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vol.37 número2Evaluación en condiciones de campo de una prueba serológica rápida para detección de anticuerpos IgM e IgG contra SARS-CoV-2 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica

versión impresa ISSN 1726-4634


HUAMANI, Charles et al. Estimated conditions to control the covid-19 pandemic in peruvian pre- and post-quarantine scenarios. Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica [online]. 2020, vol.37, n.2, pp.195-202. ISSN 1726-4634.


To determine the probability of controlling the outbreak of COVID-19 in Peru, in a pre- and post-quarantine scenario using mathematical simulation models.

Materials and methods:

Outbreak si mulations for the COVID-19 pandemic are performed, using stochastic equations under the following assumptions: a pre-quarantine population R0 of 2.7 or 3.5, a post-quarantine R0 of 1.5, 2 or 2.7, 18% or 40%, of asymptomatic positives and a maximum response capacity of 50 or 150 patients in the intensive care units. The success of isolation and contact tracing is evaluated, no other mitigation measures are included.


In the pre-quarantine stage, success in controlling more than 80% of the simulations occurred only if the isolation of positive cases was implemented from the first case, after which there was less than 40% probability of success. In post-quarantine, with 60 positive cases it is necessary to isolate them early, track all of their contacts and decrease the R0 to 1.5 for outbreak control to be successful in more than 80% of cases. Other scenarios have a low probability of success.


The control of the outbreak in Peru during pre-quarantine stage demanded requirements that were difficult to comply with, therefore quarantine was necessary; to successfully suspend it would require a significant reduction in the spread of the disease, early isolation of positives and follow-up of all contacts of positive patients.

Palabras clave : Coronavirus Infection; Outbreaks; Surveillance; Decision Modelling.

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