Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Scientia Agropecuaria]]> vol. 12 num. 3 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Detection and identification of high Andean plant communities, Wetlands and Tolar de Puna Seca by means of RGB and NDVI orthophotos in “Unmanned Aerial Systems” drones]]> Resumen La teledetección y los sistemas de información geográfica son herramientas que en la última década se utilizan con énfasis en la gestión de recursos naturales; sin embargo, éstas han presentado deficiencias para estudios de ganadería de precisión debido a la calidad de las resoluciones espacial, espectral y temporal de las imágenes, frente a esta limitación aparece como alternativa los microsensores en sistemas aéreos no tripulados (UAS) que permiten obtener ortofotografías con mejores resoluciones. Considerando estas ventajas se desarrolló un estudio para determinar la mejor altura de vuelo de las UAV en la detección e identificación de las comunidades vegetales tolar y bofedal de puna seca. Para el estudio se recopilaron fotografías RGB y NDVI con sensores ZENMUSE X3 DJI RGB-NDVI en UAS con alturas de vuelo de 25, 50, 75 y 100 m. En el campo se contabilizaron plantas de tola y cojines de DIMU en cuadrantes de 10 m x 10 m (100 m2). La preparación de ortofotografías se realizó en el software Pix 4D y para analizar la información se elaboró un algoritmo con capacidad de identificar un elemento segmentado (planta de tola y/o cojín de DIMU) utilizando el lenguaje de programación Python. El estudio determinó que el rango de NDVI para la identificación de tolares de Parastrephia lepidophilla es de 0,20 a 0,45 y para bofedales de Distichia muscoides es de 0,68 a 0,95; finalmente usando ortofotografías RGB y NDVI se determinó que la mejor altura de vuelo para identificar las especies segmentadas Tola y DIMU es de 25 m seguido de 50 m.<hr/>Abstract Remote sensing and geographic information systems are tools that in the last decade have been widely used in the management of natural resources, however, they have presented deficiencies for precision livestock studies due to the quality of spatial resolutions, spectral and temporal. Faced with this limitation, microsensors appear as an alternative in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) that allow obtaining orthophotographs with better resolutions. Considering these advantages, a study was developed to determine the best flight height in the detection and identification of the tolar and bofedal plant communities of the dry puna. For the study, RGB and NDVI photographs were collected with ZENMUSE X3 DJI RGB-NDVI sensors in UAS with flight heights of 25, 50, 75 and 100 m. In the field, tola plants and DIMU cushions were counted in quadrants of 10 m x 10 m (100 m2). The preparation of orthophotographs was carried out in the Pix 4D software and to analyze the information an algorithm was developed with the ability to identify a segmented element (tola Plant and / or DIMU cushion) using Python. The study found that the NDVI range for the identification of tolares of Parastrephia lepidophilla is from 0.20 to 0.45 and for Distichia muscoides bogs is from 0.68 to 0.95; finally, using RGB and NDVI orthophotographs, it was determined that the best flight height to identify the Tola and DIMU segmented species is 25 m followed by 50 m. <![CDATA[Bursera graveolens essential oil: Physiochemical characterization and antimicrobial activity in pathogenic microorganisms found in Kajikia audax]]> Abstract Essential oils are products from aromatic plants, which, due to their biological, allelopathic, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, are important for food preservation. Kajikia audax is a fish of great commercial importance, however, it is highly perishable, requiring strategies to extend its shelf life. In vitro antimicrobial activity of Bursera graveolens essential oil was determined against microorganisms isolated from K. audax. Essential oil was extracted by steam distillation, obtaining a yield of 1.25%, a density of 0.83 g/ml and a refractive index of 1.473°, in addition, it was determined by GC-MS that D-limonene (77.6%) is the majority compound. Antimicrobial tests showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for Aeromonas salmonicida and Pichia kudriavzevii was 1.62 mg/ml and 6.48 mg/ml respectively, and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) was 25.92 mg/ml for both microorganisms. Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed total resistance against the concentrations used. B. graveolens essential oil turned out to be a potential product to control the growth of microorganisms isolated from K. audax, however, it should be tested against species of the genera Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Shewanella, Lactococcus and Streptococcus that cause spoiling of hydrobiological products. <![CDATA[Degradation kinetics and thermodynamic analysis of betalains on microencapsulated beetroot juice using maltodextrin and sweet potato starch]]> Abstract Natural colorants have become important due to the health-benefits for humans. In that sense, it is important to evaluate the degradation kinetics of these components, in order to establish the stability under different processing and/or storage conditions. This study provides experimental and simulated results about the degradation of betalains in microencapsulated beetroot juice. Maltodextrin solution (MDX 10%) and sweet potato starch solution (SPS 2%) in proportions of 40MDX:60SPS, 20MDX:80SPS and 0MDX:100SPS were used as microencapsulating agents. The thermal degradation of betalains in the microencapsulated powders was evaluated at three temperatures (6, 19 and 30 °C) in order to predict the behavior under different conditions, using the first-order kinetic model. The kinetic parameters were identified using linear regression on the logarithmic curves of the experimental data to obtain the Arrhenius equations. The highest content of betalains was 2.58 mg/g and the lowest activation energy value was 48.71 KJ/mol, with both values corresponding to the powder that was microencapsulated with 20MDX:80SPS. The above results suggest high betalain stability in this powder, since there was less sensitivity to temperature in comparison to the rest of the powders. Additionally, some thermodynamic parameters were evaluated, which confirmed that the process is non-spontaneous and irreversible. The results obtained from this study, could be a useful tool to predict the minimal losses during processing, and gives the possibility to improve and select the food products where this kind of natural colorant can be applied. <![CDATA[Integrated nutrient management as a sustainable strategy to recover a decayed Pear (<em>Pyrus communis</em>) orchard]]> Abstract Integrated Nutrition Management (INM) is a concept developed during the last decade in fruit agroecosystems based on the application of organic matter, biostimulants, and adjusted chemical fertilization to improve soil quality, plant rhizogenesis, and nutrition. Nevertheless, there are few studies on the application of the INM concept on the recovery of decayed orchards. The present study was focused on the evaluation of the effects of INM on soil and plant quality changes as recovery indicators of a decayed pear orchard. Two treatments (T1: conventional, T2: INM) were evaluated under three tree vigor levels, during two growing seasons. Old pear trees were used in a factorial experiment of two treatments (control and INM) x three vigor levels, based on a previous aerial Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) image. Soil properties, nutrient leaf contents, and NDVI were evaluated. Soil chemical and biological properties and their spatial variability were determined after two and five years of treatment application, respectively. The INM improved β-glucosidase activity, reduced bulk density, and increased soil porosity. Furthermore, nutrient indices (NDVI x N, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, and B) were significantly increased under INM. After two years, soil chemical properties and root density were improved by INM. A significantly higher yield, soil organic matter, soluble C, and dehydrogenase activity was observed with INM after five growing seasons. The results indicated that INM is a sustainable alternative for recovering decayed orchards, through the inclusion of good-quality organic matter within the management program. <![CDATA[Use of cover crops for sustainable soil management associated with corn (<em>Zea mays</em> L.) cultivation]]> Resumen El suelo es un ente vivo, dinámico y a la vez vulnerable a la degradación, siempre y cuando no se maneje de manera sostenible ocasionando bajos rendimientos de los cultivos. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar los efectos de las coberturas vegetales asociado al cultivo de maíz amiláceo en las propiedades del suelo: densidad aparente, humedad gravimétrica, pH y conductividad eléctrica del suelo, materia orgánica, estimación del aporte de nitrógeno cuando se incorpora la biomasa foliar y finalmente el rendimiento de maíz. El estudio se realizó bajo un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con cinco tratamientos: maíz sin cobertura (testigo), maíz con cobertura de trébol; maíz con cobertura de vicia; maíz con cobertura de vicia + avena y maíz con cobertura muerta-mulch. Los resultados demostraron que, el maíz asociado con coberturas de trébol, vicia y mulch (cobertura muerta) aumentó en 44%, 37% y 38% respectivamente el rendimiento (kg.ha-1) de grano de maíz amiláceo, comparados a la siembra de maíz sin ningún tipo de cobertura. Asimismo, el uso de coberturas de trébol, vicia y avena + vicia incrementan la materia orgánica del suelo y aporta al suelo 253; 163 y 149 kg.ha-1 de nitrógeno siempre y cuando la biomasa foliar de las coberturas se incorpora al suelo. Por lo tanto, la asociación maíz - trébol es la que presenta mejores resultados para incrementar los rendimientos bajo un manejo sostenible del suelo y bajo los principios de la agroecología.