Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Scientia Agropecuaria]]> vol. 13 num. 3 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[Varietal richness of grapevine (<em>Vitis vinifera</em> L.) from the Majes Valley, Peru: Identification, morphological characterization, ampelographic and genetic analysis]]> Resumen El “Valle de Majes” en la provincia de Castilla - Región Arequipa, posee una tradición en la producción de vino y pisco, a partir de vides introducidas a mediados del siglo XVI, que aún conservan algunos productores, con escaso conocimiento de la riqueza varietal que poseen, generando confusión en la identificación de variedades y desvalorando su potencial vitivinícola. En este trabajo se realizó una prospección varietal por zonas vitivinícolas, caracterizando las variedades locales de viñedos antiguos, con 14 descriptores primarios recomendados por la OIV-2009 e identificando genéticamente una muestra de 11 fenotipos con uso de marcadores moleculares 9-SSR al ser comparados en el registro de base de datos internacionales VIVC. Se identificaron siete zonas vitícolas del valle y 39 variedades con nominación local, formando inicialmente 13 grupos de diferentes nombres, que al ser analizadas mediante el análisis discriminante canónico y de componentes principales se evidencia alta variabilidad fenotípica inter e intragrupal por la influencia de algunos caracteres. En el análisis del color de baya predomina la coloración azul-negro. Se identificaron genéticamente 4 variedades registradas en el VIVC que corresponden a ´Listan Prieto` (sin. Negra Criolla y sin. Moscatel), ´Quebranta` (sin.Vinera), Muscat Hamburg (sin. Italia Negra) y Jacquez (sin. Borgoña Majeña) y 2 variedades no registradas “Cantarita” y “Aceituna de Cotahuasi”. Se observa una diversidad varietal con características de interés en la vitivinicultura y fitomejoramiento, con aporte en la identidad varietal de conocidas y nuevas variedades criollas, contribuyendo al valor patrimonial de la vid.<hr/>Abstract The “Majes Valley” in the province of Castilla - Arequipa Region, with a tradition in the production of wine and pisco, from grapevines introduced in the mid-sixteenth century, which are still preserved by some producers, with little knowledge of the varietal richness they possess, generating confusion in the identification of varieties and devaluing their winegrower potential. In this work, a varietal survey was carried out by wine-growing areas, characterizing the local varieties of old vineyards, with 14 primary descriptors recommended by the OIV-2009 and genetically identifying a sample of 11 phenotypes with the use of 9-SSR molecular markers when compared in the VIVC international database record. Seven wine-growing areas of the valley and 39 varieties with local names were identified, initially forming 13 groups of different names, which when analyzed by means of the canonical discriminant analysis and of main components, high inter- and intra-group phenotypic variability is evidenced due to the influence of some characters. In the analysis of the berry color the blue-black coloration predominates. Four varieties registered in the VIVC were genetically identified, corresponding to ´Listan Prieto` (syn. Negra Criolla and Moscatel), ´Quebranta` (syn.Vinera), ´Muscat Hamburg` (syn.Italia Negra) and ´Jacquez` (syn. Borgoña Majeña) and 2 unregistered varieties “Cantarita” and “Aceituna de Cotahuasi”. A varietal diversity with characteristics of interest in viticulture and plant breeding is observed, with contribution to the varietal identity of known and new creole varieties, contributing to the heritage value of the vine. <![CDATA[Quinoa (<em>Chenopodium quinoa</em>): Nutritional composition and bioactive compounds of grain and leaf, and impact of heat treatment and germination]]> Resumen La quinua (Chenopodium quinoa) es un pseudocereal andino que se produce en países como Bolivia, Perú, Ecuador y en el sur de Colombia, cuenta con más de 3000 variedades, distinguiéndose entre ellas por sus propiedades nutricionales y adaptación en las diversas zonas agroecológicas. Destaca en la quinua su perfil nutricional, sobresaliendo su contenido proteico, carbohidratos, lípidos y por no poseer gluten; es rico en vitaminas; y es una excelente fuente de minerales, como calcio, magnesio, hierro y fósforo. Es uno de los pocos alimentos que poseen en su composición todos los aminoácidos esenciales, sobresaliendo de otros cereales como el arroz o el trigo. Es una excelente