Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Scientia Agropecuaria]]> vol. 11 num. 3 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Purple corn (<em>Zea mays</em> L.) crop in the Peruvian Highlands: Adaptation and identification of high-yield and high anthocyanin content cultivars]]> Resumen El maíz morado (Zea mays L.) originado de la raza Kculli, es propio de los valles interandinos y se cultiva hasta 3000 m.s.n.m.; es único en el mundo por poseer un color morado oscuro en el grano y otras partes de la planta. El color está determinado por antocianinas como la cianidina-3-glucósido. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la producción de grano y la cantidad de antocianinas en la coronta y brácteas de seis cultivares de maíz morado. El contenido de antocianinas se determinó a través de la absorbancia del pigmento por HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). Los cultivares se sembraron en 28 localidades del departamento de Cajamarca (Perú), entre 2016 y 2019. Los resultados muestran que la mayor producción de grano (2,77 t ha-1) y la mayor concentración de antocianinas en corontas (6,12) y brácteas (3,18 mg/100 g de cianidina-3-glucósido) se obtiene sembrando la variedad INIA 601; con esta alternativa tecnológica el agricultor podría establecer un agronegocio rentable ya que podría obtener ingresos cuatro veces mayores que vendiendo solo grano de otros tipos de maíz.<hr/>Abstract Purple corn (Zea mays L.) which background is the Kculli race, was originated in the Andean region and is grown in environments as high as 3000 m.a.s.l.; it is unique because of the purple color in the grain and other parts of the plant; the color is due to the presence of anthocyanin such as cianidine-3-glucoside. The objective of this study was to evaluate the grain production and determine the anthocyanin content in the cob and husk of six purple maize cultivars. Anthocyanin content in cob and husk was obtained through the pigment absorbance determination by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). Cultivars were planted at 28 environments of Cajamarca during 2016 to 2019. Results indicated that cultivar INIA 601 showed the highest grain yield (2.77 t ha-1) and the highest anthocyanin content in cobs (6.12) and husks (3.18 mg/cianidine-3-glucoside); consequently, using this technology, farmers can develop an agribusiness four times more profitable than growing other types of maize for grain production. <![CDATA[Effect of regrowth age and climate on the chemical composition of <em>Cenchrus purpureus</em> in degraded ecosystems of Cuba]]> Resumen El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto de la edad de rebrote y del clima en la composición química del Cenchrus purpureus en ecosistemas degradados de Cuba. Se realizó un experimento en dos períodos bien definidos: poco lluvioso (enero a abril) y lluvioso (julio a octubre). Los tratamientos (edades de rebrote: 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 105 días) se distribuyeron en un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro réplicas. Se determinaron los constituyentes estructurales de la pared celular, minerales (calcio y fósforo), y digestibilidad de la materia seca y orgánica. La fibra detergente neutra mostró un comportamiento definido por la estación climática (72,37% en lluvias y 69,67% en pocas lluvias). Los elementos del clima mostraron alta relación con la composición química y se ajustaron modelos lineales de regresión con elevados coeficientes de determinación, superiores a 0,71 en los dos períodos evaluados; las variables lluvias y temperatura máxima fueron las que proporcionaron mayores ajustes. Con el incremento de la edad disminuyó la calidad de la planta, y de los factores climáticos, las precipitaciones y temperatura máxima son las que más afectan la calidad nutritiva de la planta.