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The manuscripts to be presented in the Journal of High Andean Research (RIA), must be original and unpublished double spaced in A4 format (21 by 29.7 cm), Times News Roman font, 12 size, with numbered lines , Indicating the category to be nominated, as summarized in Table Nro 01 written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese adjusted to the Editorial Policy. The first page will include the title of the article, name of the author (s), professional category, institutional affiliation to which they belong, postal address, email address and contact telephone number. In the second sheet, the work begins, without any identification data of the authors.

The manuscripts must be synchronized to "agricultural, biological and environmental sciences" in one of its following sections:

• Precision farming.
• Agroecology.
• Agroindustry and Food Science.
• Adaptation to Climate Change.
• Sustainable use of natural resources.
• Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
• Bio-trade, Ecological Economics, Geoeconomics.
• Animal Science and Grasslands.
• Competitiveness and Business and Industrial Diversification.
• Biological, chemical and physical functioning of the soil
• Economic and organizational development.
• Sustainable rural development.
• Plant ecophysiology and crop production.
• Clean, Safe and Efficient Energy.
• Genomics, Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology.
• Education and knowledge society.
• Genetic improvement, animal genetic resources and agricultural production.
• Genetic Plant Breeding and Plant Genetic Resources.
• Plant Health and Crop Protection.
• Agrarian Health and Social and Environmental Welfare.
• Soils and climate changes.
• Food safety.


Article Categories



Manuscripts sent to the Journal of high Andean research (RIA), must be adjusted to Table Nro 01; they must be original and should not have been published or submitted for publication in another journal as a whole or in part in printed or electronic format.

 Table Nro 01: Categories of articles accepted by the RIA: Section policies

Category of research article

Summary of the article, number of words

Maximum number of words

Number of tables and figures

Bibliographic references, minimum requirement

Editorial  (*)





Original articles





Original articles briefs





Case reports





Review articles





Symposium  (*)





Photo galley





 Letters to the editor





  * Section requested or presented by the Editor of the Journal of High Andean Research.      


Structure for the presentation of scientific articles



Article Title: Written in Spanish and English in an average of 15 words, it must be attractive, innovative, precise, clear and express the content of the writing; Do not use trade names or abbreviations, since they could have different meanings in different fields. For example "Ca" calcium could be mistaken for "CA", which means cancer.

Author (s), and Institution (s), and affiliation: write the first name, first surname (main author), initial of first name and surnames ... (Next authors); Be referenced with superscript numerals.

Abstract, written in Spanish and English, reduced version of the article, is punctually written in the past tense and a single paragraph in a maximum of 250 words, since it refers to a work already done. It includes the introduction, materials and methods, results and conclusion. Do not write in acronyms and abbreviations, do not cite references or present any information or conclusion not included in the article.

Key words in English and Spanish, maximum of five descriptors or keywords, in both languages, should appear at the end of the abstract paragraph, which preferably do not coincide with the title.

Introduction (What is the problem under study and why was it studied?): Introduce the research describing the problem, background and justification supported by scientific literature; Explain the importance of the topic and the objectives at the end of the section.

Materials and methods (How and what materials was the study conducted with?): Concisely described to facilitate replication for other researchers, unless they are new procedures to be described in detail (methodology used to contrast hypotheses). Consider: Type of study, population, sample size, type of sampling, data collection instruments, processing techniques and statistical analysis or sources of mechanisms for social fact discussion.

Results (what was found in the research?): Describe findings and demonstrations in logical sequence, supported with tables, figures and statistical analysis. They are structured based on the objectives, with titles and subtitles. Transcendental aspects are described.

Discussion (What does it mean?): They analyze and explain the results themselves and compare them with the previous knowledge (theoretical and empirical debate). It seeks to defend the validity and reliability of the study. The discussion follows the structure of the results, without titles or subtitles.

Conclusions (what is the position of the researcher in relation to the subject under investigation?): It is the summary of the discussion; presents the contribution of the author. It responds to the objectives, hypotheses and problem presented in order of importance.

Gratitude, to the people and institutions that supported the research, put the origin of the funding received.

Bibliographical references: They must be cited and referenced with research topics and publications of the last five years in scientific journals of high impact established in the editorial policy. The citation and Bibliographical references must be in accordance with the rules of the APA 6th Edition. In addition, it is mandatory to use EndNote or Mendeley or another for bibliographic references).

Tables and Figures: They must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numbers, located in the text where appropriate. The maximum actual size is 12x18 cms, including table header and / or foot of figure (in case of tables attach the data in excel). Each one will be presented in a separate document, (Table 1, Table 2, ... or figure 1, figure2 ...), and must be sent without keys (a graphic, drawing or photograph is considered a figure) adjusted to the standards of the APA 6th edition.





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