ISSN 1810-634X
versión impresa


Instructions to the authors


The Journal of the Chemical Society of Peru (CSP) publishes original and unprecedented works of scientific, technological and technical nature in the field of the chemical sciences. The Journal preferably accepts works that express valuable results, outcomes of basic or applied scientific research; in addition, those works for dissemination that by their importance and clarity, constitute a valuable material for the scientific and technological community.

The Journal, in printed or electronic format, is divided into the following sections: articles of research, short communications, letters to the editor, review articles, chemical education, and of dissemination. In addition, the information section is reserved for the CSP. All the articles are reviewed by the Commission of Publications, the style proofreader of style and by the designated referees.

The research articles are the result of an experimental or theoretical work, product of scientific or technological research that constitutes a new knowledge. An extension close to the 12 simple face pages is recommended.

Short communications are works whose extension should not be greater than 4 simple face pages, written under the same characteristics as an article of research. They refer to concluded short works, but with urgency for its publication.

The letters to the editor are communications that give the opportunity for discussion, criticism, or to expand some points on the works published in the Journal. Its extension should not exceed a single-space sheet.

The review works are based on bibliographic collections on topics in which the author has broad experience. An extension close to 16 simple face pages is recommended. The Publications Commission will submit these works to specialists in the matter.

The articles on chemistry are the ones that specially provide the professors and students with a new vision, interpretation or clarify the concepts, theories or chemical experiments. The requirements are necessary: originality, pedagogical importance, importance, and clarity. An extension close to the 12 simple-face pages is recommended to.

The informative notes correspond to subjects that are not related to research, but are articles that deserve to be disseminated, as they are of great interest for the chemical community. An extension close to the 10 simple-face pages is recommended.

The authors of the published works are the only responsible for the authenticity and opinions expressed in the same. All the authors of an article should sign a letter of introduction of the work as guarantee of having actively participated in the research and drafting of the article. All communications between the Publications Commission and the principal author will be carried out via E-mail. The principal author should answer the E-mail in no more than the five days.

The authors will send their printed articles and in electronic format (compact disk or to the E-mail to the Publications Commission, together with a letter addressed to the Editor and will pay 10 dollars – non-reimbursable - for administrative expenditures, as an advance of the payment for publication.

The publication of each work is subject to the following payments: for authors residing abroad US$100, for associated authors living in the country US$60 and for associates US$30 or its equivalent in national currency. The cost of a publication carried out by associates and not associates is of US$45. When the number of national authors is more than 3, US$10 will be paid, in addition, for each author in excess.

Format for the articles

Download the plan of article. The authors can request the plan of article to the E-mail

1. Full text should be written in Microsoft Word, A4 size page. Margins; left 3 cm, right 3 cm, superior 3 cm, lower 3 cm. Space 2, source Times New Roman, Normal (unless otherwise indicated), color of source black (text and figures) and format size 12. It should be printed vertically. The whole text, except for the title, should be aligned to the right and to the left (use the "justify" option).

2. Publication languages are Spanish and English.

3. The title of the work, that should be brief and clear, in Spanish and English (this last before the abstract) should be written with source 16, centered and in bold. Full names of the authors will appear below with size 12, the principal author identified with an asterisk. The institutions from where the authors come are written with Iran size 10 and with footers, where only the principal author will place its E-mail after the complete mailing address of its institution.

4. Two summaries will be presented, one in Spanish and another one in English (Abstract), with an approximate extension of 50 to 200 words. The words Summary and Abstract are written with size 14, centered and in bold. Furthermore, after the Summary, 3 to 6 key words in Spanish should be included. Key words are written to the left of the text, with size 12 and in bold.

5. The international standards referring to the nomenclature, symbols and systems of measure should be followed. The scientific names of genus and species go in italics (cursive).

6. For original articles and short communications, the text should contain the following sections: Introduction, Experimental Part, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References. These are written with size 14, in bold and centered. Letters to the Editor, review articles, teaching of chemistry and informative notes, will have the sections that the author considers more advisable.

7. Tables, figures, and schemes, should not be larger than A4 pages, have Arabic numbers followed by a period and written in bold. The legend explaining its meaning is placed below. The numbers and legends in a table, whose format should be Basic 1, are placed in the upper part unlike the figures and the schemes which are located in the lower part.

8. Tables, photos, figures, and schemes should be included in the document using Microsoft Word.

9. References are cited in the text correlatively, using superscript. The use of these references should not be excessive, between 7 and 15. The section References is written with size 14, centered and in bold. The abbreviations of the journals will be written according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index ( and List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus
( The cited references will be written with size 10 and following the Vancouver style. Instructions for writing articles of the portal can be download at


Articles of Journals

Díaz Jara JL, Ríos Vázquez M, Ramírez Puente J. Química del petróleo. Rev Soc Quim Perú 1997; 72 (3): 128-135.

If more than six authors:

Martín Cantera C, Córdoba García R, Jane Julio C, Nebot Adell M, Galán Herrera S, Aliaga M. et. al. Química del cobre. J Am Chem Soc 1997; 109 (19): 744-748.

Books and Other Monographs

Individual Authors

Jimenez C, Riaño D, Moreno E, Jabbour N. Avances en trasplante de órganos abdominales. Madrid: Cuadecon; 1997.

Editor(s) Compiler(s):

Gallo Vallejo FJ, León López FJ, Martínez-Cañavate López-Montes J, Tonío Duñantez J. Editores. Manual del Residente de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. 2ªed.. Madrid: SEMFYC; 1997.

Book chapter

Buti Ferret M. Hepatitis vírica aguda. En: Rodés Teixidor J, Guardia Massó J dir. Medicina Interna. Barcelona: Masson; 1997. p. 1520-1535.

Proceedings of conferences

Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophisiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophisiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japón. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996.

Presentation given at a conference

Peiró S. Evaluación comparativa de la eficiencia sanitaria y calidad hospitalaria mediante perfiles de práctica médica. En: Menen R, Ortun V editores. Política y gestión sanitaria: la agenda explícita. Seminario Elementos para una agenda en política y gestión sanitaria; Valencia 25-26 de abril de 1996. Barcelona: SG editores; 1996. p. 63-78


Rubio Garcia J. Estudio transversal de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular en población infantil del medio rural gallego. [Tesis doctoral]. Trujillo, Perú: Editora Científica, Universidad del Norte; 2006.


Qlarsen CE, Trip R, Johnson CR, inventors; Novoste Corporation, asignee. Méthods for procedures related to the electrophisiology of the heart. US patente 5,529,067. 1995 Jun 25.

Documentos legales

Decreto Supremo Nº 167-2009-EF, Aprueban convenio recursos naturales de la región Lima. (Diario Oficial El Peruano, 374698, de 10-11-09).

Diccionarios y obras de consulta

Dorland Diccionario Enciclopédico Ilustrado de Química. 18ª ed. Lima: McGraw-Hill, Interamericana; 2000. Difteria; p. 234.


In Peru S/.60.00

Abroad US$50.00

Individual issue S/.15.00




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