<hr/>Abstract The objective of this work was to determine the effect of age and climate on the chemical composition of Cenchrus purpureus in degraded ecosystems of Cuba. An experiment was carried out in two well-defined periods: slightly rainy (January to April) and rainy (July to October). The treatments (regrowth ages: 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 105 days) were distributed in a randomized block design with four replicas. The structural constituents of the cell wall, minerals (calcium and phosphorus), and digestibility of dry and organic matter were determined. The neutral detergent fiber showed a behavior defined by the climatic season (72.37%) in rains and 69.67% in few rains). The elements of the climate showed a high relationship with the chemical composition and linear regression models were adjusted with high coefficients of determination, greater than 0.71 in the two periods evaluated; the rainfall and maximum temperature variables were the ones that provided the greatest adjustments. With the increase in age, the quality of the plant decreased, and of climatic factors, rainfall and maximum temperature are those that most affect the nutritional quality of the plant. <![CDATA[Performance assessment of the AquaCrop model to estimate rice yields under alternate wetting and drying irrigation in the coast of Peru]]> Abstract Peru is the second-largest rice producer in Latin America, with 406166 ha grown annually, predominately on the Peruvian north coast. However, rice is primarily irrigated by flooding (93%), which demands high water use (15000-18000 m3 ha−1) owing to low water-use efficiency. Additionally, the intensification of climate change is of great concern as it causes high variability as well as a decreasing trend in water resource availability. Alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation technique reportedly reduce the irrigation volumes while maintaining conventional yield rates. The AquaCrop model was calibrated and assessed to simulate rice yield response to the AWD technique under water shortage conditions on the Peruvian central coast. The AquaCrop model exhibited a “very good” to “good” performance in predicting canopy cover development, soil water content, aerial biomass, and grain yield using performance indicators, such as the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient, the RMSE observations standard deviation ratio (RSR), Willmott index, and determination coefficient. The calibrated model showed a good performance of rice under AWD irrigation, indicating that this technique can be used to assess rice production under Peruvian arid conditions. <![CDATA[Identification of pigmented-fleshed potato clones of high marketable yield and better frying quality: Stability and multivariate analysis of genotype-environment interaction]]> Resumen En la presente investigación se analizaron diecinueve clones avanzados de papa con pulpa pigmentada, en dos localidades productoras de papa en Cajamarca, Perú, durante dos campañas agrícolas, mediante el análisis combinado de varianza, el modelo de efectos principales aditivos e interacción multiplicativa (AMMI) y el análisis Biplot, para analizar la interacción genotipo-ambiente (IGA), con el objeto de seleccionar clones con alta estabilidad del rendimiento comercial y calidad. El análisis multivariado demostró diferencias para los efectos principales de genotipos, ambientes y la IGA. El cual afirma que la constitución genética de cada clon y el medio ambiente influyeron sobre el rendimiento comercial y color de fritura debido al carácter poligénico que rigen estas características. Los resultados identificaron al clon CIP 302299.28 de pulpa roja y crema, y piel roja con baja IGA, lo que indica ser un clon estable y de alto rendimiento comercial con 31,8 t ha-1 y escala de 2 en el color de fritura, obteniendo una mejor respuesta a la variación ambiental. Seguido por el clon CIP 302281.17 de pulpa y piel amarilla quien presentó estabilidad de rendimiento comercial con 32 t ha-1 y 2,2 de color de fritura. Asimismo, el clon CIP 302280.23 de pulpa y piel violeta reportó un rendimiento comercial de 33 t ha-1, y 1,7 en la escala de color de fritura, obteniendo estabilidad en calidad, siendo un clon para la industria del procesamiento en tiras, hojuelas y otros derivados. Por lo tanto, estos clones son seleccionados para una amplia producción en Cajamarca.