Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Liberabit]]> vol. 19 num. 1 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <link></link> <description/> </item> <item> <title><![CDATA[<B>Mothering fathers</B>: <B>changes in sight?</B>]]> Today men interact more with their children and with their home environments compared with past decades. Men are redefining their identity and their roles, questioning societal constraints. Based on some studies of anthropology, sociology and psychology carried out in recent decades especially in Latin America, the relationship between father and son is focused in this article. In order to reflect on the possible effects of mothering fathers into the next generation this study tries to highlight the importance of parent-child relationship in the construction of male gender identity and to discuss asymmetries in the sharing of parental care, to identify the elements that contribute for different assumptions on fatherhood, and assessing the gender gap between men and women concerning child care.<hr/>Hoy los hombres interactúan más con sus hijos y con su entorno familiar en comparación con décadas pasadas. Los hombres están redefiniendo su identidad y sus funciones, cuestionando las restricciones sociales. Sobre la base de algunos estudios de la antropología, la sociología y la psicología llevados a cabo en las últimas décadas, especialmente en América Latina, la relación entre padre e hijo es enfocada en este artículo. Con el fin de reflexionar sobre los posibles efectos de los padres maternales a la siguiente generación este estudio trata de poner de relieve la importancia en la relación padre-hijo, en la construcción de la identidad de género masculino y para discutir las asimetrías en la distribución de la atención de los padres, para identificar los elementos que contribuyen para diferentes supuestos sobre la paternidad, la evaluación de la brecha de género entre hombres y mujeres en el cuidado de los niños. <![CDATA[<B>Corpo e cognições sociais</B>]]> Este trabalho trata-se uma revisão da literatura sobre as cognições sociais e comportamentos relacionados ao corpo e tem por objetivo apresentar o entendimento acerca do corpo dentro do escopo da psicologia social, especificamente em relação à teoria e ao fenômeno das representações sociais. Nessa perspectiva, considera-se, além das dimensões psicológicas e individuais, também o papel das crenças e valores compartilhados socialmente para se compreender as concepções e as funções sociais atreladas ao corpo, bem como os comportamentos a ele relacionados.Tomam-se como base estudos empíricos e ensaios teóricos publicados na literatura científica de abrangência nacional e internacional. Nota-se que a teoria das representações sociais possibilita uma compreensão amplificada do corpo e dos comportamentos a ele associados. Sabe-se que o corpo media as relações sociais, e, além disso, considera-se queo mesmo tem sido evidência tanto na mídia como nas produções científicas nas últimas décadas, refletindo o movimento da sociedade em relação a este objeto e os valores a ele imbricados. Vive-se um momento social importante para se pensar o corpo, as crenças e os cuidados relativos a ele.<hr/>This paper is a literature review about social cognitions and behaviors related to the body. Our goal is to present what is understood by body in the scope of social psychology, specifically in relation to social representation theory and phenomenon. In this perspective, the role of socially shared beliefs and values is taken in consideration as well as the psychological and individual dimensions so to comprehend the conceptions and social functions linked to the body, along with behaviors related to it. Empirical studies and theoretical essays published in the scientific literature nationally and internationally were used as a foundation. Social representation theory makes possible an amplified comprehension of the body and behaviors associated to it. It is known that the body mediates social relations and moreover the body has been considered over the last decades as a highlight in the media and scientific productions, mirroring the movement of society in relation to this object and values imbricated in it. We are living an important social moment to think about the body, and the beliefs and cares related to it. <![CDATA[<B>Sentimento anômico e condutas antissociais e delitivas</B>: <B>verificação de um modelo causal em jovens brasileiros</B>]]> A anomia conduz o indivíduo para uma sociedade carente no consenso do conteúdo das normas sociais fazendo com que as pessoas vivam sem aderir ou cumprir as regras sociais prejudicando a uma boa interação indivíduo-sociedade; nesse sentindo, o sentimento anômico refere-se a um estado mental de desespero e de abandono que acompanha o sujeito, devido à falta de acesso aos meios socialmente prescritos para a realização dos fins sociais. As condutas desviantes referem-se aos comportamentos que não estão de acordo com os códigos e os preceitos morais socialmente estabelecidos, infringindo simultaneamente regras de conduta e causando prejuízo a sociedade e ao individuo. Neste estudo pretende-se verificar a associação do sentimento anômico com as condutas desviantes em jovens. 235 homens e mulheres com idade de 13 e 20 anos, da rede de educação publica e privada da cidade de João Pessoa-PB, responderam a escala de sentimento de estar à margem da sociedade, a escala de condutas antisociais e delitivas e questões sócio-demográficas. A partir do programa AMOS GRAFICS 16.0, observaram-se indicadores psicométricos que comprovaram a associação, positiva, entre sentimento anômico e as condutas desviantes.