fuente de compuestos bioactivos, que poseen propiedades antioxidantes, citotóxicas, antidiabéticas y antiinflamatorias. Con respecto a las hojas de quinua, varios estudios han indicado que presentan mayor contenido proteico que los granos, así como nutrientes inorgánicos como calcio, fósforo, hierro y zinc. Además. pueden servir potencialmente como una fuente rica de compuestos fenólicos y carotenoides. Los tratamientos térmicos convencionales afectan en gran o pequeña medida a la composición del alimento, incluyendo los compuestos bioactivos y la capacidad antioxidante. La germinación proporciona al producto mayor biodisponibilidad y un aumento en sus compuestos bioactivos. El propósito de este trabajo fue documentar investigaciones referentes a la quinua y sus hojas, el efecto de los tratamientos térmicos y la germinación sobre sus compuestos bioactivos, con el fin de fomentar la creación e innovación de productos con base de sus compuestos bioactivos, logrando así combatir la desnutrición de nuestra población.<hr/>Abstract Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is an Andean pseudocereal produced in countries such as Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and southern Colombia, with more than 3,000 varieties, distinguished by their nutritional properties and adaptation to different agro-ecological zones. Quinoa's nutritional profile stands out for its protein, carbohydrate, lipid and gluten-free content; it is rich in vitamins; and it is an excellent source of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. It is one of the few foods that have in its composition all the essential amino acids, standing out from other cereals such as rice or wheat. It is an excellent source of bioactive compounds, which have antioxidant, cytotoxic, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory properties. With respect to quinoa leaves, several studies have indicated that they have higher protein content than grains, as well as inorganic nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. In addition, they can potentially serve as a rich source of phenolic compounds and carotenoids. Conventional heat treatments greatly or slightly affect the composition of the food, including bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity. Germination provides the product with greater bioavailability and an increase in bioactive compounds. The purpose of this work was to document research on quinoa and its leaves, the effect of thermal treatments and germination on its bioactive compounds, in order to promote the creation and innovation of products based on its bioactive compounds, thus combating malnutrition in our population. <![CDATA[Agriculture and water resources: UNFCCC influence on Peruvian adaptation regulations to increase resilience against climate change]]> Abstract Agriculture and water resource are highly threatened due to climate change, increasing the probability of backsliding on almost every aspect of sustainable development worldwide. For instance, water resource distribution throughout the Peruvian territory is not homogeneous. Hydrometeorological phenomena also threaten it, so it is crucial for the agriculture sector and water management to increase resilience against climate change. The study aims to understand the Peruvian conduct under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) regime. Its influence in the Peruvian adaptation regulation and public institutions over the years and the interaction with the latest commitment to the UNFCCC related to climate change agriculture - water resources. The methodology used for the study was qualitative, delivered throughout a documentary analysis, and narrative design among scientific papers, UNFCCC documentation, and Peruvian regulation to weave the experience occurred and the sequences of the events to set up a general narrative. The results show that Peru has active participation in the UNFCCC, particularly under a neoliberalism approach. The convention pushed institutional and regulatory development of the Peruvian Government constantly. Also, after the Paris Agreement, one of the most important influences was the implementation of Law N° 30754 on climate change, which articulates all the regulations related to it, providing a national, more substantial legally-binding commitment. Finally, it is important for Peru to analyze the achievement of current adaptation actions and keep studying the impacts of climate change at a local level to develop a bottom-up