<hr/>Abstract In the present research, nineteen advanced potato clones with pigmented-fleshed were analyzed in two potato-producing localities in Cajamarca, Peru, during two agricultural seasons, by means of the combined analysis of variance, the model of additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and the Biplot analysis, to analyze the genotype-environment interaction (GEI), in order to select clones with high stability of marketable yield and quality. Multivariate analysis showed differences for the main effects of genotypes, environments and GEI. Which states that the genetic makeup of each clone and the environment influenced the marketable yield and frying color due to the polygenic character that governs these characteristics. The results identified the CIP clone 302299.28 with red and cream fleshed and red skin with low IGA, which indicates that it is a stable clone with high commercial yield with 31.8 t ha-1 and a scale of 2 in the frying color, obtaining a better response to environmental variation. Followed by CIP clone 302281.17 with fleshed and yellow skin, which showed commercial yield stability with 32 t ha-1 and 2.2 of frying color. Likewise, CIP clone 302280.23 of fleshed and violet skin reported a marketable yield of 33.0 t ha-1, and 1.7 on the frying color scale, obtaining quality stability, being a clone for the processing industry in strips, flakes and other derivatives. Therefore, these clones are selected for wide production in Cajamarca. <![CDATA[Metabolizable energy and net energy content of corn, wheat bran, soybean meal, fish meal and soybean oil for broilers]]> Resumen Se realizó un estudio para determinar la energía metabolizable (EM) y energía neta (EN) del maíz, subproducto de trigo, harina de soya, harina de pescado y aceite de soya en aves. Se utilizó 190 pollos machos, distribuidos en seis dietas experimentales (basal (B), B + maíz (40%), B + subproducto de trigo (40%), B + harina de soya (30%), B + harina de pescado (30%), B + aceite de soya (10%) con tres niveles de alimentación (ad libitum (AL), 85% AL y 70% AL). La EM se determinó por el método de colección total de excretas y la EN por el método de sacrificio comparativo, los pollos recibieron las dietas experimentales de los siete a 21 días de edad, las excretas se recolectaron cada 24 horas (día 19 al 21). Para EN, se determinó la energía retenida y producción de calor (7 y 21 días). La EM y EN del maíz, subproducto de trigo, harina de soya, harina de pescado y aceite de soya fue de 3734, 2197, 2477, 3289, 8767 kcal/kg MS y 2527, 1598, 1417, 1837, 7550 kcal/kg MS respectivamente, la relación EN:EM fue mayor con el aceite de soya en comparación a los otros insumos.<hr/>Abstract A study was carried out to determine the metabolizable energy (ME) and net energy (NE) of corn, wheat by-product, soybean meal, fishmeal, and soybean oil in poultry. 190 male chickens were used, distributed in six experimental diets (basal (B), B + corn (40%), B + wheat by-product (40%), B + soybean meal (30%), B + fish meal (30%), B + soybean oil (10%) with three feeding levels (ad libitum (AL), 85% AL and 70% AL). ME was determined by the total collection method of excreta and NE by the comparative slaughter method, the chickens received the experimental diets from 7 to 21 days of age, the excreta were collected every 24 hours (day 19 to 21). For NE, the energy retained and heat production were determined (7 and 21 days) The ME and NE of corn, wheat by-product, soybean meal, fishmeal and soybean oil was 3734, 2197, 2477, 3289, 8767 kcal / kg DM and 2527, 1598, 1417, 1837, 7550 kcal / kg DM respectively, the NE: ME ratio was higher with soybean oil compared to other feed ingredients. <![CDATA[Individual selection in a genetic test with 43 advanced progenies of camu-camu <em>Myrciaria dubia</em> Kunth (McVaugh) in floodable plot near Iquitos, Peruvian Amazon]]> Abstract The research summarized and validated the individual selection of camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia (Kunth) McVaugh) plants. 43 progenies, previously selected in genetic tests and fields of producers of flood areas, were evaluated. Each progeny was installed in a row of 10 half-sister plants, with a space of 3x2 m. Using the SELEGEN (Reml / Blup) Model 63 program, four crops were analyzed, and individuals were selected for each of the 16 descriptors evaluated. For fruit yield, the Tipishca-Río Tigre population stood out, occupying 5 of the first 10 places. The individuals TT0725-4 (Tigre-Tipishca) turned out to be a natural recombinant for fruit yield / weight. And individual 64-8 turned out to be triple recombinant (yield / fruit weight / ascorbic acid). The descriptors with the highest genetic control with