<hr/>Abstract Soil is a living, dynamic entity and at the same time vulnerable to degradation, if it is not managed with sustainable practices, causing low crop yields. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of plant cover associated with the cultivation of corn on soil properties: bulk density, gravimetric moisture, soil pH and electrical conductivity, organic matter, estimation of nitrogen supply when leaf biomass is incorporated, and finally corn yield. The study was conducted under a randomized complete block experimental design with five treatments: corn without cover crop (control), corn with clover cover crop; corn with vetch cover crop; corn with vetch + oats cover crop and corn with dead cover crop (mulch). The results showed that corn associated with clover, vetch and mulch (dead cover) increased grain yield (kg.ha1) of corn by 44%, 37% and 38%, respectively, compared to planting corn without any type of cover. Likewise, the use of clover, vetch and vetch cover crops associated with oats increased soil organic matter and soil input by 253, 163 and 149 kg ha-1 of nitrogen if the leaf biomass of the cover crops was incorporated into the soil. Therefore, the corn-clover association is the one that presents the best results to increase yields under sustainable soil management and agroecological principles. <![CDATA[<em>In vitro</em> tissue culture in plants propagation and germplasm conservation of economically important species in Peru]]> Abstract Plant biotechnology is one of the most important tools presently available and methods to genetically manipulate plants to exhibit greater productivity, tolerance to physical and chemical stress, and resistance to pests and diseases have been developed in recent decades. In vitro plant tissue culture has contributed significantly to this purpose. The objective of this study is to apply various techniques developed by in vitro tissue culture in seed germination, meristem culture for virus elimination, micropropagation, conservation, international transfer of germplasm, and induction of various morphogenic processes that lead to the genetic variability known as somaclonal variation. The application of this set of biotechnological techniques, in crops such as cassava, sweet potato, potato, native forest species as Cedrela odorata, Ficus spp. Loxopterygium huasango, and others, sugar cane, rice, pineapple, among other haves made it possible to meet, as a matter of improvement, several of the essential needs of farmers in the region of northern Peru. The development of these technologies will allow their wide application not only in the propagation, genetic improvement and conservation of species of economic importance, food and medicine, but also in the forest species of the seasonally dry tropical forest of northern Peru. <![CDATA[Life cycle, biological behavior, host plants and biological control agents of <em>Oregmopyga peruviana</em> (Granara de Willink & Díaz) (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae) in <em>Vitis vinifera</em>]]> Resumen Oregmopyga peruviana, plaga de Vitis vinifera, reduce la producción de uva y en infestaciones fuertes puede provocar la muerte de la planta. La investigación tuvo como objetivo obtener información del ciclo de vida, comportamiento biológico, plantas hospederas y agentes de control biológico de la plaga mediante observación en laboratorio y campo, a través de análisis descriptivos. Se determinó que O. peruviana tiene un ciclo de vida de 22,4 ± 2,06 días, con una capacidad de oviposición de 12,6 ± 1,9 huevos*hembra-1, periodo de incubación de 5,5 ± 0,52 días y periodo ninfal de 16,8 ± 2,13 días; por su comportamiento biológico, las ninfas son móviles y las hembras adultas estacionarias, sensibles a la alteración de su hábitat y mueren cuando la corteza es retirada; no se encontraron plantas hospederas, se destaca la presencia de un insecto parasitoide (Himenóptera: Encyrtidae), un depredador Sympherobius sp. (Neuróptera: Hemerobiidae), y Pyroderces sp. (Lepidóptera: Cosmopterigidae). Los resultados muestran que, O. peruviana es una plaga específica de V. vinifera y solo ataca exclusivamente por debajo de la corteza de troncos y ramas lignificadas, siendo al parecer las ninfas las colonizadoras. O. peruviana tiene agentes de control biológico nativos.