Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Scientia Agropecuaria]]> vol. 7 num. 1 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Effect of different extracting solvents on antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds of a fruit and vegetable residue flour</b>]]> In order to quantify antioxidant capacity in food products, several methods have been proposed over the years. Among them, DPPH radical is widely used to determine the antioxidant capacity of different substrates. However, it is known that different types of extractants, providing different responses, can extract a variety of bioactive compounds. Besides, storage time seems to interfere in the stability of these substances. Integral use of fruits and vegetables has been proposed along the years as a means of reducing environmental pollution and give a better destination to by-products from food industries. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant potential of a fruit and vegetables residue flour (FVR) with sequential and non-sequential extraction, in order to evaluate its antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds. And these compounds stability during storage of 180 days. It was observed that in non-sequential extraction, water was able to reduce by 74% the radical; however, at sequential extraction process, using six different extractors, each one was able to reduce at least 40% of DPPH. The total soluble phenolic contents in sequential extraction were 22.49 ± 1.59 mg GAE/g FVR on the first day and 5.35 ± 0.32 mg GAE/g FVR after 180 days. <![CDATA[<b>Kinetics of color development in glucose/Amino Acid model systems at different temperatures</b>]]> This study investigated the influence of temperature on the color development of melanoidins formed from a single combination of glucose with amino acid. The selected amino acid, commonly found in apple juice and highly reactive in the Maillard reaction, were asparagine (Asn), aspartic acid (Asp) and glutamic acid (Glu). For this, the color development was evaluated by measuring browning at 420 nm and color measurements by spectrophotometry and colorimetry methods. The effect of temperature on the color intensity, the absorption of melanoidins were also measured at different wavelengths (280, 325, 405). The value of melanoidins formed from all model systems was located on a dominant wavelength of 325 nm, the ultra violet zone of the diagram. A first-order kinetic model was applied to L* and the evolution of color difference ΔE*. In addition, a*, b* values, significantly differences were found in the glucose/aspartic acid model system in the brown-red zone. Therefore, the color development of the melanoidins was influenced by the type of amino acid and temperature, and it is thought that the a* and b* values can be used to explain the differences among the amino acid in the color development of melanoidins. <![CDATA[<b>lation of biosurfactant producing microorganisms and lipases from wastewaters from slaughterhouses and soils contaminated with hydrocarbons</b>]]> Los biosurfactantes son moléculas anfipáticas que reducen la tensión en la interfase, incrementando así la solubilidad en agua y disponibilidad de compuestos orgánicos, son producidos por bacterias, hongos, y levaduras. Para el aislamiento de bacterias productoras de biosurfactante y lipasas, se sembró en medios inductores 10% de efluentes residuales procedentes de camales y suelos de grifos contaminados con hidrocarburos de la Provincia de Trujillo - Perú. Los cultivos aislados se sembraron en agar lecitina y agar rodamina para la determinación de productores de lipasas. Los microorganismos seleccionados se sembraron en agar sangre y agar Siegmund y Wagner (SW) para la selección preliminar de bacterias biosurfactantes. Posteriormente se determinó a aquellos microorganismos productores de surfactantes mediante Índice de Emulsificación (IE) y Medición de la Tensión superficial. Los cultivos positivos a estas pruebas fueron seleccionados e identificados mediante galerías API e identificación molecular por secuenciamiento de ADN. Los cultivos que redujeron en mayor medida la tensión superficial fueron P. aeruginosa y B. amyloliquefaciens, llegando a reducir la tensión superficial a 27,2 ± 0,4 y 31,03 ± 0,4 mN/m respectivamente, mientras que P. stutzeri y Pseudomonas sp. redujeron la tensión superficial a 48,3 y 52,6 ± 0,4 mN/m respectivamente. Se concluye, por tanto, que se obtuvo 49 cultivos productores de lipasas de la provincia de Trujillo, de los cuales se determinó que Pseudomonas stutzeri, Pseudomonas sp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Bacillus amyloliquefaciens son productores de biosurfactantes y pueden aplicarse en el área de la biotecnología ambiental para la remoción y biodegradación de contaminantes.