r ≥ 0.30 were: average fruit weight, brix degrees, plant height, number of basal branches and petiole length. The criteria of similarity of the morphological markers with the fruit yield are proposed as predictive indexes of productivity. The plant height at two years of age was the most important. <![CDATA[Effect of dietary supplementation with vitamin C on the productive performance, stress and immune response of turkey reared in a natural hypoxic environment]]> Resumen Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la adición de vitamina C en la dieta de pavos criados en un ambiente hipóxico natural (zona altoandina del Perú, 2750 msnm), sobre el rendimiento productivo, los valores hematológicos, el estado de estrés y la función inmune. Los pavos de engorde (Hybrid Converter) de un día de edad se asignaron a 5 grupos de 5 réplicas. Las aves de los 5 grupos fueron alimentadas con una dieta basal suplementada con 0 (grupo control), 500, 1000, 1500 y 2000 mg/kg de vitamina C durante 91 días. La vitamina C disminuyó los índices de heterófilos/linfocitos (p &lt; 0,05). En comparación con el grupo control, la vitamina C a un nivel superior o igual a 1000 mg/kg disminuyó la mortalidad de las aves (p &lt; 0,05), redujo el indicador de estrés (p &lt; 0,05), aumentó el título de anticuerpos (p &lt; 0,05), pero no mejoró los parámetros de crecimiento (p &gt; 0,05). En consecuencia, la suplementación dietética con vitamina C podría regular el rendimiento productivo, al disminuir el nivel de mortalidad, promover la función inmune y mejorar el estado de estrés en pavos comerciales, criados en un ambiente hipóxico natural. Estos resultados alientan la producción de carne de pavo comercial en zonas hipóxicas.<hr/>Abstract This research aimed to evaluate the effect of the addition of vitamin C in the diet of turkeys reared in a natural hypoxic environment (high Andean zone of Peru, 2750 masl), on productive performance, hematological values, stress status and immune function. One-day-old Hybrid Converter turkeys were assigned to 5 groups of 5 replicates. The birds of the 5 groups were fed a basal diet supplemented with 0 (control group), 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg of vitamin C for 91 days. Vitamin C decreased heterophile / lymphocyte levels (p &lt; 0.05). Compared to the control group, vitamin C at a level greater than or equal to 1000 mg / kg decreased bird mortality (p &lt; 0.05), reduced the stress indicator (p &lt; 0.05), increased the antibody titer (p &lt; 0.05), but did not improve growth parameters (p &gt; 0.05). Consequently, dietary supplementation with vitamin C could regulate productive performance, by reducing the level of mortality, promoting immune function, and improving the state of stress in commercial turkeys, reared in a natural hypoxic environment. These results encourage commercial turkey meat production in hypoxic areas. <![CDATA[Growth, carcass characteristics, weight of internal organs and meat proximate composition of six genotypes in chickens reared in Andean region of northern Peruvian]]> Resumen Este estudio examinó el crecimiento, las características de la canal, el peso de los órganos internos, la calidad y composición proximal de la carne en seis genotipos de pollos criados en la región andina del norte del Perú, bajo sistema intensivo, utilizando 600 pollos de un día de edad, divididos en seis grupos de igual tamaño. La comparación incluyó dos razas de pollo Criollo Peruano, mejorado y puro, y cuatro estirpes de pollo importados, Hubbard Colorado, Hubbard Blanco, Nativo Francés y Babcock. Los animales fueron alimentados sin restricción y sacrificados a las 13 semanas de edad. Los pollos de las estirpes importadas, especialmente los pollos Hubbard fueron más pesados al sacrificio que las razas criollas. Las proporciones de cortes: muslo, alas y cabeza fueron similares entre los seis genotipos, el rendimiento de la canal, peso de pechuga y la grasa abdominal fueron inferiores en la raza Criolla y el Francés Nativo. No hubo diferencias estadísticas (p &gt; 0,05) para el pH de la carne, la pérdida por goteo y la pérdida de cocción en respuesta al genotipo. La carne de pechuga de las dos razas criollas tuvo menor contenido de grasa en comparación con la de las líneas genéticas Hubbard.