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vol.18 número1Qual a aplicabilidade do Referencial DigCompEdu para o ensino superior online? Um estudo com professores portuguesesEstrategias de evaluación auténtica en contextos virtuales y presenciales de educación superior. Una experiencia en formación inicial docente índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Digital de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria

versión On-line ISSN 2223-2516


PIONTKEWICZ, Regiane; DUARTE-FREITAS, Maria do Carmo  y  MENDES-JUNIOR, Ricardo. Digital competence of higher education professors in the adequation of remote teaching. Rev. Digit. Invest. Docencia Univ. [online]. 2024, vol.18, n.1, e1589.  Epub 15-Ene-2024. ISSN 2223-2516.


Adoption of remote teaching for the continuation of face-to-face classes during COVID-19 pandemic, urgently required the development of digital competences by academic community.


analyze the digital competence of Brazilian higher education professors during the period of adaptation to remote teaching.


it is a survey with 322 Brazilian higher education professors. A questionnaire was applied to raise the professors’ perception about remote teaching, as well as to assess their digital competence.


digital competences that need to be better developed by professors are: adoption of information management strategies; development of tools for online assessments; and use of tools to promote gamification and collaborative learning.


the development of these digital competences helps in solving the problems with remote teaching. Professors who usually take courses and exchange experiences are the ones with a greater development of the analyzed digital skills.

Palabras clave : digital competence; higher education; teacher training; remote teaching.

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