<hr/>Surfactants are amphipathic molecules which reduce stress at the interface, thereby increasing water solubility and availability of organic compounds are produced by bacteria, fungi, and yeasts. For the isolation of biosurfactant producing bacteria and lipases, was plant in inducing means 10% of sewage effluent from slaughterhouses and soils contaminated with hydrocarbons Province taps Trujillo - Peru. Isolates were seed in agar cultures lecithin and rhodamine agar for determination of lipase producers. The selected microorganisms were plate on blood agar and agar Siegmund and Wagner (SW) for preliminary selection of biosurfactants bacteria. Later it determined to those microorganisms producing surfactants by Emulsification Index (EI) and measurement of surface tension. Positive cultures these tests were select and identified by API galleries and molecular identification by DNA sequencing. Crops further reduced surface tension were P. aeruginosa and B. amyloliquefaciens, reaching reduce surface tension to 27.2 ± 0.4 and 31.03 ± 0.4 mN / m respectively, while P. stutzeri and Pseudomonas sp. reduced surface tension to 48.3 and 52.6 ± 0.4 mN / m respectively. We conclude, therefore, that 49 producing crops lipases province Trujillo, of which it was determined that Pseudomonas stutzeri, Pseudomonas sp, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens are producers of biosurfactants and can be applied in the area of biotechnology was obtained environmental for the removal and biodegradation of contaminants. <![CDATA[<b>Analysis of benthic macroinvertebrates biodiversity of Cunas river by means of environmental indicators, Junin-Peru</b>]]> El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar el estado de la biodiversidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos del río Cunas mediante indicadores ambientales. Se definieron tres sectores de muestreo en dos épocas contrastantes. La valoración de las presiones antrópicas se realizó mediante la determinación de la carga de DBO5 aportada por aguas residuales. Se colectaron muestras de agua para la determinación de nitratos, fosfatos y coliformes termotolerantes. Los indicadores medidos in situ fueron: oxígeno disuelto, sólidos totales disueltos, conductividad, temperatura, pH y turbidez. Las muestras de macroinvertebrados bentónicos se colectaron utilizando una red Surber con malla de 250 µm de abertura. Los resultados de la presión antrópica sobre los macroinvertebrados bentónicos fueron: media de DBO5 de aguas residuales de la actividad piscícola 7,70 mg/L, de la actividad pecuaria 869 mg/L y de la actividad urbana 428,3 mg/L. Los resultados de los indicadores físico-químicos y bacteriológicos mostraron diferencias significativas para la conductividad, temperatura y sólidos totales disueltos. Se identificaron cuatro phyla, siete clases, 12 órdenes y 26 familias de macroinvertebrados bentónicos. Se concluye que las descargas de aguas residuales de las actividades pecuaria y urbana son presiones antrópicas significativas sobre la biodiversidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos. Los indicadores fisicoquímicos y bacteriológicos de la calidad del agua determinados, según sector y época de muestreo, están en el rango de los ECA para agua de ríos de la sierra. La riqueza, abundancia y diversidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos, según sector y época de muestreo, presentaron diferencias significativas.<hr/>The objective of the investigation was to analyze of benthic macroinvertebrates biodiversity of Cunas river by means of environmental indicators. Three sampling sectors were defined two contrasting periods. The anthropic pressures evaluation was carried out by means of DBO5 determination contributed by waste water. Water samples were collected for nitrate, phosphate and fecal coliform determination. The measured indicators in situ were: dissolved oxygen, dissolved total solids, conductivity, temperature, pH and turbidity. The benthic macroinvertebrate samples were collected using a Surber net with 250 µm wire netting opening. The anthropic pressure results on the benthic macroinvertebrates were: fish farming waste water DBO5 mean 7.70 mg/L, from livestock activity 869 mg/L and from urban activity 428.3 mg/L. The physicochemical and bacteriological indicator results showed significant differences for conductivity, temperature and dissolved total solids. Four phyla, seven classes, 12 orders and 26 benthic macroinvertebrate families were identified. It is concluded that waste water discharge from livestock and urban activities are significant anthropic pressures on benthic macroinvertebrate biodiversity. The water quality physicochemical and bacteriological indicators, determined according to sector and time sampling are in the ECA range for highland river water. The richness, abundance and benthic macroinvertebrate diversity, according to the sector and time sampling, presented significant differences. <![CDATA[<b>Wind turbine installed in multifamily building</b>: <b>Profitable or not? Sustainable or not?</b>]]> El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la sustentabilidad económica y ambiental de un aerogenerador horizontal prototipo instalado en un edificio multifamiliar. La sustentabilidad económica se determinó por estudio económico clásico primario y la sustentabilidad ambiental utilizando el enfoque emergético. El análisis económico clásico indica que el proyecto no es rentable (VAN = -2971,05 dólares americanos) y el análisis ambiental (porcentaje de renovabilidad: 0,18; tasa de rendimiento de emergía: 1,23); tasa de carga ambiental: 4,48; índice de sustentabilidad energética: 0,275; relación de inversión energética: 4,35 y tasa de intercambio emergético: 0,32) indica una elevada dependencia del sistema respecto a maquinarias importadas, eficiencia media respecto al aprovechamiento de recursos locales en beneficio de la sociedad, bajo impacto ambiental y un costo de producción medio respecto a otros procesos de producción de electricidad.