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Revista Estomatológica Herediana

versión impresa ISSN 1019-4355


CONHI, Andrea; CASTILLO-ANDAMAYO, Diana Esmeralda  y  CASTILLO-LOPEZ, Cesar del. Dental self-medication of patients attending a public or private institution, Lima-Perú. Rev. Estomatol. Herediana [online]. 2015, vol.25, n.3, pp.205-210. ISSN 1019-4355.

Objectives: To determine the frequency of self-medication in patients attending the dental service at a public or private institution, belonging to the district of San Martin de Porres of Lima in the period of2012-2013. Materials and Methods: It was an observational study type, transversal and comparative. The population consisted of all patients seen in the service of Dentistry of a public institution (Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia) and a private institution (Dental   Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia) Lima, Peru. The sample size was calculated, which surveyed 202patients in hospital, clinic and 253 patients were surveyed. Patients who attended the dental service of both institutions the survey, questionnaires were given to the patients in the waiting rooms of each institution, after signing the informed consent. Results: The results show that a total of 202 patients attending the Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia , which were patients older than 18 years , where 18.32 % of patients were   to self-medication and81.68 % of found patients said that ifself-medication . In the private institution a total of253 patients who attended the "dental clinic Cayetano Heredia " ,which were patient solder than 18 years , where 37.55 % said they were not self-medication and 62.45 % of patients said it was found that if self-medication. Conclusions:There were statistically significant differences between self-medication, who recommended the medication, dosage form and type of disease among both institutions.

Palabras clave : Frequency; self-medication; public institution; private institution.

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