in its latest version. Authors will be responsible for ensuring that all abbreviated citations have their respective bibliographical reference at the end of the text.

Specific guidelines for each type of article

1. Research studies: These are texts which present a solid argument based upon a process of systematic analysis of both texts and fieldwork. To this end, they are structured in an argumentative order employing different categories of interpretation. The content of the text should be no more than 20 single side pages in length and be structured in the following parts:

a. An abstract in Spanish and English or Portuguese, with a maximum length of 150 words in Spanish and 100 words in English or Portuguese, and three to five keywords for each language.

b. Introduction: Brief overview of the current status of the issue being addressed, aims of the work and general hypothesis.

c. Materials and methods: Describe the characteristics of the material to be analyzed and the methodology employed in the study.

d. Results: Presentation of findings, in a clear manner.

e. Discussion: Interpretation of results, comparing them with the findings of other authors, setting out suggestions, postulations or conclusions reached by the author.

f. Bibliographical references: Only those cited in the text.

2. Essays: An argument presenting a tentative approach in order to explain a text or cultural process. The content must be no more than 15 pages long, single side and structured as follows:

a. Introduction

b. Main text

c. Conclusions

3. Book reviews: Presented as reflective, dialogic commentaries, based upon a solid academic criticism of the text in question. They should not exceed 10 pages. This section does not always contain bibliographical references.

4. Letters to the editor: Notes and commentaries of a punctual nature concerning a specific aspect of an academic issue, event, conference, work and/or the questioning of articles and essays published in the journal Desde el Sur or in another publication. Preferably, such contributions should be of a polemical nature. They should not exceed 10 pages in length.

5. Reissuing of texts: This section is devoted to the reediting of significant texts which are little-known or previously unpublished. Submissions are assessed directly by the journal’s editor and must have the express authorization of the original source. If published, the original source will be included in the article.

II. Ethical criteria and declaration of malpractice    

Research ethics

The Editorial Board is responsible for blocking the publication of research which does not meet the ethical criteria presented below. The journal Desde el Sur adheres to the recommendations contained in the Code of Conduct for Journal Editors (COPE
In the event that research submitted is conducted on human beings, it must be expressly mentioned that the procedures involved were carried out with respect for the ethical guidelines contained in the Helsinki Declaration; in the event that research submitted was conducted on animals, use is recommended of the guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals issued by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine ( Also, it must be indicated that the study was approved by an Ethics Committee.

Publishing ethics

In accordance with the recommendations of COPE:

- Research must have been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner.
- Research must be presented in a clear, transparent manner, without fabrication, falsification or manipulation of data.
- Methods must be presented in a clear manner, without ambiguities, in order to ensure that the findings can be confirmed by others (in the case of research studies).
- Research must be original, free of plagiarism, and must not have been published previously in another publication.
- Authors shall assume collective responsibility for the entire content of their publication.
- Credited authorship should reflect the contribution of each of the work’s coauthors, avoiding ethical errors such as honorary, gift or ghost authorship.
- Sources of financing and potential conflicts of interest must be described clearly.

The journal will evaluate all articles submitted to the editorial team using the Turnitin® system, in order to detect any possible plagiarism. The committee will decide whether or not there is a suspicion of plagiarism, and should it so decide, it may employ this criterion as grounds for rejection of the request for publication.

In the event that any ethical breach is detected, during the revision process or after publication, the journal will take action in accordance with the recommendations of COPE ( The decisions adopted by the journal may include the retraction of the article or the future prohibition of the publication of articles by the sanctioned authors. Additional measures may include communication with the relevant authorities and the notifying of other journals.


Credited authorship should reflect accurately the contribution of each of the authors during the research and writing stages of the article. Credited authorship should only include those individuals who made major contributions and not those who engaged in other “lesser” activities (merely technical, text revisions, etc.). Any such authorship issues should have been addressed during the earliest stages of the research project. The journal welcomes the application of appropriate authorship criteria; however, under no circumstances will it assume the role of judge in the event of authorship disputes. The final decision is the responsibility of the authors.

Honorary authorship is defined as any individual who does not meet the criteria for authorship but who is included by virtue of their reputation, influence or seniority; gifted authorship is that which does not meet the criteria of authorship but which is included as a favor or in return for payment; ghost authorship is that which does meet the criteria of authorship but which is not included in the list of authors.

Concerning peer reviewers

a. Texts subjected to peer review methods will be treated confidentially during this process. Reviewers may not divulge or comment upon texts that are under scrutiny.

b. Reviewers must identify the information contained in the texts and attest to its authenticity and originality.

c. If any errors are identified in the texts, these must be submitted as part of the reviewer’s report. Any failure to do so will reflect unfavorably upon the reputation of the reviewer.

d. If reviewers experience any potential conflict of interest –if they are acquainted with the author, for example- they must inform the editor of the situation and, if necessary, exempt themselves from reviewing the article.


III. Editorial process    

All articles submitted to the journal Desde el Sur for publication will be evaluated by the editor, who will decide if the article should be accepted or rejected, or will send observations requesting modifications to the text. This decision will be based upon fundamental objectives while respecting plurality of opinion.

In the case of articles which require peer review (Table 1), the editor, after considering whether or not the article is suitable for publication, will order a peer review of the manuscript by an expert on the subject (as established by their publications or academic qualifications). This evaluation is anonymous and ad honorem. The number of reviewers will depend on the type of article (Table 1). Reviewers may recommend that the article should be published without modifications, following the addressing of minor observations (usually recommendations for improvements in the manuscript), following the addressing of major observations (fundamental observations that question the methodology employed, etc., requiring a substantiated response from the author), or that it should not be published (when the reviewer considers that the article contains insurmountable errors). Having taken into consideration these recommendations, the final decision concerning publication of the article will be made by the editor.

In the event that the author is asked to address observations made by the reviewers, the author must submit the corrected article, together with a letter addressing specifically each of the observations. The editor will decide if the corrected article is suitable for publication, or if it should be reevaluated by a reviewer. Finally, the editor will decide if the article should be accepted for publication or rejected.

If the article is accepted, it will be subjected to the layout process and proofs will be produced. The author will receive the proofs and, within a reasonable period indicated by the editor, will be permitted to make amendments and give approval. Any author who fails to respond to this communication will be deemed to have implicitly accepted the version sent by the editor.

Table 1: Word count and other characteristics according to type of article

  Abstract (words) Content (pages) Peer review (number of reviewers) N.° of references
Research studies 150 20 Sí (2) 30
Essays 150 15 Sí (2) 40
Book reviews No 10 No 20
Letters to the editor No 10 No 20






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Panamericana Sur Km 19, Villa. Lima, Perú

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