Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Scientia Agropecuaria]]> vol. 8 num. 3 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Rendimiento de cosecha de diecisiete cultivares de papa (S<i>olanum tuberosum</i> L.) del grupo Phureja</b>]]> El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el rendimiento de tubérculos y las variables relacionadas de 17 cultivares de papa del grupo Phureja, de la región Cajamarca-Perú. El experimento se realizó en el valle de Cajamarca (2650 msnm) en diseño de bloques completamente randomizados, con 17 tratamientos (cultivares) y tres repeticiones, sembrados a 0,90 m entre surcos y 0,40 m entre plantas. Se evaluó altura de planta, número de tallos, número y peso total de tubérculos, número y peso de tubérculos comerciales, materia seca de tubérculos y follaje (%), índice de cosecha, gravedad específica y rendimiento de tubérculos por hectárea. Los datos fueron tratados mediante análisis de varianza y prueba de rango múltiple de Tukey (p ≤ 0,05). El rendimiento de tubérculos varió de 8,2 t∙ha-1 a 27,4 t∙ha-1 y el promedio fue de 15,5 t∙ha-1. El índice de cosecha promedio fue de 65%. Los tubérculos comerciales representaron entre 49% y 97%. Los cultivares presentaron diferencias estadísticas altamente significativas en rendimiento por hectárea, altura de planta, número de tallos, número total de tubérculos, número de tubérculos comerciales y peso de tubérculos comerciales. Nueve cultivares fueron estadísticamente similares y superiores al resto, en rendimiento de tubérculos por hectárea. Un cultivar fue superior a todos los demás, en rendimiento de tubérculos comerciales<hr/>The objective of the research was to evaluate the yield of tubers and related variables of 17 potato cultivars of the Phureja group from the Cajamarca-Peru region. The experiment was carried out in the Cajamarca Valley (2650 masl) in a randomized complete block design, with 17 treatments (cultivars) and three replications, planted at 0.90 m between rows and 0.40 m between plants. Plant height, number of stems, number and total weight of tubers, number and weight of commercial tubers, dry matter of tubers and foliage (%), crop index, specific gravity and yield of tubers per hectare were evaluated. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and Tukey's multiple rank test (p ≤ 0.05). The yield of tubers varied from 8.2 t∙ha-1 to 27.4 t∙ha-1 and the average was 15.5 t∙ha-1. The average harvest rate was 65%. Commercial tubers were between 49% and 97%. The cultivars showed highly significant statistical differences in yield per hectare, plant height, number of stems, total number of tubers, number of commercial tubers and weight of commercial tubers. Nine cultivars were statistically similar and superior to the rest, in yield of tubers per hectare. One cultivar was superior to all others, in yield of commercial tubers <![CDATA[<b>Características agronômicas de cultivares de melancia nas condições do cerrado de Roraima, Brasil</b>]]> Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar as características agronômicas de doze cultivares de melancia produzidas nas condições edafoclimáticas do cerrado de Roraima. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Campo Experimental Água Boa da Embrapa Roraima. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições e seis plantas por parcela. Os tratamentos consistiram das cultivares: Combat, Conquista, Verena, Congo, Magnum, Electra, Santa Amélia, Explore, Emperor, Crimson Select Plus, Charleston Gray Super e Omaru Yamato. Avaliaram-se as características produtivas, de sementes e de qualidade dos frutos. Concluiu-se que as condições edafoclimáticas do cerrado de Roraima favorecem as características produtivas e qualitativas dos frutos das cultivares de melancia analisadas. A maior produtividade foi encontrada no cultivar Crimson Select Plus, com média de 67848,25 kg ha-1. As características de sementes variam em função das cultivares, com maiores quantidades encontradas na ‘Santa Amélia’ e ‘Explore’ e maior massa na ‘Charleston Gray Super’. Quanto à qualidade dos frutos não há diferença no teor de sólidos solúveis entre as cultivares, porém, os valores encontrados são relativamente altos (>10 ºBrix). As cultivares Crimson Select Plus, Santa Amélia e Explore apresentam elevado potencial para cultivo nas condições edafoclimáticas do Cerrado de Roraima-Brasil. Possibilita com as informações obtidas nesse estudo a exploração de novas cultivares, mais produtivas e de superior qualidade, quando comparada às atualmente cultivadas na região. Novos estudos relacionados ao tema devem contemplar a aceitação do mercado consumidor para com as cultivares de maior potencial produtivo obtidas.