<hr/>The anomie leads the individual to a society lacking the consensus of the content of social norms so that people can live without adhering or fulfill the social rules hurting a good individual-society interaction. That been said, the feeling anomic refers to a mental state of hopelessness and helplessness that accompanies the subject, due to lack of access to socially prescribed ways to the achievement of social goals. The deviant behaviors refer to behaviors that are not in accordance with codes and socially established moral precepts, while violating rules of conduct and causing harm to society and the individual. This study aims to verify the association of feeling with the anomic deviant behavior in young people. 235 men and women aged 13 to 20 years, the network of public and private education in the city of João Pessoa, the scale of respondents feeling of being on the fringes of society, the scale of antisocial and criminal behavior and socio-demographic. From the program AMOS 16.0 grafics, it was observed psychometric indicators that demonstrated the positive correlation, between anomic feeling and deviant behavior. <![CDATA[<B>Axiological profiles of students from three university careers</B>: <B>discriminant functions of three interpretation of the Schwartz´s theory</B>]]> Este trabajo busca describir los perfiles axiológicos de los estudiantes de Psicología, Administración de Empresas e Ingeniería de una universidad privada argentina (n = 211). Se analizan las diferencias axiológicas a la luz de tres lecturas propuestas sobre la Teoría de Valores de Schwartz. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes priorizan aquellas dimensiones axiológicas que agrupan los valores de universalismo y benevolencia. Las tres lecturas discriminan los perfiles axiológicos de los estudiantes según carrera, aunque con una capacidad de clasificación limitada. La discrepancia se aprecia entre las dimensiones que contienen los valores de universalismo y benevolencia, y el valor de poder. Asimismo, la diferenciación axiológica según el perfil de la carrera se relaciona con la incidencia del género en ellas.<hr/>The present study aims to describe axiological profiles of students of psychology, business-administration and engineering from a private university of Buenos Aires, Argentina (n = 211). The axiological differences are analyzed on the three proposal interpretation according to Schwartz´s values. The results show that students prioritized those axiological dimensions which include values of universalism and benevolence, and they attribute less importance. The three interpretations discriminate the axiological profiles of the students according to the career, although with a limited capacity. It´s seen a discrepancy between the dimensions that contain the values of universalism and benevolence, and the value of power. Also, the axiological differentiation from career´s profile is related to the impact of gender on them. <![CDATA[<B>On the supposed safety of marijuana’s consumption</B>: <B>difference between consumers in national surveys in Colombia</B>]]> Diferentes fuentes muestran que el consumo de marihuana tiene efectos negativos sobre la salud y la convivencia ciudadana. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar diferencias entre consumidores y no consumidores de marihuana, en variables que pudieran mostrar la tendencia a afectaciones sociales y de salud, eventualmente asociadas al consumo de la sustancia en cuestión. Se tomaron las bases de datos de los estudios nacionales de consumo de 2008 (población general de 12 a 65 años) y 2011 (población escolarizada entre 12 y 18 años). En la primera población se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a accidentes laborales y consumo de riesgo y perjudicial de alcohol; en la segunda, se encontró un rendimiento académico deficitario e incidentes de agresión, a veces como víctimas, otras como victimarios, entre los consumidores. Los resultados confirman los hallazgos de otros estudios, en los cuales se ha podido establecer que, contrariamente a la creencia común entre muchos consumidores de marihuana, sí hay una asociación entre consumo de esa sustancia y problemas a nivel de conducta y de rendimiento académico. Se sugiere realizar estudios longitudinales para superar las deficiencias metodológicas derivadas de los estudios transversales.<hr/>Data from several sources show that marihuana smoking has harmful effects on health and conviviality. The purpose of this study was to analyse the differences between users and non-users of marihuana on variables potentially associated with social and health problems amongst those using marihuana. Two data bases were analyzed: one from 2008, regarding general population (12 to 65 years of age), and a second one from 2011 regarding school populations with ages between 12 and 18. In the first population significant differences were found for work accidents and alcohol abuse; in the second one the differences were related to academic failure and agression incidents, some times as victims, some times as perpetrators. The results confirm other studies’ findings: contrary to the common belief among marihuana users, there is a strong association between the use of the substance and behavioral and academic problems. It is suggested that longitudinal studies must be carried out in order to overcome the methodological limitations and flaws related to cross-sectional studies. <![CDATA[<B>Urban life stress in preadolescents</B>: <B>a longitudinal assessment in Lima</B>]]> This study has the aim to longitudinally explore stressors and perceived stress in several domains in preadolescents in the urban area of Lima. A non-clinical sample (N = 170, 9-11 years) from low and high socioeconomic status (SES) was investigated in four waves of data collection across two subsequent years. A multilevel analysis revealed that the intensity of perceived life stress decreased across the two years. Results further showed that preadolescents from low SES were more stressed about themselves and family than those from high SES. Regarding gender, girls were more stressed about their family and friends than boys. Finally, a list of the most frequent stressors in preadolescents living in the urban area of Lima is described.