<hr/>Abstract This study examined the growth, carcass characteristics, weight of internal organs, meat quality and meat proximate composition in six genotypes of chickens reared in Andean region of northern Peruvian, with intensive system, using 600 chickens one-day-old, divided in to six equally sized groups. The comparison included two Creole chicken breeds from Peru, improved and pure, and four imported chicken strains (Hubbard Red, Hubbard White, Native French, and Babcock). The animals were fed without restriction and slaughtered 13 weeks of age. Chickens of the imported strains, especially Hubbard chickens were heavier at slaughter than creoles breeds. Proportions of cuts: thigh, drumstick and head were similar among genotypes, carcass yield, breast meat and abdominal fat were lowest in the Creole breed and Native French. There were no statistical differences (p &gt; 0.05) for meat pH, drip loss, and cooking loss in response to genotype. The breast meat of the two Creole breeds had lower contents of fat compared with that of the Hubbard strains. <![CDATA[Combined effects of chemical fertilization and microbial inoculant on nutrient use efficiency and soil quality indicators]]> Abstract Microbial inoculant based on beneficial bacteria is a complementary management tool to increase vegetable production. However, its integration with chemical fertilization has been poorly studied. The present study evaluated the effects of microbial inoculant separately and in combination with chemical fertilization on lettuce under greenhouse conditions. An experiment was performed in pots using a completely randomized design. The microbial inoculant was applied at three fertilization levels. Soil response evaluated variables were: available N and P, total soil bacteria, soil enzymatic activities, and N leaching. Agronomic variables measured were: aerial biomass, chlorophyll content, and nutrient foliar contents. Microbial inoculant had a significant impact on soil total bacteria concentration. The application of reduced chemical fertilization and microbial inoculant had a similar effect in terms of soil nutrient availability and soil enzymatic activities as the complete fertilization. Nitrogen leaching was strongly dependent on chemical fertilization rate. Treatment application decreased chlorophyll concentration compared to the control. The application of microbial inoculant and chemical fertilization increased foliar N and P contents improving their uptake. The combined addition of microbial inoculant with chemical fertilization increases the bacteria concentration without altering enzymatic activities, maintaining similar soil nutrient levels and improving N and P uptake in lettuce. Future studies could be performed in lettuce to determine the impact under different growth stages and different soil conditions. <![CDATA[Optimization of the quinoa cooking process using the 3<sup>k</sup> design and the desirability function: Degree of gelatinization, water absorption index, solubility index and cotyledon detachment]]> Resumen Se realizó la optimización del proceso de cocción de quinua con vapor, empleando un diseño de superficie de respuesta (RSM) factorial de 3 niveles: 3k y para encontrar la región optima se usó la metodología de optimización de respuestas múltiples de función de deseabilidad (Dx), que son herramientas eficaces para optimizar las variables de un proceso, evaluando la maximización del índice de absorción de agua (WAI), índice de solubilidad en agua (WSI), grado de gelatinización (GE) y la minimización del desprendimiento de cotiledones (DC) de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd). El equipo utilizado fue un cocinador vertical con generador de vapor, las variables de cocción en estudio, la presión de vapor y el tiempo de cocinado. Los valores óptimos de proceso fueron: Presión 1,5 y tiempo 8 minutos para las mejores características de la quinua cocida WSI de 26,411%, WAI de 7,960 (g.g-1), GE de 89,245% y CD de 18,40%, el valor de la función de deseabilidad como indicador de las respuestas múltiples fue de 0,798. El conocimiento de estas características pueden ser un valioso complemento en el proceso de cocción y así contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de los cereales cocidos.