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Basic information

Revista Oficial del Poder Judicial is a semi-annual publication that receives collaborations and papers from researchers on law and justice. It is aimed at magistrates, researchers, university professors, professors, students and a public interested in the issues of academic reflection, critical work and legal research.

The journal's articles are anonymously refereed by specialists from outside the institution, who take into account the following evaluation criteria: originality, work contribution, topicality, and contribution to legal knowledge. 

The journal reserves the right of publication and, in the event that the submitted article is accepted, it may make the style corrections and other adjustments necessary to meet the requirements of the publication.


  Indexing sources
    Articles published in Revista Oficial del Poder Judicial  are indexed in:
  • Scopus 

  • SciELO Perú

  • Latindex 2.0

  • DOAJ

  • MIAR


  • ERIH Plus

  • LatinREV

  • BASE

  • Dimensions


  • WorldCat

  • ROAD

  • SCilit

  • Fatcat


  Intellectual property  

The authors retain their copyrights and register under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which allows the use of the published material (adapt - remix, transform and build - and share - copy and redistribute - the material in any medium or format).

  1. The journal allows authors to retain their copyrights of submitted articles without any restrictions.

  2. Authors retain the right to share, distribute, copy, perform and publicly communicate the article published in Revista Oficial del Poder Judicial (e.g., place it in an institutional repository).

  3. Authors retain the right to make a subsequent publication of their work, to use the article or any part of it (for example: a compilation of their work, notes for conferences, thesis, or for a book), as long as they indicate the source of publication (authors of the work, journal, volume, number and date).



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© Poder Judicial del Perú

Palacio Nacional de Justicia,
Av. Paseo de la República cuadra 2 s/n, Lima 21
Lima - Perú