<hr/>Abstract Oregmopyga peruviana, pest of the V. vinifera, reduces the production of the grape and in strong infestations provokes the death of the plant. The research aimed to obtain information on the life cycle, biological behavior, host plants and biological control agents of the pest through laboratory and field observation, through descriptive analysis. O. peruviana was determined to have a life cycle of 22.4 ± 2.06 days, with an oviposition capacity of 12.6 ± 1.9 eggs*female-1, incubation period of 5.5 ± 0.52 days and nymphal period of 16.8 ± 2.13 days; biological behavior, nymphs are mobile and adult females are stationary, sensitive to the alteration of its habitat and die when the bark is removed. No host plants were found, highlights the presence of a parasite insect (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a predator Sympherobius sp. (Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae), and Pyroderces sp. (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae). The results show that O. peruviana is a specific V. vinifera pest and only attacks exclusively below the bark of trunks and branches lignified, being the nymphs apparently the colonizers. O. peruviana has native biological control agents. <![CDATA[Fast pattern recognition of malted and unmalted beer: An investigation using FTIR, UV-VIS, fluorescence spectroscopy and chemometrics]]> Abstract Beer production and consumption has increased worldwide during the past years. In this growing market, consumers have opted for products endowed with greater quality and diversity. In this respect, malted beers offer a more pleasant sensory experience. From a practical point of view, the high cost of production, when compared to the unmalted beer, passed on to the added value of the final product, then is common to encounter unmalted beers labeled as malted in the market. So, the characterization of beers into groups of malted and unmalted beers is of great importance for food control agencies. The present work reports a good alternative classification procedure that is fast, efficient, with no sample preparation using fluorescence spectroscopy associated with SOM (Self Organizing Map) and it is compared with the negative results (no pattern recognition) obtained with a FTIR and UV-VIS spectroscopy associated with PCA also performed with no sample preparation process. <![CDATA[Biopolymers produced by Azotobacter: synthesis and production, physico-mechanical properties, and potential industrial applications]]> Resumen Azotobacter es un tipo de bacteria no patógena, Gram negativa con capacidad para sintetizar simultáneamente en condiciones aerobias dos polímeros biodegradables extra e intracelulares tales como alginatos y polihidroxialcanoatos respectivamente, cuyas propiedades físicas, mecánicas y biodegradables han despertado el interés en la industria. Por ello, esta revisión compila información sobre la síntesis química de estos polímeros y la modificación genética de esta bacteria con la finalidad de producir un polímero particular y mejorar sus rendimientos. Adicionalmente, mostramos que los alginatos obtenidos presentan un mayor peso molecular, grado de acetilación y relación M/G comparado con otras fuentes orgánicas como las algas marinas; mientras los polímeros de polihidroxialcanoatos presentan mejores características físicas y mecánicas (temperatura de fusión, módulo de Young, elongación y temperatura de transición vítrea) comparado con otros polímeros sintéticos. Estas características presentes en ambos polímeros han permitido el desarrollo de diversas aplicaciones en la industria alimentaria, farmacéutica, médica y agronómica. Finalmente, es necesario estudiar nuevas estrategias para controlar la variabilidad del grado de acetilación y peso molecular para los polímeros de alginato y mejorar la producción de polihidroxialcanoatos con la finalidad de promover nuevas futuras aplicaciones en la industria.<hr/>Abstract Azotobacter is a type of bacterium nonpathogenic, Gram-negative with ability to synthesize simultaneously under aerobic conditions two biodegradable polymers extra and intracellular such as alginate and polyhydroxyalkanoates, respectively, whose physical, mechanical, and biodegradable properties have awoken the interest in the industry. Thus, this review compiles information on synthesis chemistry of these polymers and the genetic modification of this bacterium in order to produce a particular polymer and improve its yields. Additionally, we show that alginates obtained present a higher molecular weight, degree of acetylation and M/G ratio compared with other organic sources like seaweed; while polyhydroxyalkanoate polymers have better physical and mechanical characteristics (melting temperature, Young's modulus, elongation and glass transition temperature) compared with other synthetic polymers. These characteristics present in both polymers have allowed the development of several applications in the food, pharmaceutical, medical and agronomic industries. Finally, it is necessary to study new strategies to control the variability of the degree of acetylation and molecular weight for alginate polymers and improve the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates in order to propose new future applications in the industry. <![CDATA[Whey protein supplement adulteration with rice flour quantification: A simple method using ATR-FT-MIR and iPLS]]> Abstract In this work, a method using ATR-FT-MIR and iPLS was developed to quantify whey protein supplement adulteration with rice flour. The original vanilla flavor commercial whey protein samples were adulterated with commercial rice flour with concentrations between 11.49% to 29.14% (w/w). After the adulteration, the ATR-FT-MIR spectra were obtained with no additional preparation procedure. The iPLS model analysis was performed using RStudio software with the mdatools package. The RMSEC was 1.26, the R2= 0.954 and the cross-validation error (RMSECV) was 3.31. The prediction error (RMSEP) for the validation set was equal 3.48 and the validation R2 was 0.610. These parameters, associated with the fact that the method does not require sample preparation, demonstrate the procedure viability as a tool to quantify adulterations of whey protein with rice flour. <![CDATA[Milk solids replacement with chickpea flour in a yogurt system and their impact on their physicochemical, rheological, and microstructural properties during storage]]> Abstract Yogurt is one of the most widely consumed foods around the world, with a tendency to add several ingredients with functional properties. The incorporation of legume flours in food systems has been a growing trend in recent years. Therefore, this study evaluated the effect of the addition of chickpea flour on the physicochemical, rheological, and microstructural properties of yogurt. Different levels of chickpea flour (1, 2, and 3%) were added to yogurt and the evolution of systems were monitored on days 1, 8, 15, and 22 of storage. Results for pH (4.61 - 4.75), titratable acidity (0.58% - 0.72%) and density (1048 - 1139 kg/m3) showed no significant differences (p &gt; 0.05), while higher concentrations of the flour resulted in lower levels of syneresis (15.90% - 23.73%). The flow properties confirmed the non-Newtonian behavior in the systems, fitting the two Power Law and Herschel-Bulkley models, thus establishing a relationship between the experimental data and the variables under study. The microstructure analysis showed that a higher concentration of chickpea flour increases the porosity of the system. Finally, the results suggest that it is highly recommended to replace milk solids with chickpea flour, thereby maintaining the properties and stability of the product. <![CDATA[Ideal sensory profile for the cabanossi with llama meat (<em>Lama glama</em>) from three feeding systems using the CATA method (Check-all-that-apply)]]> Resumen El desarrollo de alimentos involucra el uso de herramientas sensoriales rápidas y que permitan explorar la percepción del consumidor. Se determinó el perfil sensorial ideal de cabanossi con carne de llamas alimentadas con tres tipos de piensos (pastura natural, alfalfa y con vitaminas) empleando el método CATA, en comparación a dos muestras comerciales (CC1 y CC2). Se evaluaron la humedad, pH, actividad de agua, color y la textura. La humedad y color externo (L*) e interno (a*, b*, C*) fueron semejantes entre los cabanossi con carne de llama, pero diferentes a los comerciales. Los parámetros mecánicos (dureza y masticabilidad) fueron superiores para las muestras de cabanossi con carne de llama. Participaron 80 consumidores en el perfil ideal basado en preguntas CATA, encontrando diferencias significativas en todos los descriptores utilizados. Los atributos sensoriales indispensables para la aceptabilidad fueron: salado, olor característico/embutido y masticable. Referente al análisis de penalidad, se encontraron atributos positivos (masticable y blando/suave) y negativos (duro, olor humo y color marrón), que se deben considerar para reformular el producto. El cabanossi procedente del sistema de alimentación con pastura natural (CS1) fue semejante al producto ideal. Esto evidencia que el origen de la materia prima repercute en las características de calidad del producto terminado (sensoriales, fisicoquímicas y mecánicas) vinculadas a las necesidades que el consumidor idealiza.<hr/>Abstract Food development involves the usage of rapid sensory tools that allows for exploring consumer perceptions. The ideal sensory profile of cabanossi with llama meat from three feeding systems (with natural hay, alfalfa and with vitamins) through the CATA method was determined in comparison with two commercial samples. Moisture, pH, water activity, color and texture were evaluated. Moisture and external and internal color were similar between llama cabanossi but different from commercial ones. The mechanical parameters (hardness and chewiness) were superior from the llama cabanossi samples. Eighty (80) consumers with an ideal profile based on CATA questions found significant differences in all of the used descriptors. The indispensable sensory attributes for their acceptability were: salty, characteristic smell/ sausage and chewiness. With regards to the penalty analysis, the positive attributes (chewiness, and bland/soft) and negative (hard, smell, smokey and brown color), which should be considered for product reformulation. The cabanossi from natural hay feeding system (CS1) was close to the ideal product. The use of the ideal profile constitutes an alternative to identifying the characteristics (sensory, physicochemical and mechanical) for the development of new foods based on the consumer´s idealized requirements. <![CDATA[A prebiotic diet based on dandelion (<em>Taraxacum officinale</em>) improves the productive performance and intestinal morphology of laying hens]]> Resumen Se evaluó la inclusión de la harina de Diente de León [DL] (Taraxacum officinale) en la dieta de gallinas ponedoras y su efecto en el desempeño productivo, morfología intestinal y contenido de materia seca en heces. Noventa y seis gallinas Hisex marrón de 35 semanas de edad fueron distribuidas en 6 tratamientos. Niveles graduales de harina de DL (1%, 2%, 3% y 4%) fueron comparadas con una dieta en base a la mezcla de antibióticos (CAB; 0.03% Zinc bacitracina + 0,03% sulfato de colistina) y otra a base de 0.20% de butirato de sodio (CPB). El DL y CPB mejoraron la producción de huevo (p &lt; 0,05) respecto a CAB, pero el consumo de alimento y peso de huevo disminuyeron con el uso de 4% de DL (p &lt; 0,05), sin afectar la conversión alimenticia (p &gt; 0,05). En líneas generales, el uso de DL (1% - 4%) mejoraron los índices evaluados para morfología intestinal (p &lt; 0,05). Mayor cantidad y contenido de materia seca de heces se observó en 4% DL comparado con CAB. La incorporación de hasta 3% DL mejoró los índices productivos en la alimentación de gallinas ponedoras y logró tener el mejor efecto prebiótico, al evidenciarse en la morfología intestinal y células caliciformes.<hr/>Abstract The inclusion of Dandelion meal [DL] (Taraxacum officinale) in the diet of laying hens and its effect on productive performance, intestinal morphology and dry matter content in feces was evaluated. Ninety-six 35-week-old brown Hisex hens were distributed in 6 treatments. Gradual levels of DM meal (1%, 2%, 3% and 4%) were compared with a diet based on the mixture of antibiotics (CAB; 0.03% Zinc bacitracin + 0.03% colistin sulfate) and another based of 0.20% sodium butyrate (CPB). DM and CPB improved egg production (p &lt; 0.05) compared to CAB, but feed consumption and egg weight decreased with the use of 4% DM (p &lt; 0.05), without affecting the feed conversion ratio (p &gt; 0.05). In general, DM (1% - 4%) improved intestinal morphology parameters (p &lt; 0.05). Higher quantity and content of dry matter in feces was observed in 4% DM compared to CAB. The incorporation of up to 3% DM improved the productive indexes on the feeding of laying hens and managed to have the best prebiotic effect, as it was evidenced in the intestinal morphology and goblet cells. <![CDATA[Postharvest maturation of <em>Pouteria lucuma</em>: Effect of storage conditions on physicochemical components, metabolites and antioxidant and hypoglycemic capacity]]> Resumen Condiciones inadecuadas de almacenamiento pueden afectar las características sensoriales, fisicoquímicos y propiedades funcionales en frutos tropicales como Pouteria lúcuma; que es una fruta climatérica, de aroma y sabor agradable; siendo el Perú el principal productor y exportador de esta fruta, no se han estudiado condiciones de almacenamiento postcosecha que permitan mantener sus propiedades. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el efecto de las condiciones de almacenamiento sobre los principales componentes fisicoquímicos, metabolitos primarios y secundarios, capacidad antioxidante e hipoglucemiante durante la maduración postcosecha, en dos condiciones de almacenamiento: ambiente (29 °C y 70% HR) y cámara climatizada (15 °C y 90% HR). Con relación a las características fisicoquímicas, el estado de madurez influyó en la acidez, pH, azúcares reductores, almidón, fibra dietaría, firmeza, color de pulpa y epicarpio. En almacenamiento en cámara climatizada, la glucosa es el único metabolito que se incrementó; mientras que la fructosa, los azúcares alcohol y los aminoácidos (Ala y Val), presentan valores superiores en condiciones ambientales; la sacarosa, ácidos orgánicos, aminoácidos (Tyr, Glu, Asp y Thr), β-caroteno, compuestos fenólicos totales y carotenoides totales no fueron afectadas por el tipo de almacenamiento. La medida de la capacidad antioxidante e hipoglucemiante disminuyeron significativamente (p &lt; 0,05), mostrando ser afectadas solo por el estado de madurez. El estudio del perfil de carotenoides en función de su espectro (UV-vis) mostró presencia del grupo de las xantofilas. Los resultados indicarían que el estado de madurez respecto a la condición de almacenamiento tuvo efecto sobre la mayoría de los cambios estudiados.