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Submission of manuscript and cover letter

All authors must register at Industrial Data gateway and log in. Registered authors can start the five-step submission process, fill in the metadata fields, and upload the file(s) as per the Author Guidelines.

Authors must submit a cover letter stating that the paper is original and unpublished, and that they are aware of the editorial policies of INDUSTRIAL DATA regarding open access, paper review, ethics, submission of manuscripts, and furthermore the policy of not simultaneously submitting the paper elsewhere for publication. Click to download mandatory letter template.

Manuscript submission guidelines: Click to download mandatory article template. All manuscripts must adhere to the following structure and norms:


Title. It should be concise and reflect the actual content of the research paper. It must be written in Spanish and English.

Author(s). The first name and last name(s) of the author(s) must be provided.

E-mail address of the author(s) (preferably institutional mailing address)

Institution. Each author must provide the full name of the institution they belong to.

ORCID mandatory for all authors.

Biography. The highest academic degree, profession (optional), and position of the author must be indicated in footnotes, city and country.

Abstract. A single paragraph of no more than 150 words (or 7 lines). It must clearly state the problem, procedures, and findings of the research. It must be written in Spanish and English.

Keywords. A maximum of 5 keywords to facilitate their inclusion in the index and database. Keywords must be written in Spanish and English.

Funding source (optional). The code, acronym, or name of the institution that funded the research may be provided. Examples: FONDECYT 1090259; VRIP-UNMSM 161701011.


Introduction. This section should express why the topic was chosen and its significance. It is suggested to include: background, objective, hypothesis, justification, and limitations of the study.

Methodology. Authors should describe in a clear, direct, and concise manner how the research was conducted, so that it can be replicated.

Results. Must be properly illustrated with tables (including lists, catalogs, inventories) and figures (including graphics, diagrams, schematics, photos, maps, etc.), which should be numbered consecutively and accompanied by a legend that explains the content in such a manner that it can be understood without resorting to the text.

Discussion. The discussion must interpret the results obtained, compare them with previous research findings and highlight the contributions of the study.

Conclusion. The conclusion should provide the contributions of the research to a problem (of institutional, local, regional, national and/or international nature). This section may also be referred to as “Conclusions and Recommendations”.

Acknowledgements. People or institutions that directly contributed to the manuscript development may be acknowledged (optional).


Manuscripts should be written in the third person, must have at least 3500 words and can be up to 15 pages in length (on A4-sized paper, 10 pt Arial font, single column, single spaced). Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word format.


Illustrations in Industrial Data are called Figures and Tables. The journal publishes figures (graphs, photos, maps, schemes, etc.). Only original figures (created by the author) of high quality and resolution shall be accepted. The term “table” includes charts, lists, catalogs, inventories, and schematics.

The International System of Units (SI) should be used.

The decimal point should be used. For ease of reading, numbers may be divided into groups of three figures, which will not be separated by points or commas. This division in groups does not apply to numbers of four figures representing a year. Tables and Figures must be supplied in their native formats, that is to say, in an editable format, rather than in an image file.


Quotation in the text should follow the author-date system of APA Style.




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© Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial

Av. Calle Germán Amézaga N° 375
Lima 1; Cercado de Lima 15081
Lima - Perú