approach for an effective policy formulation-implementation. <![CDATA[Bioprinting as a food production technique: conceptual and ethical aspects, advantages and disadvantages, and applications]]> Abstract 3D bioprinters present techniques that have various applications in the food industry. For this reason, this work aims to compile and review various research works focused on the utilities and advantages of this type of machinery. Where we first mention the basis of these bioprinting techniques and then proceed to highlight the bioethical issues that surround their application in the food industry, analyze the current advantages and disadvantages, the user that has been given in the production of food for astronauts, and also mention some of the research that has been taking place in Latin America and the world. The greatest advantage of 3D bioprinting of food is the speed of production compared to traditional manufacturing methods, allowing one to obtain food with various geometric shapes; it allows control of the nutritional value, and the texture of the product, reduces environmental pollution and has the advantage of being able to take advantage of the greater performance of the materials required for production. Additionally, this technology is considered an alternative production technique that will be used to solve the problem of feeding in places of scarce resources such as space and areas not suitable for animal husbandry. <![CDATA[Water quality for irrigation in the Huallaga basin, Peru]]> Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad del agua superficial destinada para riego en la cuenca Huallaga. Se trabajaron con los datos de monitoreo de calidad del agua en la cuenca realizados por la Autoridad Nacional del Agua (ANA) contando con 139 puntos de monitoreo, evaluando 41 parámetros para el periodo 2014 - 2019, se calculó el Índice de Calidad de Agua peruano (ICA - PE) destinado para riego, usando como valores de referencias al Estándar de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para aguas superficiales en la categoría 3 D1 (aguas de regadío). De los 139 puntos de monitoreo, 26 (18,71%) de ellos resultaron con una calidad excelente, 62 (44,60%) con calidad buena, 35 (25,18%) con calidad regular, 13 (9,35%) con calidad mala y 3 (2,16%) con pésima calidad. Los principales contaminantes encontrados fueron los Coliformes Termotolerantes, Escherichia coli, que en promedio sobrepasaron el ECA en 606 y 288 veces y en el 53,4% (1029/1927) y 38,9% (701/1803) respectivamente. La contaminación por pesticidas organoclorados, en el 100% (10/10) de las mediciones del clordano se sobrepasó el ECA y con respecto al Endrín, Aldrín y DDT se sobrepasó el ECA en el 40% (10/25). El pH, en el 25,6% de las mediciones el agua se encontró fuera de los rangos tendiendo a la alcalinidad y para el manganeso, hierro y aluminio, sobrepasaron los ECAs en 17,7%, 13,3% y 11,2% respectivamente. Las principales fuentes contaminantes son las aguas residuales agrícolas y municipales, así como también la presencia de puntos críticos de residuos sólidos.<hr/>Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of surface water used for irrigation in the Huallaga basin. We worked with water quality monitoring data in the basin conducted by the National Water Authority (ANA) counting 139 monitoring points, evaluating 41 parameters for the period 2014 - 2019, the Peruvian Water Quality Index (ICA - PE) intended for irrigation was calculated, using as reference values the Environmental Quality Standard (ECA) for surface water in category 3 D1 (irrigation water). Of the 139 monitoring points, 26 (18.71%) were of excellent quality, 62 (44.60%) of good quality, 35 (25.18%) of fair quality, 13 (9.35%) of poor quality and 3 (2.16%) of very poor quality. The main contaminants found were thermotolerant coliforms, Escherichia coli, which on average exceeded the ECA by 606 and 288 times and by 53.4% (1029/1927) and 38.9% (701/1803) respectively. Contamination by organochlorine pesticides, in 100% (10/10) of the chlordane measurements the RCT was exceeded and with respect to Endrin, Aldrin and DDT the RCT was exceeded in 40% (10/25). The pH, in 25.6% of the measurements the water was outside the ranges tending to alkalinity and for manganese, iron and aluminum, exceeded the ECAs in 17.7%, 13.3% and 11.2% respectively. The main contaminant sources are agricultural and municipal wastewater and the presence of critical points of solid waste. <![CDATA[Recent advances