ISSN 1609-722X
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ISSN 1022-5129
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JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY OF PERU is the official Publication of the Society of Gastroenterology of Peru, whose purpose is to facilitate and maintain the high scientific level of its members and establish the exchange with the corresponding entities of the country and abroad. The journal has the following sections:

EDITORIAL. Responsibility of the Publishing Board.
ORIGINAL WORKS. Of approximately 3000 words. They should be unprecedented at the national and international levels.
SUBJECTS OF REVIEW. Updating on subjects of the specialty in particular or academics or medical - surgical related. Limited to 3,500 words.
They are done by invitation of the Publishing Board.
CASE (S) Report. Cases that should be known due to their clinical importance, in the diagnosis or in the treatment. Not more than 2,000 words.
NEWS. Short reports on advances in the specialty.
Manuscripts.- Should be sent in original, copy and a diskette or compact disk that includes text and tables in a well-known and updated program of text and figures (e.g. Word, Excel, etc.). Contact information should be included in the form indicating telephone or E-mail in order to deliver him the suggestions of the Publishing Board. In the text, abbreviations should be avoided, unless they have to do with units of measure; in case of drugs, its generic name should be used. The opinions mentioned in the articles are only responsibility of the authors.
In addition, the works presented are of exclusive property of the journal, and will be reproduced by third parties only with the corresponding authorization.
The Publishing Board reserves the right to request or suggest the necessary modifications in order to fulfill with the spirit and the standards of the publication.
The format and structure of the works should have the following order:

• Title. Brief and representative of the content of the article.
• Name of the author and co-authors. Accompanied by its professional position, institution, city and country where it works.
• Summary. In Spanish and English. It should not contain more than 200 words. The original works should include a brief description of introduction, objectives, material, and methods, results and conclusions. At the end of the summary, no less than 3 nor more than 5 key words should be included, that reflect the content of the text.
• Introduction. Brief presentation of background and of the objective of the work.
• Material and Methods. Describe concretely and precisely the characteristics of the sample and the methodology used in the study.
• Results. Clear expression of the findings, without interpretations, except for those of statistical scope. They can be presented in the form of Tables and/or Figures (figures, drawings, photographs).
• Discussion. Interpretation of the results, comparing them with the experience of other authors; including suggestions, postulates, or conclusions to those which the author arrives. At the end of the discussion write the name, address and/or E-mail of the principal author
• Bibliography. Bibliographic references will be made in accordance with the international standards, following the style of the Medicus Index. The correct abbreviations of the cited journals can be confirmed in:

• Mention of all the authors if they are 6 or less, if they are more add: col.. (Spanish) or (English).

Example of journal articles: Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL.
Solid-organ transplantation in HIV- infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002;347:284-7.

Example of books: Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002.

Example of book chapters: Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: Mc Graw-Hill; 2002. p.93-113.

Other examples of correct forms of references are found in:
References are listed depending on whether they appear first in the text of the article, identified by a number in superscript. Tables, figures, and photographs: They should be very clear so that they are correctly reproduced. The tables should be double-spaced, with clear title; insofar as possible, without horizontal nor vertical lines; tables, figures or illustrations will be ordered with Arabic numerals. Microphotograph legends should indicate the magnification and the staining method. The Publishing Board reserves the right to limit the issue of illustrations.
The articles are received in:

Juan de Aliaga No. 204– Lima 17- Peru.

They should be accompanied by a letter directed to the Principal Publishing Board of the Journal. Photos will be delivered in original or in digital format of high resolution.


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 Lima 17 - Perú 
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