<hr/>Este estudio tiene como objetivo explorar longitudinalmente los eventos estresantes en preadolescentes de una zona urbana de Lima. Una muestra no clínica (N = 170, 9-11 años) proveniente de niveles socioeconómicos (SES) alto y bajo en la zona urbana de Lima, fue evaluada en cuatro momentos a lo largo de dos años. El análisis multinivel mostró que la intensidad de estrés percibido disminuyó durante los dos años. Los preadolescentes de SES bajo, mostraron más estrés sobre sí mismos y sobre sus familia en comparación con los de SES alto. Las niñas se estresaban más por sus familias y amigos que los niños. Finalmente se describen los estresantes más frecuentes encontrados en este grupo de preadolescentes limeños que viven en una zona urbana. <![CDATA[<B>Graphic creativity and focused attention in abused children</B>]]> El maltrato infantil es altamente negativo para el desarrollo, sin embargo, investigaciones sobre resiliencia señalan que algunos seres humanos logran superar condiciones adversas. Una variable relevante para ello es la creatividad. Asimismo la atención participa regulando procesos y organizando la información. Por lo tanto los objetivos fueron: comparar la atención focalizada y la creatividad gráfica entre niños con y sin historia de maltrato infantil y analizar la relación entre atención y creatividad. Se utilizó el Test CARAS (Thurstone & Yela, 1997) y Test de Creatividad Gráfica (Marín-Ibáñez, 1995). Se evaluaron 61 niños/as de 7 a 12 años de edad. Los resultados señalan diferencias significativas en la creatividad a favor de los niños no maltratados. En la atención no hubo diferencias significativas, pero los niños víctimas de maltrato cometieron significativamente más errores que los niños sin esta característica.<hr/>Child abuse has a highly negative impact on growth, nonetheless, recent investigations in resilience point at the fact that some individuals can overcome extremely adverse situations. One relevant variable regarding resilience is creativity. At the same time, attention controls and guides the processes that lead to creative productions. The objectives were: to compare focused attention and graphic creativity in abused and non-abused children and to analyze the relationship between focused attention and the creativity variables. We evaluated 61 children of both sexes, between 7 and 12 years old, with and without family abuse records. The instruments were the CARAS Test (Thurstone & Yela, 1997), and the Graphic Creativity Test (Marín-Ibáñez, 1995). We found some important differences regarding creativity favoring children with no abuse indicators. No significant differences were found regarding attention, though abused children made more mistakes than non-abused ones. <![CDATA[<B>Cooperative learning</B>: <B>a modelto be applied against bullying</B>]]> Este ensayo nace a partir de una reflexión acerca del tema del maltrato entre iguales y cómo este se contextualiza desde la escuela. Creemos que un enfoque que centre el problema del maltrato entre iguales en la escuela más que en los sujetos, resulta relevante, por cuanto la perspectiva del sujeto/problema no ha logrado hasta la fecha aportar una solución real al fenómeno. Pretendemos, por tanto, plantear una mirada distinta del maltrato entre iguales, centrando la problemática en la institución escolar, de modo que esta se haga responsable en su conjunto del tema del maltrato entre sus alumnos y busque soluciones integrales, que vayan más allá de los sujetos o grupos. En esta línea planteamos los beneficios del aprendizaje cooperativo, el cual denota una estructura general ampliamente desfavorecedora de las conductas de maltrato entre iguales.<hr/>This essay was born from a reflection on the issue of bullying and how it contextualizes from school. We believe that an approach that focuses the problem of bullying in school rather than the subject, is relevant, since the perspective of the subject/problem has not to date achieved to provide a real solution to the phenomenon. We intend, therefore, to pose a different view of bullying, focusing problems in the school, so it is accountable in its whole issue of abuse among their students and find integral solutions that go beyond the individuals or groups. In this way we propose the benefits of cooperative learning, which denotes a largely unflattering overall structure of the bullying behaviors. <![CDATA[<B>Predicting academic performance and attrition in undergraduate students</B>]]> The purpose of this study is to analyze whether educational aptitudes can predict academic performance and attrition. To measure educational aptitudes, the Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) was applied to a nonrandom sample of 1530 firstyear undergraduate students of a private university in Argentina. For the analysis, multiple and logistic regression models were used. The results showed that DAT scores can predict academic performance, but there is a moderate to low relationship between these scores and dropout rates. To summarize, this study is a first step to predict students’ academic success, in order to save resources and prevent frustration.