<hr/>Abstract Optimization of the steam quinoa cooking process was carried out, using a response surface design (RSM) 3-level: 3k factorial, and the multiple response optimization methodology of the desirability function (Dx) was used to find the optimal region, which are improved tools to optimize the variables of a process, evaluate the maximization of the water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), degree of gelatinization (GE) and the minimization of cotyledon detachment (DC) of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd). The equipment used was a vertical cook with a steam generator, the study cooking variables, the steam pressure, and the cooking time. The optimal process values ​​were: Pressure 1.5 and time 8 minutes for the best characteristics of cooked quinoa WSI of 26.411%, WAI of 7.960 (g.g-1), GE of 89.245% and CD of 18.40%, the value of the desirability function as an indicator of multiple responses was 0.798. Knowledge of these characteristics can be a valuable complement in the cooking process and thus contribute to improving the quality of cooked cereals. <![CDATA[In vitro assessment of plant growth-promoting potential of rhizosphere actinomycetes from Solanum tuberosum sp. andigena]]> Abstract As part of the rhizosphere microbiota, actinomycetes interact with their host by releasing metabolites that positively influence their host’ growth. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the plant growth-promoting capacity of actinomycetes isolated from the rhizosphere of potato crops collected in the city of San Jeronimo, Andahuaylas, Peru. Forty-nine actinomycetes strains were isolated and screened for their capacity to solubilize phosphates, fix atmospheric nitrogen, produce indole acetic acid (IAA) and produce siderophores. Out of the total number of isolates, 33 (63.27%) solubilized phosphates, 42 (87.72%) fixed atmospheric nitrogen, 10 (20.41%) produced IAA and 18 (24.49%) were siderophore producers; strains AND 13 and AND 16 being the top performers. AND 13 was identified by 16S RNAr gene amplification as Streptomyces sp. The results indicate that actinomycetes can be considered as potential PGPR organisms and could be included in biofertilization programs of potato crops as an alternative to agrochemicals. <![CDATA[The combined application of organic fertilizers improves the physical properties of soil associated to quinoa (<em>Chenopodium quinoa</em> Willd.) cultivation]]> Resumen La acelerada disminución de la materia orgánica del suelo viene afectando sus propiedades, siendo necesario reincidir en el uso y manejo de abonos orgánicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de dos abonos orgánicos combinados, Guano de las Islas (GI) y estiércol de ovino (EO), sobre las siguientes tres propiedades físicas del suelo: densidad aparente, estabilidad de agregados y resistencia mecánica a la penetración, bajo el cultivo de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) variedad Hualhuas. Estas propiedades se determinaron mediante los métodos de cilindro biselado, Yoder y del penetrómetro dinámico y bajo un diseño en bloques completamente al azar, con arreglo factorial de dos factores (GI y EO) y tres niveles por factor (0; 0,5 y 1 t/ha para GI y 0; 2,5 y 5 t/ha para EO). Los resultados demostraron que la aplicación combinada de las diferentes dosis en estudio no influye sobre la densidad aparente del suelo, pero la aplicación combinada de 0,5 t/ha de GI con 5 t/ha de EO y 1 t/ha de GI con 5 t/ha de EO disminuyen significativamente la resistencia mecánica del suelo a la penetración e incrementan la estabilidad de agregados.<hr/>Abstract The reduced acceleration of the organic matter in the soil has been affecting its properties, making it necessary to repeat the use and management of organic fertilizers. The objective of research was to evaluate the effect of two fertilizers application, Island Guano (IG) and sheep manure (SM), on the following three physical properties of the soil: bulk density, water-stable aggregates and penetration resistance, under quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) cultivation, Hualhuas variety. These properties were determined by beveled cylinder, Yoder wet-sieving and dynamic cone penetrometer methods and under a completely randomized block design, with factorial arrangement of two factors (IG and SM) and three levels per factor (0; 0.5 and 1 t*ha-1 for IG and 0; 2.5 and 5 t*ha-1 for