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Scope and editorial policy


    Revista Elecciones provides immediate free access to its content through its web. This journal believes that free, quality research contributes to a greater exchange of ideas and the generation of more scientific knowledge.
    Sending manuscripts to Elecciones has no monetary cost. There is also no charge to edit or publish these articles.

Format and preparation of manuscripts


    Essential information to be recorded

    The authors must detail in a document their names and surnames, their institutional affiliation, their digital identity code [ORCID ID] and their contact email. This information should not be included in the article and should be attached when registering the manuscript.

    Format, word limit and text style

    Manuscripts sent to Elecciones must be in Microsoft Word format. Likewise, the article presented must be completely anonymized, without self-references to published works and without metadata from the word file. Although, authors can cite their own work in the bibliography.

    Each article has a word and character limit. These are:

    Articles and Varia: 8,000 words (approximately 48,000 characters with spaces).

    Research Notes: 5,000 words (approximately 30,000 characters with spaces).

    Election Analysis: 3,000 words (approximately 18,000 characters with spaces).

    Word and character count includes title, abstract, footnotes, and bibliography.

    The entire document must be in Garamond font size 12 with single line spacing. In the case of footnotes, these must be in Garamond font size 9. The article must be justified and not contain indentations. Likewise, bold or underlining is not used in the titles or content of the article. Spaces between lines should not be used either. The difference in levels must be done by enumeration.

    In the case of acronyms or acronyms, it is necessary to write the name in full the first time they appear in the text. Then the acronym or acronym will suffice.


    The title should be clear, concise and should not exceed a maximum of 15 words. The title must match the content of the article. An English version of the same must also be submitted.


    Abstracts should not exceed 250 words and should clearly and concisely state the purpose and argument of the article. Like the title, the abstract must be accompanied by an English version.


    Authors must provide a maximum of 5 keywords that directly refer to what their text addresses. An English version must also be submitted.

    Article structure

    The article must have a standard and classic structure, respecting the division into sections that must contain central elements such as the introduction, theoretical discussion, methodology, data analysis, conclusions and references. These titles are only suggested and can be adapted according to the topic and focus of each article. The texts that belong to the Election Analysis section do have a structure to follow. Authors interested in submitting this type of articles to Elecciones can consult the document referred to the Analysis Section on Elections.

    Charts and graphs

    Boxes must be submitted as editable text. These can be located in the text or at the end of it on separate pages. It is recommended to use the tables moderately and that they do not duplicate information already described in the article. Cell shading, bolding, and the use of vertical margins or side borders are discouraged. The boxes must also be in Garamond font.

    Graphics must be submitted in separate files in JPG or TIF format. Elecciones does not publish photographs or digitized images. Files with a resolution that is too low or graphics that are disproportionately large for the content are also not accepted.

    All tables and graphs must be numbered and properly referenced.

    Footnotes page

    Footnotes must be numbered and in superscript format. Footnotes should be used for additional text only. In no case should complete bibliographic references be included as these should be included at the end of the article. It is recommended not to overuse footnotes and, to do so, not use more than 10-15.

    Bibliographic citations

    Citations should appear in the text and not in footnotes. These must indicate the author's last name, the year and the page of the publication, all in parentheses. For example:

    (Suárez Cao 2014, 193)

    If the document has two authors, their surnames are cited together with “and”. For example:

    (Martínez-Hernández and Zapata 2020, 65)

    In the event that the document has three or more authors, it is enough to cite the first author followed by et al. For example:

    (de Souza Vieira et al. 2019, 99-101)

    In case of citing several works by the same author or group of authors that correspond to the same year, it is necessary to add the letter a, b, c... after the year. For example:

    (Ziblatt 2019a, 48)

    The one cited can be used in the text, so it must be indicated in parentheses. For example:

    As Tuesta Soldevilla (2020, 15) points out,...

    Bibliographic references

    Bibliographic references will be incorporated at the end of the article and should only contain references cited in the text. It is not possible to include additional references that are not found in the article. The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically by first surname. It is recommended not to use bibliography management systems that make editing texts difficult. You must also follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.

    If two or more references of an author that have been published in the same year are cited, these will be distinguished by a letter. For example:

    Campos, Milagros. 2020a. “El control parlamentario en tiempos de COVID-19.” En Constitución y emergencia sanitaria, coordinado por César Landa Arroyo, 105-110. Lima: Palestra Editores.

    Campos, Milagros. 2020b. “La parlamentarización del presidencialismo peruano.” En Derechos Fundamentales, coordinado por César Landa Arroyo, 25-30. Lima: Palestra Editores.

    Other cases to consider for the format of references are:

    Books by an author

    Power, Margaret. 2002. Right-Wing Women in Chile: Feminine Power and the Struggle against Allende, 1964–1973. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.

    Two or more authors

    Levitsky, Steven, y Mauricio Zavaleta. 2019. ¿Por qué no hay partidos políticos en el Perú?. Lima: Planeta Perú.

    Chapters of books

    Rodriguez Olivari, Denisse. 2017. “Partidos pobres, campañas ricas.” En Perú: elecciones 2016. Un país dividido y un resultado inesperado, editado por Fernando Tuesta Soldevilla, 65-90. Lima: PUCP.

    Scientific journal articles

    Gooch, Andrew, Alan Gerber y Gregory A. Huber. 2021. “Evaluations of candidates’ non-policy characteristics from issue positions: Evidence of valence spillover”. Electoral Studies, 69. DOI: 10.1016/j.electstud.2020.102246.

    Articles published in newspapers (print)

    Dowd, Maureen. 2020. “Oh, Brother! Tears for Trump.” New York Times, Noviembre 26.

    Articles published in newspapers (online)

    Campos, María Alejandra. 2020. “La política de la ficción”. El Comercio, Noviembre 28.

Submission of manuscripts


    Articles must be submitted through the Revista Elecciones platform (Open Journal Systems) by registering the authors. In case of doubts about the use of this system, interested persons can contact the Editor of Elecciones:






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Oficina Nacional de Procesos Electorales

Jr. Washington 1894, Cercado de Lima
Lima - Perú