<hr/>The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of twelve watermelon cultivars produced under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the cerrado of Roraima. The experiment was developed at the Embrapa Roraima Experimental Water Field. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four replications and six plants per plot. The treatments consisted of the cultivars: Combat, Conquista, Verena, Congo, Magnum, Electra, Santa Amelia, Explore, Emperor, Crimson Select Plus, Charleston Gray Super and Omaru Yamato. The productive, seed and fruit quality characteristics were evaluated. It was concluded that the edaphoclimatic conditions of the cerrado of Roraima favor the productive and qualitative characteristics of the fruits of the watermelon cultivars analyzed. The highest productivity was found in the Crimson Select Plus cultivar, with a mean of 67848.25 kg ha-1. The characteristics of seeds vary according to the cultivars, with the largest quantities found in 'Santa Amélia' and 'Explore' and greater mass in 'Charleston Gray Super'. Regarding fruit quality, there is no difference in soluble solids content among cultivars; however, the values found are relatively high (> 10 ºBrix). Crimson Select Plus, Santa Amélia and Explore cultivars present high potential for cultivation in the soil and climate conditions of cerrado de Roraima-Brazil. With the information obtained in this study, it allows the exploration of new cultivars, more productive and of superior quality, when compared to those currently cultivated in the region. New studies related to the subject must contemplate the acceptance of the consumer market for the cultivars with the greatest productive potential obtained. <![CDATA[<b>Citotoxicidad y genotoxicidad de las aguas de los ríos Jequetepeque y Moche mediante el bioindicador ambiental <i>Vicia faba</i> L</b>]]> La evaluación de la toxicidad de las aguas de los ríos como método complementario al análisis físico, químico y biológico proporciona una información integral de la calidad del agua, por tanto, el objetivo del estudio fue determinar los niveles de citotoxicidad y genotoxicidad de las aguas de las cuencas alta, media y baja de los ríos Moche y Jequetepeque, usando el bioindicador ambiental Vicia faba L. "haba" (2n = 12). Se germinaron semillas de V. faba L.; luego las raicillas emergentes se expusieron, durante tres horas, a siete tratamientos: T1 (100 ml de agua destilada), T2 (1 ml agua de río Jequetepeque / 99 ml de agua destilada), T3 (5 ml agua de río Jequetepeque/ 95 ml de agua destilada), T4 (10 ml agua de río Jequetepeque/ 90 ml de agua destilada), T5 (1 ml agua de río Moche/ 99 ml de agua destilada), T6 (5 ml agua de río Moche/ 95 ml de agua destilada) y T7 (10 ml agua de río Moche/ 90 ml de agua destilada). Los ápices de las raicillas fueron sometidos a la técnica de Tjio y Levan. El agua de la cuenca media del río Moche del T7, presenta una alta citotoxicidad (índice mitótico de 5,4 % y alteraciones de los índices de fases) y un alto efecto genotóxico; las aguas del río Jequetepeque no evidencian efecto citotóxico ni genotóxico de importancia<hr/>Evaluation of the toxicity of the waters of the rivers as method complementary to the analysis of physical, chemical and biological provides a comprehensive water quality information, therefore, the objective of the study was to determine the levels of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of water of watersheds high, medium and low of the Moche and rivers Jequetepeque, using environmental bioindicator Vicia faba L. "bean" (2n = 12). It germinated seeds of V. faba L.; then emerging rootlets are exposed, three hours, seven treatments: T1 (100 ml of distilled water, T2 (1 ml water from Jequetepeque river / 99 ml of distilled water), T3 (5 ml water from Jequetepeque river / 95 ml of distilled water), T4 (Jequetepeque river water 10 ml / 90 ml of distilled water), T5 (1 ml water of Moche river / 99 ml of distilled water), T6 (5 ml water of Moche river / 95 ml of distilled water) and T7 (10 ml water of Moche river / 90 ml of water) distilled). Apices were subjected to the technique of Tjio and Levan. The water of the basin of the Moche river of the T7, presents the greatest effect cytotoxic (mitotic index of 5.4% and