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Print version ISSN 1025-9945On-line version ISSN 1993-4904
MORALES CAMPOS, Arturo. Hegemonic signs in the film Ex-machina: robotization and control. Contratexto [online]. 2020, n.34, pp.129-152. ISSN 1025-9945.
Based on social semiotics, the film Ex-Machina (Garland, 2015) presents some hegemonic signs that address the ongoing human robotization phenomenon. Behind such fictional strategy of the film underlie political and commercial ideologies that are materialized in two proposals known as transhumanism and moral bioenhancement. In short, part of current research devoted to increasing human capacities is directed towards a new and deeper social division of Darwinism: on the one hand, the attractive possibility of overcoming the "obsolete" human body; on the other, the promotion of drugs that generate increasingly docile and "ethical" humans.
Keywords : hegemonic sign; text; ideology; transhumanism; moral bioenhancement.