SM), nine treatments were evaluated, with three repetitions, so 27 total experimental units. Results showed that combined application of different doses of IG and SM does not influence bulk density, but with doses IG 0,5 t*ha-1 with SM 5 t*ha-1 and IG 1 t*ha-1 with SM 5 t*ha-1 water-stable aggregates and penetration resistance improved significantly. <![CDATA[Diets with biological silage of cornmeal improve the productive performance of river shrimp <em>Cryphiops caementarius</em> (Crustacea: Palaemonidae)]]> Resumen El objetivo fue evaluar dietas con ensilado biológico de harina de maíz en el mejoramiento del desempeño productivo del camarón de río Cryphiops caementarius. Los camarones fueron cultivados en 12 acuarios (55 L). Los camarones fueron sembrados al azar (32 camarones m-2) y alimentados con dietas conteniendo 4,2%; 8,4% y 12,5% de ensilado de harina de maíz, y el control fue sin ensilado. El experimento duró 60 días. La calidad física, organoléptica y química del ensilado y de las dietas fueron analizadas al inicio. El ensilado tuvo 8,57% de proteínas; 16,49% de lípidos totales; 71,24% de carbohidratos y el pH fue de 4,40. El incremento del nivel de ensilado de maíz en las dietas ocasionó incremento de carbohidratos (31,82% a 47,10%), disminución de lípidos totales (22,83% a 14,99%), y las proteínas se mantuvieron con mínima variación (28% a 30%). La supervivencia de los camarones fue similar (p &gt; 0,05) entre tratamientos (&gt; 88%). La dieta con 12,5% de ensilado de maíz ocasionó mayores tasas de crecimiento en peso del camarón (p &lt; 0,05) que aquellos alimentados con dieta sin ensilado; aunque fue similar (p &gt; 0,05) con los alimentados con 8,4% y 4,2% de ensilado.<hr/>Abstract The aim was to evaluate diets with biological cornmeal silage in order to improve the productive performance of Cryphiops caementarius river shrimp. Shrimp were grown in 12 aquariums (55 L). Shrimp were randomly stocked (32 m-2) and fed diets containing 4.2%, 8.4% and 12.5% cornmeal silage and a control diet without silage. Experiment lasted 60 days. Physical, organoleptic and chemical quality of silage and the diets were analyzed at beginning. Silage had 8.57% protein; 16.49% total lipids; 1.45% fiber; 2.25% ash; 71.24% carbohydrates, and the pH was 4.40. Increase in level of corn silage (0% to 12.5%) in diets caused an increase in carbohydrates (38% to 47%) and a decrease in lipids (11% to 14%). Shrimp survival was similar (p &gt; 0.05) between treatments (&gt; 88%). Diet with 12.5% corn silage caused higher growth rates shrimp weight (p &lt; 0.05) than those fed a diet without silage; although it was similar (p &gt; 0.05) with those fed with 8.4% and 4.2% silage. <![CDATA[<em>Beauveria bassiana</em> and <em>Metarhizium anisopliae</em> as compatible and efficient controllers of plague insects in aquaponic crops]]> Resumen El objetivo fue estudiar la compatibilidad y eficiencia de Beauveria bassiana y Metarhizium anisopliae para el control de insectos plagas en col y lechuga cultivados en un sistema acuapónico conformado por tanques de Piaractus brachypomus. Fueron preparadas soluciones de esporas de B. bassiana y M. anisopliae. Los datos sometidos a un Diseño Completamente Al Azar, con cuatro tratamientos, tres repeticiones y los promedios comparados por el test de Tukey a 5 % evidenciaron que B. bassiana + M. anisopliae ocasionó 73% de mortalidad de Bemisia tabaci en el envés de las hojas de lechuga, B. bassiana reveló 84% de mortalidad para Brevicoryne brassicae L. en el haz de las hojas de col en 23 días. En el envés de las hojas de col, B. bassiana + M. anisopliae, mostraron 79% de mortalidad en solo 6 días y M. anisopliae 88% en 23 días después de su aplicación. Los hongos entomopatógenos B. bassiana + M. anisopliae evaluados fueron eficaces para el control de mosca blanca en el envés de las hojas de lechuga. B. bassiana fue más eficaz en el control de los pulgones del haz y M. anisopliae en el envés de las hojas de col durante la segunda aplicación.