in the study of pre-slaughter stress factors on beef, poultry and pork quality]]> Resumen El estrés en la etapa de prefaenado es un periodo crítico dentro de la cadena productiva al provocar pérdidas en el peso vivo del animal, afectaciones en el rendimiento y calidad de la canal y pérdida del bienestar animal debido a una alteración de homeóstasis del organismo por la exposición a situaciones estresantes. En la presente revisión se identifican y describen los factores estresores que se han reportado en los últimos 5 años como principales causas de deterioro de la calidad de la carne entre los cuales se incluyen actividades de manejo de los animales por parte del personal de granja o planta (transporte, carga y descarga, en planta de sacrificio), condiciones ambientales (temperatura, vibraciones), tiempo de espera previo al sacrificio y mezcla de lotes, periodo de ayuno de agua y comida, y estados de fatiga, así como los biomarcadores usados rutinariamente para el estudio de condiciones asociadas al estrés. Aunque las investigaciones sobre el tema son abundantes, aún no es totalmente claro los mecanismos bioquímicos involucrados en la obtención de ciertas características organolépticas de la carne con respecto a niveles de estrés y las variaciones individuales observables en diferentes grupos de animales, así mismo, se requiere mayor investigación en los biomarcadores de estrés que permitan una identificación y medición más específica, efectiva y no invasiva.<hr/>Abstract Stress in the pre-slaughter stage is a critical period in the production chain because it causes losses in animal live weight, affects carcass yield and quality, and leads to a loss of animal welfare due to an alteration in the homeostasis of the organism as a result of exposure to stressful situations. This review identifies and describes the stressors that have been reported in the last 5 years as the main causes of meat quality deterioration, including animal handling activities by farm or plant personnel (transport, loading and unloading, in the slaughter plant), environmental conditions (temperature, vibrations), waiting time prior to slaughter and mixing of lots, water and food fasting period, and fatigue states, as well as the biomarkers routinely used for the study of conditions associated with stress. Although research on the subject is abundant, the biochemical mechanisms involved in obtaining certain organoleptic characteristics of meat with respect to stress levels and the individual variations observable in different groups of animals are still not completely clear, and more research is needed on stress biomarkers that allow a more specific, effective and non-invasive identification and measurement. <![CDATA[Cover crops associated with quinoa (<em>Chenopodium quinoa</em> Willd) in the Peruvian Altiplano: Erosion reduction, improved soil health and agricultural yield]]> Resumen El Altiplano peruano presenta pérdidas crecientes de fertilidad, siendo a su vez susceptible a una erosión natural. Durante muchos años, un manejo agrícola convencional ha generado pérdidas de la capa superficial del suelo y deterioro de sus propiedades, teniendo gran impacto en el rendimiento de los cultivos y profundizando la degradación de este ecosistema vulnerable. El propósito de esta investigación fue evaluar el uso de cultivos de cobertura frente a la erosión, salud del suelo y rendimiento del cultivo de quinua. El ensayo se realizó en las localidades Huancarani y Cahualla, distrito Mañazo, provincia y región Puno. Se utilizó un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar (DBCA) con cuatro tratamientos: sin cobertura y con coberturas de trébol (Medicago hispida G.), vicia (Vicia villosa) y mulch. Los resultados mostraron que la quinua asociada con coberturas de trébol, mulch y vicia redujeron la erosión del suelo en 59,61%, 51,87% y 49,50%, respectivamente. Asimismo, el uso de coberturas de trébol y vicia aumentó el carbono orgánico (+29,71% y 31,16%) y nitrógeno (+36,94% y 48,65%), y con el trébol, el fósforo disponible (+26,11%). Finalmente, la cobertura de trébol aumentó en 17% el rendimiento de la quinua en grano y redujo significativamente la erosión del suelo. Estos resultados muestran que los cultivos de cobertura presentan gran potencial para el restablecimiento de la salud del suelo y mejora en el rendimiento.