<hr/>El propósito de este estudio es analizar si las aptitudes educativas pueden predecir el rendimiento académico y la deserción. Para medir las aptitudes educativas se aplicó el Test de Aptitudes Diferenciales (Differential Aptitude Test - DAT) a una muestra no probabilística de 1530 estudiantes de primer año de grado de una universidad privada de la Argentina. Para el análisis se utilizaron modelos de regresión múltiple y logística. Los resultados muestran que el DAT puede predecir el rendimiento académico, mientras que la relación entre el DAT y la deserción es de moderada a baja. Este estudio es un primer paso para predecir el éxito académico de los estudiantes, con el objetivo de ahorrar recursos y evitar la frustración. <![CDATA[<B>Perceived stress, coping and hardy personality in infertile women</B>]]> El estudio examinó la relación entre el estrés percibido, la utilización de estrategias de afrontamiento al estrés y la personalidad resistente en mujeres en tratamiento por infertilidad de Concepción (Chile). La muestra estuvo constituida por 115 mujeres entre 20 y 47 años, con un promedio de edad de 33 años. El estrés percibido mostró relaciones negativas con la dimensión de control de la personalidad resistente y con las estrategias de Focalización en la solución de problema y Reevaluación positiva, a la vez que presentó relaciones positivas con las estrategias de Expresión emocional abierta y Auto focalización negativa. Por su parte las tres dimensiones de la personalidad resistente mostraron relaciones positivas con la estrategia de Focalización en la solución de problema. Se proponen diversas explicaciones para los resultados obtenidos.<hr/>The study examined the relationships between perceived stress, coping strategies and resistant personality in women undergoing treatment for infertility from Concepción (Chile). Participants were 115 women, 20 to 47 years old. Perceived stress presented negative relationships with the dimension of control of hardy personality and with Problem-solving coping and Positive reappraisal, and positive relationships with Overt emotional expression and Negative auto-focused coping. All the dimensions of resistant personality showed positive relationships with Problem-solving coping. Diverse explanatory factors for obtained results are proposed. <![CDATA[<B>Workplace bullying in spanish and peruvian workers</B>: <B>an exploratory studywith the LIPT-60</B>]]> El presente estudio piloto tiene como objetivo general describir el acoso laboral percibido por parte de trabajadores españoles y trabajadores inmigrantes peruanos que han acudido en busca de orientación a la «Plataforma contra los Riesgos Psicosociales y la Discriminación Laboral de la Comunidad de Madrid» (PRIDICAM) durante el periodo 2002-2012. El diseño utilizado es descriptivo y el muestreo fue intencional. Se ha contado con una muestra de 50 trabajadores españoles y 44 peruanos. Se utilizó la adaptación española del «Cuestionario de Estrategias de Acoso en el Trabajo» de Leymann (LIPT-60). Los resultados obtenidos indican que los trabajadores peruanos perciben mayor número de conductas de acoso, así como una mayor intensidad en el acoso laboral percibido que los trabajadores españoles. En cuanto al tipo de acoso laboral percibido, los trabajadores peruanos informan sobre mayores niveles de intimidación manifiesta, desprestigio laboral y desprestigio personal.<hr/>The present pilot-study has the general aim to describe the perceived mobbing in Spanish workers and Peruvian immigrant workers who requested professional orientation to the «Platform against the Psychosocial Factors and the Labor Discrimination of the Community of Madrid» (PRIDICAM) during the period 2002-2012. The used design is descriptive and the sampling was intentional. A sample of 50 Spanish victims and other one of 44 Peruvian victims are considered. The Spanish version of the Leymann Inventory of Psychological Terrorization (LIPT-60) has been used. The obtained results indicate that the Peruvian workers perceive major number of bullying behaviors as well as major intensity than the Spanish workers. With regard to the type of perceived bullying, the Peruvian workers report on higher levels of manifest intimidation, loss of professional prestige and loss of personal prestige. <![CDATA[<B>Pre-experimental designs in psychology and education</B>: <B>a conceptual review</B>]]> En el presente trabajo se efectúa un análisis de las denominaciones y significados asignados al concepto diseño preexperimental. Se ha revisado una parte de la literatura existente sobre el tema y en ella se ha realizado la revisión bibliográfica del concepto. Entre los textos especializados en metodología, especialmente en aquellas que abordan la experimentación se encuentra una gran diversidad de denominaciones, las que hemos pretendido agruparlas en este trabajo para facilitar el análisis y comprender las razones por las cuales existe tanta variedad de significados que se le han otorgado. Asimismo, se plantea porqué estos diseños son importantes en la actualidad.<hr/>In this paper we analyze the names and meanings assigned to preexperimental design concept, reviewing some of the literature on this topic especially in Spanish language. Among the textbooks on methodology, there are a great number of denominations, which we have tried to classify in order to facilitate analysis and to understand the reasons why they have so many different meanings. In the frame of this communication we discuss why these designs are important today.