<hr/>Abstract Inadequate storage conditions can affect the sensory, physicochemical, and functional properties of tropical fruits such as Pouteria lucuma; which is a climacteric fruit, with a pleasant aroma and flavor; Peru being the main producer and exporter of this fruit, postharvest storage conditions have not been studied to maintain its properties. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of the storage conditions on the main physicochemical components, primary and secondary metabolites, antioxidant, and hypoglycemic capacity during postharvest ripening, under two storage conditions: ambient (29 °C and 70% RH) and climatic chamber (15 °C and 90% RH). Regarding the physicochemical characteristics, the state of maturity influenced acidity, pH, reducing sugars, starch, dietary fiber, firmness, pulp color and epicarp. In climate-controlled storage, glucose is the only metabolite that increases; while fructose, alcohol sugars and amino acids (Ala and Val), present higher values ​​under ambient conditions; sucrose, organic acids, amino acids (Tyr, Glu, Asp and Thr), β-carotene, total phenolic compounds and total carotenoids were not affected by the type of storage. The measure of antioxidant and hypoglycemic capacity decreased significantly (p &lt; 0,05), showing to be affected only by the state of maturity. The study of the carotenoid profile according to its spectrum (UV-vis) showed the presence of the group of xanthophylls. The results indicate that the state of maturity concerning the storage condition influenced most of the changes studied. <![CDATA[Non-sensory factors driving the packaging design of ready-to-eat <em>mazamorra morada</em> based on consumer perception]]> Abstract Food choice is often influenced by extrinsic factors, which drive consumer perception of a given product or service. It is therefore critical to study them during the design of food packaging. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of extrinsic factors on the expected acceptance, purchase intention and holistic perception of consumers of the popular Peruvian dessert mazamorra morada. Twelve stimuli were created by using a fractional factorial design considering packaging material, nutritional information, quality, convenience, and naturalness as factors, previously obtained by open-ended questions. Ninety-seven consumers answered an online survey indicating their expected acceptance, purchase intention and holistic perception. The results showed that the most salient factors for consumers, in terms of expected acceptance, purchase intention, and holistic perception, were packaging material and convenience. For these factors, the levels that increased expected acceptance and purchase intention were the "package made of food grade paper", conveniently adding a "spoon and napkin". <![CDATA[<em>In vitro</em> effectiveness of chemical fungicides against <em>Curvularia eragrostidis</em> (Henn) J. A. Mey, causal agent of leaf spot disease in pineapple]]> Resumen Recientemente se reportó a Curvularia eragrostidis (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes) como el agente causal de la Mancha Foliar de la Piña (híbrido MD2) en el Pacífico Centro de México. Por lo tanto, se evaluó la efectividad in vitro de cinco fungicidas químicos (System Cu®, Tilt® 250 CE, Volley® 88OL, Tecto 60® y Mancozeb® 80WP) a cuatro concentraciones (1,0%, 0,5%, 0,25% y 0,125%) sobre C. eragrostidis, a través de bioensayos dosis-respuesta. La tasa de crecimiento diaria (TCD) del hongo en el control (sin fungicida) fue de 1,5 cm/día, mientras que los fungicidas Volley® y Tilt®, en las cuatro concentraciones, no permitieron el crecimiento de C. eragrostidis. La TCD más baja para System Cu®, Mancozeb® 80WP y Tecto® 60 se encontró en la concentración al 1,0% con 0,13, 0,0 y 0,39 cm/día, respectivamente. Los porcentajes de inhibición del crecimiento micelial (%ICM) para Volley® y Tilt® 250 CE fueron del 100% en todas las concentraciones evaluadas. Para System Cu®, Mancozeb® 80WP y Tecto® 60, el %ICM osciló en un rango de 65,2% (0.125%) - 78, % (1,0%), 62,9% (0,125%) - 100,0% (1,0%) y 57,0% (0,125%) - 62,0% (1,0%), respectivamente. Un modelo Probit sugirió una concentración efectiva media (CE50) de 0,025%, 0,067% y 0,076% para System Cu®, Mancozeb® 80WP y Tecto® 60, respectivamente. En conclusión, los fungicidas Volley® y Tilt® son altamente efectivos contra C. eragrostidis; por otra parte, se reportan por primera ocasión las CE50 para System Cu®, Mancozeb® 80WP y Tecto® 60 contra C. eragrostidis.