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Revista Estomatológica Herediana

versión impresa ISSN 1019-4355


RAMOS PERFECTO, Donald et al. Presence of bacilli black pigments in periodontal pockets of patients with type 2 diabetes and its relationship with the glycemic level. Rev. Estomatol. Herediana [online]. 2017, vol.27, n.1, pp.30-38. ISSN 1019-4355.

Objectives: The study aimed to identify the presence of bacilli black pigments in periodontal pockets of type 2 diabetic patients and determine a relationship with glycemic control. Material and methods: A total of 46 patients who met the criteria for inclusion in the study, of which were 20 for having completed all tests in the study, such as microbiological analysis of samples of subgingival plaque and evaluated glycosylated hemoglobin tests held periodically in the 3 months patients were assessed. Results: Of the 20 patients evaluated, 14 were women and 6 men, with an age range of 40 to 68 years, being able to identify these black bacilli pigments (BNP) in 20% of cases diagnosed with moderate to severe periodontitis (periodontitis. moderate: periodontal pocket of 6 to 7 mm and severe periodontitis: greater periodontal pocket of 7 mm), presenting these patients glycemic control in good condition to moderate (good control: = 6,9 % HbAc1 and moderate control: 7 to 7,9 % HbAc1) . The statistical test performed to assess the presence relationship BNP and glycemic control was Chi square which does not determine significance of the relationship (P> 5%). Conclusions: It was possible to identify the presence of BNP in patients with type 2 diabetes but more related to patients with moderate to severe pictures periodontitis and with good glycemic control to moderate, showing no statistical significance.

Palabras clave : Periodontal pocket; Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria; diabetes mellitus type 2; glycosylated hemoglobin A.

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