alterations in indices of phases) and a genotoxic effect; the waters of the Jequetepeque river not demonstrate effect cytotoxic or genotoxic of importance <![CDATA[<b>Inventario taxonómico, fitogreográfico y etnobotánico de frutales nativos del norte del Perú</b>]]> La megafitodiversidad del Perú presenta especies nativas de toda índole; entre ellas frutales, los que a pesar de ser consumidos desde hace cientos de años, aún no han sido atendidos por la investigación para validar su uso, con la seguridad de que estamos consumiendo recursos que pueden superar en cantidad y calidad de vitaminas, sales minerales y pigmentos antociánicos. Así, el objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar un Inventario Taxonómico, Fitogeográfico y Etnobotánico de los frutales nativos del Norte del Perú. Se realizaron colectas a través de exploraciones botánicas programadas a varias localidades del Norte del Perú. Luego se llevó a cabo una revisión crítica de la bibliografía especializada y reforzando esta información con la obtenida por la experiencia personal tanto de los investigadores como de los pobladores locales y regionales. Se reportan 45 especies, distribuidas en 18 familias; donde destacan por su número las: Ericaceae (7), Myrtaceae (6), Cactaceae (4), Solanaceae (4), Caricaceae (3), Passifloraceae (3) y Rosaceae (3). Así mismo 29 especies (64%) son consumidas en estado fresco y/o natural, mientras que 16 especies (36%) tanto al estado fresco como procesadas (jaleas, mermeladas, helados, vinos, jugos, natilla, mazamorra, etc.).<hr/>The mega phytodiversity of Peru includes native species of all types; among them are fruit trees, which despite having been consumed forthousands of years, still have not been subject to research to validate their use. Further research on these native species could determine whether the fruits being consumed surpass the quantity and quality of vitamins, mineral salts, and anthocyanin pigments. Thus, the aim of this study was the realization of a taxonomic, phytogeographic, and ethnobotanical inventory of the fruit trees in northern Peru. This research was realized through specimen collections made during botanical explorations of northern Peru. Later a critical revision of the specialized bibliography was conducted, and the findings reinforced with information obtained through personal experience and that of local and regional inhabitants. Forty-five species are reported, distributed among 18 families, chiefly in Ericaceae (7 species), Myrtaceae (6 species), Cactaceae (4 species), Solanaceae (4 species), Caricaceae (3 species), Passifloraceae (3 species), and Rosaceae (3 species). Of the species inventoried, 29 species (64%) are eaten in a raw or natural form, while 16 species (36%) are consumed raw or processed in jelly, marmalade, frozen, wine, juice, custards, and puddings. <![CDATA[<b>Prueba de conductividad eléctrica en la evaluación de la calidad fisiológica de semillas en berenjena (<i>Solanum melongena</i> L.)</b>]]> El objetivo fue evaluar el número de semillas y tiempo de imbibición a través de la conductividad eléctrica, para conocer el potencial fisiológico de semillas de berenjena. Se utilizó el diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2x2x5 (variedades CO015 y CO029), (cantidades de semillas de 50 y 100) y (tiempos de imbibición de 2, 4, 6, 8 y 10 horas); con cuatro repeticiones. La calidad fisiológica de las semillas para las condiciones iniciales arrojó porcentajes de germinación del 81,20 y 98,30 para siete y 14 días e índices de velocidad de emergencia con valores de 15,76 y 16,64 para los cultivares CO029 y CO015. En lo pertinente a la conductividad eléctrica, 100 semillas con seis horas es lo ideal para su aplicación. El análisis de regresión arrojó respuesta lineal para el cultivar CO029 con liberaciones de electrólitos de 0,32 y 0,48 μS cm-1 g-1 por hora, respectivamente para 50 y 100 semillas; en tanto que el cultivar CO015, respuesta cúbica con respuesta lineal de 3,40 y 4,25 μS cm-1 g-1 por hora y reducciones de -0,55 y -0,62 μS cm-1 g-1 por hora, como reflejo del mayor deterioro de las semillas a cantidades de 50 y 100, respectivamente<hr/>The objective was to evaluate the effect of seed number and imbibition time through the electrical conductivity test, to know the physiological potential of eggplant seeds. We used the completely randomized design with factorial arrangement 2x2x5 (varieties CO015 and CO029), (seed quantities of 50 and 100) and (imbibition times