<hr/>The purpose of this study was to determine the economic and environmental sustainability of a horizontal wind turbine prototype installed in a multifamily building. Economic sustainability was determined by primary classic economic study and environmental sustainability using the emergy approach. The classic economic analysis indicates that the project is not profitable (NPV = -2971.05 US dollars), and the environmental analysis (percentage of renewability: 0.18, emergy yield rate: 1.23; environmental load rate: 4.48; energy sustainability index: 0.275; energy investment ratio: 4.35 and emergy exchange rate: 0.32) indicates a high dependence of the system regarding imported machineries, an average efficiency regarding the use of local resources for the benefit of society, low environmental impact and an average production cost over other electricity production processes. <![CDATA[<b>Microbial decontamination of maca (<i>Lepidium meyenii</i>) applying organic sterilization system (OSS) to preserve its nutritional and sensory properties</b>]]> La investigación tuvo como objetivo aplicar el sistema de esterilización orgánica (OSS) en maca, determinando los parámetros del proceso: tiempo y temperatura de inyección de vapor saturado que reduzcan el recuento de microorganismos aerobios, mohos, levaduras, E. Coli, salmonella y coliformes totales, y evaluando la influencia del proceso en el contenido total de glucosinolatos. La máxima descontaminación microbiana de la maca se logró aplicando una carga de 5 kg/saquillo, por 6 min. Con una temperatura de inyección de vapor saturado de 100 °C. Bajo estas condiciones, la reducción de la carga microbiana fue de 99,9% (< 10 UFC/g), 50% (< 10 UFC/g) y 93,3% (< 10 UFC/g) para aerobios, mohos, y levaduras, respectivamente; el comportamiento de patógenos fue muy similar al de la materia prima: E. coli < 3 UFC/g, ausencia de salmonella (25 g) y < 3 UFC/g para coliformes totales. El contenido de glucosinolatos se mantuvo durante el proceso en 1,5 µmol/g, lo que evidenció que al aplicar la tecnología OSS se logra conservar la calidad nutricional, sensorial y funcional de la maca.<hr/>The research aimed to apply the system of organic sterilization (OSS) in maca, determining the process parameters: time and temperature steam injection saturated reduce the count of aerobic microorganisms, molds, yeasts, E. coli, Salmonella and coliform total, and evaluating the influence of process in total glucosinolate content. The maximum microbial decontamination of maca was achieved by applying a load of 5 kg/pouch for 6 min. With a temperature of 100 °C saturated steam injection. Under these conditions, the reduction of the microbial load was 99,9 % (< 10 UFC/g), 50% (< 10 UFC/g) and 93,3% (< 10 UFC/g) for aerobic, molds, and yeasts, respectively; pathogen behavior was very similar to that of the raw material: E. coli < 3 UFC/g, absence of salmonella (25 g) and < 3 UFC/g for total coliforms. Glucosinolate content was maintained during the process in 1,5 μmol/g, which showed that by applying the OSS technology is achieved by preserving the functional, sensory and nutritional quality of maca. <![CDATA[<b>Physical and chemical properties importance of Rose hip (<i>R. canina,</i> <i>R. rubiginosa</i>)</b>: <b>a review</b>]]> Los consumidores cada día exigen productos en sus dietas que no solo aporten los nutrientes requeridos para una vida sana, sino que además son de preferencia aquellos que puedan complementar con propiedades benéficas para la salud. En las últimas décadas se ha reconocido a la Rosa mosqueta, la Rosa canina y a la Rosa rubiginosa, como frutos que contienen muchas propiedades nutracéuticas. El presente trabajo hace una revisión de los artículos de investigación realizados a la Rosa mosqueta desde un punto de vista de su importancia de su consumo y sus beneficios para la salud; describiendo las características químicas, físicas y bioquímicas tales como el contenido de componentes fenólicos, ácidos grasos, ácido linoleico, minerales; y de otros compuestos importantes también desde el punto de vista industrial, tales como el contenido de antioxidantes, pigmentos, entre otros. De acuerdo a los antecedentes recopilados, la Rosa mosqueta es una fuente de micronutrientes incluyendo la vitamina c y el licopeno, entregando además un buen aporte nutricional; por lo anterior debe ser considerado como un alimento funcional. Aun siendo una especie que crece en estado salvaje, sobre suelos forestales; siendo un frutal menor y una planta medicinal su importancia en el consumo masivo debe ser considerada.<hr/>Consumers increasingly demand products in their diets that not only provide the nutrients required for a healthy life, they are also preferably those that can complement with beneficial health properties. In recent decades it has been recognized rosehip, Rosa and Rosa canina the rubiginosa as fruits contain many nutraceutical properties. This paper reviews the research papers carried the Rosehip from the point of view of their importance of their consumption and their health benefits; describing the chemical, physical and biochemical characteristics such as content of phenolic compounds, fatty acids, linoleic acid, mineral; and other important also from an industrial point of view, such as antioxidants, pigments, among other compounds. According to the information collected, the Rosehip is a source of micronutrients including vitamin C and lycopene, also delivering a good nutritional value; by the above it should be considered a functional food. Although a species that grows wild on forest soils; still less fruit and herb its importance in the consumer must be considered.