<hr/>Abstract The objective was to study the compatibility and efficiency of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae for the control of insect pests in cabbage and lettuce grown in an aquaponic system made up of Piaractus brachypomus tanks. Spore solutions of B. bassiana and M. anisopliae were prepared. The data submitted to a Completely Random Design, with four treatments, three repetitions and the averages compared by the 5% Tukey test showed that B. bassiana + M. anisopliae caused 73% mortality of Bemisia tabaci on the underside of the lettuce leaves, B. bassiana revealed 84% mortality for Brevicoryne brassicae L. in the bundle of cabbage leaves in 23 days. On the underside of cabbage leaves, B. bassiana + M. anisopliae, showed 79% mortality in just 6 days and M. anisopliae 88% in 23 days after application. The entomopathogenic fungi B. bassiana + M. anisopliae evaluated were effective for the control of whitefly on the underside of lettuce leaves. B. bassiana was more effective in controlling beam aphids and M. anisopliae on the underside of cabbage leaves during the second application. <![CDATA[Agricultural, forestry, textile and food waste used in the manufacture of biomass briquettes: a review]]> Abstract In recent decades there has been a considerable global increase in urban population, industrial productivity, energy demand, waste generation, and the emission of greenhouse gases from energy conversion. The agricultural, forestry, textile and food sectors generate large amounts of waste and their environmental impact has become a major cause for concern in societies around the world. Current efforts are concerned with maximization of combustion efficiency and energy-related processes in general by making use of industrial residues and reducing particulate matter. The present review addresses the availability of different types of biomass that can be used to produce renewable energy and focuses on agricultural, forestry, urban and industrial residues. It also provides a description of the physical and calorific characteristics of the various raw materials available for the manufacture of briquettes and other fossil fuel alternatives. <![CDATA[Pitahaya (<em>Hylocereus</em> spp.): Culture, physicochemical characteristics, nutritional composition, and bioactive compounds]]> Resumen La Pitahaya, conocida comúnmente como “fruta del dragón”, es un fruto originario de Centroamérica y la selva peruana cuyo fruto puede ser de diferentes colores como amarillo, purpura, rojo y blanco. Este fruto presenta un alto valor nutricional, destacando el contenido de ácido ascórbico que se encuentra entre 4-25 mg/100g según su especie, teniendo el mayor valor la especie roja. La Pitahaya es un fruto con alta capacidad antioxidante, incluso superior al de otras cactáceas, como la tuna. Presenta compuestos bioactivos como las betalainas; que favorecen a los trastornos relacionados con el stress y posee efectos antiflamatorio, además presenta betaninas y betacianinas; que son una fuente de colorante natural. Este trabajo de revisión tuvo como objetivo recopilar información sobre los estudios realizados a la Pitahaya relacionados con su cultivo, características fisicoquímicas, composicion nutricional y compuestos bioactivos, por sus beneficios a la salud, tales como; evitar el envejecimiento prematuro, reducir los niveles de presión arterial y aliviar los problemas estomacales e intestinales, además el consumo de pitahaya es recomendado para contrarrestar enfermedades como la diabetes y cáncer al colon.<hr/>Abstract The Pitahaya, commonly known as "dragon fruit", is a fruit originating in Central America and the Peruvian jungle whose fruit can be of different colors such as yellow, purple, red and white. This fruit has a high nutritional value, highlighting the content of ascorbic acid that is between 4-25 mg / 100g depending on its species, with the highest value being the red species. Pitahaya is a fruit with a high antioxidant capacity, even superior to that of other cacti, such as prickly pear. It presents bioactive compounds such as betalains; that favor stress-related disorders and have anti-inflammatory effects, it also has betanins and betacyanins; they are a source of natural dye. This review work aimed to collect information on the studies carried out on the Pitahaya related to its cultivation, physicochemical characteristics, nutritional composition, and bioactive compounds, for their health benefits, such as; avoid premature aging, reduce blood pressure levels and alleviate stomach and intestinal problems, and the consumption of pitahaya is recommended to counteract diseases such as diabetes and colon cancer.