<hr/>Abstract The Peruvian Altiplano presents increasing fertility losses, being susceptible to natural erosion. For many years, conventional agricultural management has generated losses of the topsoil and deterioration of soil properties, impacting in crop yields and deepening the degradation of this vulnerable ecosystem. The aim of this research was to determine the benefits of cover crops against erosion, soil health and quinoa yield. The trial was carried out in Huancarani and Cahualla towns, Mañazo district, Puno; with a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four treatments: without cover and with clover (Medicago hispida G.), vetch (Vicia villosa) and mulch covers. We evaluated the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of soil, the biomass of the cover crops and the quinoa yield. The results showed that the treatments with clover, mulch and vetch covers reduced soil erosion by 59.61%, 51.87% and 49.50%, respectively. Likewise, the use of clover and vetch covers increased organic carbon (29.71% and 31.16%), nitrogen (36.94% and 48.65%), and available phosphorus with clover cover (26.11%). Finally, clover cover associated with quinoa increased the yield of quinoa grain by 17% and reduced soil erosion significantly. These results show that cover crops have great potential for restoring soil health and improving yield. <![CDATA[A review about biocontrollers of <em>Phytophthora capsici</em> and its impact on <em>Capsicum</em> plants: A perspective from outside to inside the plant]]> Resumen Phytophthora capsici es un oomiceto que causa diversos síntomas como pudrición de raíz, cuello, tallo y fruto, y tizón foliar en diversas especies vegetales que incluye el género Capsicum. Una de las herramientas para contrarrestar este problema biótico, y que tal vez sea más rentable y respetuosa con el medio ambiente a largo plazo, es el uso de biocontroladores como Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Streptomyces (bacterias) y Trichoderma (hongo). Parece que cada uno de estos microorganismos poseen diferentes mecanismos que les permiten inhibir y reducir el crecimiento de P. capsici, afectando negativamente su desarrollo de esporangios, germinación y motilidad de zoosporas, y crecimiento del tubo germinativo. Aunque parecería que esta acción biocontroladora directa sobre el fitopatógeno está correlacionada con la reducción de síntomas en plantas de Capsicum u otras especies vegetales, que también involucraría la activación de respuestas de defensa en plantas contra P. capsici inducidas por los microorganismos. Estos pueden estimular en plantas infectadas o no con P. capsici, la actividad de varias enzimas relacionadas a las vías de isoflavonoides y especies reactivas de oxígeno, así como la expresión de diferentes genes que codifican proteínas relacionadas con la patogénesis, y otras proteínas que pueden activar las vías de señalización del ácido jasmónico, ácido salicílico o etileno. A pesar de los pocos trabajos existentes relacionados con la interacción bioquímica y molecular de Capsicum-P. capsici-biocontrolador, en esta revisión se ha esquematizado y elucidado los posibles efectos y rutas metabólicas relacionadas a ese sistema vegetal tripartito.<hr/>Abstract Phytophthora capsiciis an oomycete that causes various symptoms, such as root, neck, stem, fruit rot, and leaf blight, in different plant species, including the genusCapsicum. One of the tools to counteract this biotic problem, which may be more profitable and respectful to the environment in the long term, is using biocontrollers such asBacillus,Pseudomonas,Streptomyces(bacteria), and Trichoderma (fungus). It seems that each of these microorganisms has different mechanisms that allow them to inhibit and reduce the growth ofP. capsici, negatively affecting the development of sporangia, germination and motility of zoospores, and expansion of germ tube. Although this direct biocontrol action on the phytopathogen correlates with the reduction of symptoms in Capsicum plants or other plant species, this would also involve the activation of defense responses in plants against P. capsici induced by microorganisms. The activity of several enzymes related to the isoflavonoid pathways and reactive oxygen species, as well as the expression of different genes that encode proteins related to pathogenesis and other proteins that can activate the jasmonic acid, salicylic acid, or ethylene signaling pathways. Despite the few existing works related to the biochemical and molecular interaction ofCapsicum-P. capsici-biocontroller, in this review, we outlined and elucidated the possible effects and metabolic pathways related to this