of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 hours); With four replicates. The results of the physiological quality of the seeds for the initial conditions yielded germination percentages of 81.20 and 98.30 for seven and 14 days and indexes of emergency speed with values of 15.76 and 16.64 for the cultivars CO029 and CO015, reflecting their low metabolic activity in storage. As regards electrical conductivity, the number of seeds for application is 100 with an imbibition time of six hours. Regression analysis yielded a linear response for cultivar CO029 with electrolyte releases of 0.32 and 0.48 μS cm-1 g-1 per hour, respectively for 50 and 100 seeds; While the cultivar CO015, cubic response with linear response of 3.40 and 4.25 μS cm-1 g-1 per hour and reductions of -0.55 and -0.62 μS cm-1 g-1 per hour, reflecting the greater deterioration of the seeds to amounts of 50 and 100, respectively <![CDATA[<b>Cuantificación del área de pajonal de las microcuencas de Gocta y Chinata y su potencial como reserva de carbono</b>]]> Se realizó la cuantificación de las áreas con presencia de pajonales y la cantidad de carbono retenida por las mismas. La cuantificación de áreas se realizó mediante la manipulación e interpretación de imágenes satelitales. Para el cálculo de biomasa de los pajonales, se establecieron parcelas de corte (Harvest method), teniendo en cuenta dos cuadrantes de 1 m por 1 m por cada hectárea. Posteriormente, se cortó toda la vegetación cuyas raíces partían del interior del cuadrante, se registró el peso fresco total por metro cuadrado y se colectó una submuestra para su posterior obtención de biomasa seca y su respectiva identificación botánica. Además de ello, se realizó la identificación de las especies vegetales asociadas. Como resultado se generaron mapas de distribución de los pajonales en la zona alta de las microcuencas de las cataratas de Gocta y Chinata. El área de pajonales tiene 46,30 km2, distribuidos entre las microcuencas de Gocta y Chinata, donde predominan las especies vegetales de la familia de las Poaceae, con un porcentaje del 79% de área con cobertura vegetal. Se obtuvieron 10,1 t/ha de carbono.<hr/>The quantification of the areas with presence of pajonales and the amount of carbon retained by them were carried out. The quantification of areas was done by the manipulation and interpretation of satellite images. For the biomass calculation of the pajonales, Harvest method were established, taking into account two quadrants of 1 m per 1 m for each hectare. Subsequently, all vegetation whose roots were removed from the interior of the quadrant was recorded, the total fresh weight per square meter was recorded and a sub-sample was collected for the subsequent production of dry biomass and its respective botanical identification. In addition, the identification of the associated plant species. As a result, distribution maps of the tall grass were generated in the high side of the microbasin of the Gocta and Chinata waterfalls. The area of tall grass is 46.30 km2, distributed between the Gocta and Chinata micro-basins, where the plant species of the Poaceae family predominate, with a percentage of 79% of area covered with vegetation. 10.1 t/ha of carbon were obtained. <![CDATA[<b>Germinación y crecimiento de <i>Ochroma pyramidale</i> (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. en Ecuador</b>]]> Se evaluó la germinación y crecimiento de semillas de balsa aplicando siete tratamientos pre-germinativos: inmersión en HSO4 por 32 minutos, inmersión en agua a 80 °C durante tres minutos, testigo, remojo en agua a 100 °C por 15 minutos, remojo en agua de coco 12 horas, lijado de las semillas hasta que pierdan su brillo natural, calor seco 96 °C durante 5 minutos. Sembradas en siete sustratos utilizando tierra negra sola y combinada con: tamo de arroz, arcilla más arena, humus UTEQ, zeolita, arcilla más ceniza, humus nacaro (humus de Lombriz). Se realizó un diseño completamente al azar (DCA) en un arreglo factorial 7 (sustratos) x 7 (tratamientos pre-germinativos) con tres repeticiones y 10 unidades de observación. A los 28 días el factor (sustrato) que más influyó en el porcentaje de germinación fue tierra negra más zeolita 7 g/k con 17,75%. El tratamiento pre-germinativo (lijado de las semillas) 20,85%. Tierra negra + humus UTEQ 0,70 g k-1 x remojo en agua de coco por 12 horas, mostró 133,11 mm de altura de plántula. Tierra negra + humus UTEQ 0,70 g/k con 3,27 mm de espesor del vástago. El mayor número