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Revista de Gastroenterología del Perú

versión impresa ISSN 1022-5129


PARADA, Fabio Leonel Gil. Specific competence to practice colonoscopy. Rev. gastroenterol. Perú [online]. 2020, vol.40, n.1, pp.13-21. ISSN 1022-5129.


To practice colonoscopy in a Latin American country it is required to certify the acquisition of specific competence, but there is no consensus regarding the criteria that define it. Lack of training in digestive endoscopy skills is associated with an increased risk of diagnostic and therapeutic error; late diagnosis of cancer, increased risk of complications and incomplete procedures with negative consequences for patients.


To establish the performance criteria of the specific competence required by a specialist to perform colonoscopy, in order to impact with better results on the quality of health.

Materials and methods:

Qualitative study of consensus of experts. With semi-structured personal interviews, the information is documented to carry out the questionnaires that are applied in successive rounds until reaching consensus of more than 70% with the participation of more than 80% of the experts, using the Delphi method.


Performance criteria are identified, which determine the specific competence required to perform colonoscopy with quality and safety. With significant findings due to the high percentage of agreement, they are presented grouped into 4 categories: general, before, during and after the procedure. Among the most important criteria that reached 100% agreement, are those related to cognitive, motor and integrative skills; quality, safety, screening, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques of this procedure. Conclusion: The criteria standardized by consensus, constitute a very valuable tool in the Latin American countries for the formation and evaluation of competences.

Palabras clave : Professional competence; Colonoscopy; Consensus; Delphi technique.

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