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Revista de Gastroenterología del Perú

versión impresa ISSN 1022-5129


ESPEJO ROMERO, Luis Hernán  y  NAVARRETE SIANCAS, Jesús. Pólipos epiteliales gástricos (Segunda Parte). Rev. gastroenterol. Perú [online]. 2004, vol.24, n.1, pp.50-74. ISSN 1022-5129.

The following is a statistical report regarding gastric polyps: Frequency determined through endoscopic examinations was 3.6%. The terms hyperplastic polyps and adenomas were used for the classification of epithelial polyps, considering the suprafoveal hyperplasias within the hyperplastic polyps, provided they were elevated lesions. Out of 2,283 polyps, 1,959 were hyperplastic (86%) and 324 were adenomas (14%). When analyzing 780 polyps, 86 (11%) were found to have the Nakamura III category. With regard to topography, in an examination of 2253 polyps, hyperplastic polyps were located as follows: 325 (17%) in the antrum, 1402 (73%) in the body and 202 (10%) in the fundus. Adenomas had a different distribution: 212 (65%) in the antrum, 100 (31%) in the body and 12 (4%) in the fundus. Out of 371 hyperplastic polyps examined, 49% were pediculate and 51% were sessile; on the contrary, 86 % of adenomas were sessile. The average age was 66.2 years in adenoma carriers, 58.5 in those having hyperplastic polyps, and 57.4 for suprafoveal hyperplasias. In 287 adenomas, 94.1% of carriers were over 40 years old. Out of 92 adenomas examined, 21.7% evidenced adenoma metaplasia and 72.8% evidenced metaplasia in adjacent areas. Only 5.5% had no metaplasia. In 105 hyperplastic polyps studied, intestinal metaplasia was found: 16.7% in the polyp and 60% in adjacent areas. No metaplasia was found in the remaining 23.3%. Average size of the adenomas was 14 mm and of hyperplastic polyps, 11 mm. A total of 195 adenomas were smaller than 10 mm. The percentage of malignization in 288 adenomas examined was closely related to their size: 214 (66%) smaller than 20 mm, had a malignization percentage of 7%; 74 (34%) larger than 20 mm, had 51% malignization, and 86.2% malignization was found in adenomas of over 40 mm. Global malignization percentage of adenomas was 18%. However, when adenomas with high grade dysplasia in the 4.1 category of the Viena classification (non-invasive high grade neoplasia) were considered, this percentage rose to 26%. Malignization of hyperplastic polyps was 0.8%. When gastric acidity was determined using the maximum stimulation method, out of 77 cases of patients with hyperplastic polyps, 55 (60%) had real achlorhydria, 10 (18%) hypochlorhydria, 11 (20%) normochlorhydria, and only 1 (4) hyperchlorhydria. D.A.B. was 1.97 mEql for hyperplastics and 1.60 mEql for adenomas. D.A.M. was 6.05 mEql for hyperplastics and 5.49 mEql for adenomas. Our experience as to normal cases showed 2.5 mEqh ± 1.2 and 22 mEqh ± 6, respectively, for D.A.B and D.A.M.

Palabras clave : Gastric epithelial polyps; classification.

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