tripartite pathosystem. <![CDATA[Multi-objective optimization through artificial intelligence for designing of an <em>Agave angustifolia</em> leaf shredder]]> Abstract A neural network and a genetic algorithm were used in a hybrid method to get the optimal design parameters of an Agave angustifolia Haw. green leaf shredder. First, a prototype of an experimental machine was built using the design parameters recommended by the literature and calculated using linear equations. Then, the shredder prototype was subjected to experiments. The defibration data with different blade adjustments were obtained with experimental values. The data was configured and trained with an artificial neural network to establish a correlation between the defibration quality and the design parameters. The multi-objective optimization method based on genetic algorithms determined the optimal design parameters of the shredder’s functional mechanical elements. The best point was obtained from the least number of broken fibers (2.83%) and the most waste (73.15%). The method used proved suitable to optimize the design parameters; this was based on actual data obtained by experiments performed with the prototype and then modeled through artificial intelligence methods such as neural networks to determine an optimal solution using evolutionary genetic algorithm methods. <![CDATA[Biomass estimation of a high Andean plant community with multispectral images acquired using UAV remote sensing and Multiple Linear Regression, Support Vector Machine and Random Forests models]]> Resumen La teledetección con imágenes satelitales de gran escala para estudios de precisión en pastizales presenta limitaciones en su resolución espacial y espectral; frente a ello el uso de signos espectrales e índices de vegetación obtenidos con microsensores transportados por vehículo aéreo no tripulado (VANT) constituyen una alternativa de mayor precisión para la estimación de biomasa. En el trabajo de campo, además de adquirir las imágenes con los microsensores, se utilizaron transectas fijas de 100 m donde se recolectaron muestras de vegetación. Las fotografías adquiridas con el VANT se procesaron en Pix 4D, Arc Gis y algoritmos elaborados en el lenguaje de programación R. La estimación de biomasa se realizó con los modelos de Regresión Lineal Múltiple, Máquina de Soporte Vectorial y Random (Bosques Aleatorios). El modelo Random mostró un coeficiente Kappa de 0,94 en el set entrenamiento y de 0,901 en el set de prueba (R2 = 0,482). El modelo Random Forest predijo 3 g/pixel de MV para césped de puna en la época de lluvia y 2 g/pixel para la época seca; la biomasa predicha para el arbusto de Tola fue de 15 g/pixel de MV para ambas épocas del año. La estimación de biomasa/hectárea para la comunidad vegetal tolar con sus componentes arbusto de tola y césped de puna fue de 6535,88 kg/ha para la época de lluvia y de 6588,81 kg/ha para la época seca. La diferencia entre las estimaciones de biomasa en campo y la estimación con Random Forest fue de 5,48% para época de lluvia y de 9,63% para época de estiaje.<hr/>Abstract Remote sensing with large-scale satellite images for precision studies in grasslands has spatial and spectral resolution limitations. Against this, using spectral signs and vegetation indices obtained with microsensors transported by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) constitutes a more accurate alternative for biomass estimation. In the fieldwork, images were acquired with microsensors, and fixed transects of 100 m were used where vegetation samples were collected. The photographs acquired with the UAV were processed in Pix 4D, Arc Gis, and algorithms elaborated in R programming language. The biomass estimation was carried out with Multiple Linear Regression, Vector Support Machine, and Random (Forest Random) models. The Random model showed a Kappa coefficient of 0.94 in the training set and 0.901 in the test set (R2 = 0.482). The Random Forest model predicted 3 g/pixel of MV for Puna grass in the rainy season and 2 g/pixel for the dry season; the predicted biomass for the Tola bush was 15 g/pixel of MV for both seasons of the year. The estimation of biomass/hectare for the tolar plant community with its tola shrub and Puna grass components was 6,535.88 kg/ha for the rainy season and 6,588.81 kg/ha for the dry season. The difference between the biomass estimated in the field and the biomass estimated with Random Forest was 5.48% for the rainy season and 9.63% for the dry season.