de hojas (cinco) se obtuvo en el tratamiento tierra negra + inmersión en HSO4<hr/>The germination and growth of berry seed (O. pyramidale) at nursery level has been evaluated; applying seven pre-germinative treatments: Immersion in HSO4 for 32 minutes, immersion in water at 80 °C for three minutes, soak in water at 100 °C for 15 minutes, soak in coconut water 12 hours, sanding the seeds, dry heat 96 °C for 5 minutes and the control. Sowed in seven substrates only black soil and combined with: rice paddy, clay plus sand, Humus UTEQ, zeolite, clay plus ash, humus nacaro (worm humus). A completely randomized design (DCA) was performed in a factorial arrangement 7 (substrates) x 7 (pre-germinative treatments) with three replicates and 10 observation units. At 28 days, the factor (substrate) that most influenced the percentage of germination was black soil + zeolite 7 g/kg with 17.75%. The pre-germinative treatment with the highest incidence was the treatment of its natural brightness; the treatment black soil + UTEQ humus 0.70 g/k x soaking in coconut water for 12 hours obtained the best level of seedling height. The neck thickness of higher stem was observed black soil + UTEQ humus 0.70 g/kg. The highest number of leaves (five) obtained the treatment black soil + immersion in HSO4 <![CDATA[<b>Characterization of producers and quinoa supply chains in the Peruvian regions of Puno and Junin</b>]]> The present study aims to categorize quinoa producers and examine and compare quinoa supply chains in the Peruvian regions of Puno and Junin. This research was conducted in the provinces of San Roman and El Collao in Puno and Jauja and Huancayo in Junin using surveys of producers selected according to stratified sampling, along with interviews and workshops with traders and agents in the supply chain. Cluster analysis was used to examine the producers’ attributes, the supply chain, and the profit margins of conventional and organic producers. In both regions, most producers were small and medium sized (100% in Puno and 91.6% in Junin). The supply chains in Puno and Junin comprised 24 and 31 channels, respectively. It was found that numerous collectors, formal and informal processors, and exporters mainly linked with organized producers participated in these supply chains and this made trade efficient and coordinated. In contrast, trade among individual producers in the domestic markets through agents in the supply chain was highly disjointed, tending toward high centralization and without added value. It is concluded that quinoa supply is complex, centralized, traditional, and somewhat inefficient since asymmetrical relations were found between agents favoring commercial intermediaries. <![CDATA[<b>Fenología de <i>Gossypium raimondii</i> Ulbrich "algodón nativo" de fibra de color verde</b>]]> En el Perú es posible encontrar especies nativas de fibra de color del género Gossypium. Estas fibras de color natural son muy valoradas en la confección artesanal de prendas de vestir; ante la escaza información sobre la fenología de Gossypium raimondii Ulbrich "algodón nativo" de fibra de color verde, es que se tomó como objetivo de investigación. Las semillas fueron de San Benito, Cajamarca (Perú), y la fase experimental se desarrolló en el caserío La Merced, Laredo (Perú). Siendo la muestra 30 plantas seleccionadas al azar, las cuales fueron sembradas en suelo franco-arenoso, bajo un manejo agronómico tradicional y riego por gravedad. Se determinó que la planta completa su desarrollo a los 207 días que dura su fenología. La fase vegetativa tuvo una duración entre 5 a 50 días, la fase reproductiva entre 65 a 165 días mientras que la fase de maduración entre los 146 a 207. Se concluye que Gossypium raimondii Ulbrich, es una especie de ciclo fenológico corto, característico de un cultivo de domesticación incipiente<hr/>In Peru is possible find native species of colored fiber of the genus Gossypium. These fibers of natural color are highly valued in hand crafted clothing; However, given the limited information of the phenology of Gossypium raimondii Ulbrich ¨native cotton¨ of green fiber, it was taken as the objective of research. The seeds are from San Benito, Cajamarca (Peru); while the experimental phase took place in the hamlet La Merced, Laredo (Peru). Being the sample 30 plants randomly selected, which were planted on sandy-loam soil under traditional agronomic management and gravity irrigation. The plant was determined to complete its development at 207 