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vol.32 número2Abordaje quirúrgico para verticalización de tercer molar a través de minitornillo. ¿es necesaria la extracción?Ulceras post anestésicas en niños: Dos casos clínicos. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Estomatológica Herediana

versión impresa ISSN 1019-4355


SOTO-RAMIREZ, Carmen; SALCEDO-REATEGUI, Emmy; ALARCON-GUEVARA, Yuleysi  y  OJEDA-GOMEZ, Roberto. Fused third and fourth molar exodontia. Case report. Rev. Estomatol. Herediana [online]. 2022, vol.32, n.2, pp.179-183.  Epub 17-Jun-2022. ISSN 1019-4355.

Dental anomalies are produced by alterations in odontogenesis which is reflected in the variation in size, number and shape of the teeth. Among these alterations is dental fusion, which is considered as the union of two dental germs that form a large and unique dental structure. The fusion of the molars is rare and has a very low prevalence. In the present case, the diagnosis was that the third molar fused to the fourth retained molar in an upright position. The surgical treatment was flap extraction. For a successful extraction, the following was considered: 1) full visibility of the crown and 2) elimination of obstacles that prevent dislocation and avulsion of the fused pieces. At last, the extraction was carried out successfully.

Palabras clave : Exodontia; dental anomaly; luxation.

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