<hr/>Abstract Curvularia eragrostidis (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes) was recently reported as the causal agent of Pineapple Leaf Spot disease (MD2 hybrid) in Central Pacific Mexico. Therefore, the effectiveness of five chemical fungicides (System Cu®, Tilt® 250 CE, Volley® 88OL, Tecto 60® and Mancozeb® 80WP) at four concentrations (1.0%, 0.5%, 0.25% and 0.125%) was evaluated through a doses response bioassay. The DGR of C. eragrostidis was 1.5 cm/day. The fungicides Volley® and Tilt® at the four evaluated concentrations did not allow the growth of C. eragrostidis. The lowest DGR for System Cu®, Mancozeb® 80WP and Tecto® 60 was found at the dose of 1% with 0.13, 0.0 and 0.39 cm / day, respectively. The %IMG for Volley® and Tilt® 250 CE were 100% at all evaluated doses. For System Cu®, Mancozeb® 80WP and Tecto® 60, the %IMG ranged from 65.2 (0.125%) - 78.2 (1.0%), 62.9 (0.125%) - 100.0 (1.0%) and 57.0 (0.125%) - 62.0% (1.0%), respectively. The Probit model suggested an LC50 of 0.025%, 0.067% and 0.076% for System Cu®, Mancozeb® 80WP and Tecto® 60, respectively. In conclusion, the fungicides Volley® and Tilt® are highly effective against C. eragrostidis; on the other hand, the EC50 for System Cu®, Mancozeb® 80WP and Tecto® 60 against C. eragrostidis are reported for the first time. <![CDATA[Qualitative and quantitative analysis of scientific contributions in agribusiness]]> Abstract The agribusiness is a major generator of employment and income worldwide and contributes to food security and nutrition. Therefore, the objective was to perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the scientific contributions in agribusiness. A bibliographic consultation was made in Scopus and "Agribusiness" was used as keyword. A textual analysis was performed on 407 scientific papers from 2020, through Nvivo 12 software using the following analysis codes: Mega trade agreements and institutional harmonization, farm-level technology pricing and contracts, market power related to the mega consolidation of companies, new agricultural technologies, emergence of agrocorporations, institutional land access rules, property rights regimes and their consequences, private enforcement of property rights, farmer class action studies and territorial reconversion. Two more codes emerged in the analysis process: Environmental impact and human health impact. Current scientific contributions in agribusiness are focused on new agricultural technologies (24%), environmental impact (17%) and local actions of farmers (14%). A qualitative improvement of the contributions is observed as more elements that support the complex processes agribusiness generates are increasingly incorporated. From focusing on economic and financial aspects, sustainability-oriented and social commitment domains are now considered. A modern and innovative concept defines agribusiness as economic activities with different forms or models of production, derived from or linked to agricultural products. It considers production-consumption processes and farmers are inserted in a differentiated way according to their economic rationality. These activities are not only focused on the generation of monetary value, but also on the social processes it produces, where multiple actors are involved. <![CDATA[Utilization of <em>Passiflora tripartita</em> fruit residues]]> Resumen Las semillas y cáscara del fruto de Passiflora tripartita, poseen compuestos de gran importancia que podrían ser aprovechados por la agroindustria, industria farmacéutica y medicina. Este artículo de revisión recopila información sobre los compuestos fenólicos, fibra dietaria, aceites esenciales que poseen las fracciones de los frutos. La pulpa de este fruto es destinada para la preparación de bebidas funcionales antioxidantes y aditivos. Los reportes mencionan que las semillas poseen elevada cantidad de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, fenólicos, y terpenos, y sugieren ser utilizado en forma de nanoemulsiones y como antimicrobianos. Asimismo, los terpenos en el aceite esencial de la semilla se han relacionado para el tratamiento de cáncer de colon. En cuanto al aprovechamiento de la cáscara, muchas especies del mismo género son investigadas por su capacidad antioxidante, contenido de pectina, fibra dietaria y actividad antimicrobiana teniendo potenciales usos como aditivos antioxidantes, sustratos enzimáticos, como pasta dental, jabones, cremas, e ingrediente de piensos para animales.<hr/>Abstract The seed and peel of the Passiflora tripartita fruit, have compounds of great importance that could be used by the agroindustry, pharmaceutical industry and medicine. This review article collects information on phenolic compounds, dietary fibers, and essential oils that fruit fractions have. The pulp of this fruit is intended for the preparation of antioxidant and additive functional beverages. The reports mention that the seeds have a high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, phenolic, and terpenes, and suggest being used in the form of nanoemulsions and as antimicrobials. Also, the terpenes in the essential oil of the seed have been linked to the treatment of colon cancer. Regarding the use of the peel, many species of the same genus are investigated for their antioxidant capacity, pectin content, dietary fiber and antimicrobial activity, having potential uses as antioxidant additives, enzymatic substrates, such as toothpaste, soaps, creams, and ingredient of animal feed.