days during its phenology. The vegetative phase lasted 5 to 50 days, reproductive phase between 65 to 165 days while the maturing phase between 146 to 207. It is concluded that Gossypium raimondii Ulbrich is a variety that has a short phenology, characteristics of an incipient domestication crop <![CDATA[<b>Efecto biofungicida del gel de <i>Aloe vera</i> sobre <i>Mycosphaerella</i> <i>fijiensis,</i> agente causal de la Sigatoka negra en <i>Musa</i> (AAA)</b>]]> El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar a nivel in vitro la actividad antifúngica del gel de Aloe vera sobre el crecimiento micelial de Mycosphaerella fijiensis. Se utilizó la técnica de envenenamiento en el medio de cultivo PDA para determinar la actividad antifúngica del gel. El diseño utilizado fue completamente al azar, con siete tratamientos y tres repeticiones. En los tratamientos se utilizó un fungicida químico comercial (propiconazol), a 250 ppm y 500 ppm; un biofungicida comercial (Trichoderma sp.) a 500 ppm y 1000 ppm; ambos productos se usaron como testigo químico y biológico, respectivamente; el gel de Aloe vera a 500 ppm y 1000 ppm; y un testigo absoluto. Se determinó diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos (ANOVA), El test de Tukey demostró que todos los tratamientos registraron diferencia significativa (p ≤ 0,05) con respecto al testigo absoluto. El propiconazol presentó el mayor porcentaje de inhibición del micelio (73,10%); el test de Tukey y el porcentaje de inhibición del micelio presentaron valores similares en el control del crecimiento del hongo a los 30 días de inoculación, en los tratamientos gel de Aloe vera y el T6 de Trichoderma sp. Los resultados sugieren que el Aloe vera podría ser un adecuado biofungicida para el control de Mycosphaerella fijiensis, agente causal de la Sigatoka negra.<hr/>The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro antifungal activity of Aloe vera gel on mycelial growth of Mycosphaerella fijiensis. Poisoning technique was used in PDA growth medium to for determine antifungal activity of gel. The design used was completely random, with seven treatments and three repetitions. In treatments, it was used a commercial fungicide (propiconazole), 250 ppm and 500 ppm; a commercial biofungicide (Trichoderma sp.) at 500 ppm and 1000 ppm; both products were used as chemical and biological control, respectively; Aloe vera gel 500 ppm and 1000 ppm; and an absolute control. significant differences were detected in treatments (ANOVA), Tukey test showed that all treatments registered significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) with respect to absolute control. Propiconazole had the highest inhibition Percentage of mycelium (73.10%), The Tukey test and inhibition percentage of mycelium demonstrated similar values in the control of the fungus growth in the 30 days of the inoculation, in the Aloe vera gel treatments and the T6 Trichoderma sp. The results suggest that Aloe vera could be a suitable biofungicide to control Mycosphaerella fijiensis, causative agent of black Sigatoka. <![CDATA[<b>Solanaceas in organic system in Brazil</b>: <b>tomato, potato and cape gooseberry</b>]]> A pesquisa científica brasileira voltada para sistemas orgânicos ainda tem sido permeada por uma lógica baseada na mera substituição de insumos. Falta um aprofundamento em relação ao reconhecimento dos componentes dos sistemas de produção (ecofisiologia; manejo e fertilidade do solo; conservação de água e solo; manejo fitossanitário) e como estes podem ser investigados de forma holística. Baseado em tais lacunas discute-se neste artigo de revisão as principais particularidades relacionadas a produção orgânica de tomate e batata, principais oleráceas da família Solanaceae, e de uma frutífera exótica potencial para sistemas orgânicos, a physalis (Physalis peruviana L.)<hr/>The brazilian scientific research geared towards organic systems still have been permeated by a logic based on the mere substitution of inputs. Lack a deepening in relation to recognition of components of production systems (ecophysiology; management and fertility of the soil; soil and water conservation; health management) and how these can be investigated holistically. Based on such gaps is discussed in this review article the main particularities related to organic production of tomatoes and potatoes, main oleráceas of the nightshade family, Solanaceae, and an exotic fruit potential for organic systems, the physalis (Physalis peruviana L.)