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Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia

versión On-line ISSN 2304-5132


GUTIERREZ RAMOS, Miguel; MEZA SANTIVANEZ, Luis  y  ORDERIQUE TORRES, Luis Fernando. Sexual and reproductive health needs of Venezuelan women migrants. Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. [online]. 2023, vol.69, n.2, 00005.  Epub 06-Jul-2023. ISSN 2304-5132.


: To determine the sexual and reproductive health needs of the Venezuelan migrant population residing in Lima and Trujillo.


: The sample consisted of 1,616 women, including 1,114 women from the southern cone of Lima and 502 women from the province of Trujillo. A survey was applied to evaluate the following dimensions: population characteristics, health service requirements, maternal health, family planning, cervical and breast cancer prevention, and sexually transmitted infections.


: Most of the Venezuelan women were between 20-34 years old. They had an identity card in 66.8%; however, 60% of them did not have a valid document and more than 80% did not have their migratory status regularized. 46% were cohabiters and 40.8% were single. 56.7% reported having secondary education. 82.2% had a monthly family income of less than 900 soles; 75.1% in Lima and 94% in Trujillo reported not having any type of insurance. Only 48% used any contraceptive method, preferably long-acting reversible contraceptive methods. Between 78%85.1% did not use cervical cancer prevention services and more than 90% did not use breast cancer prevention services. Sexually transmitted infections were present in 2 and 5% of the surveyed population.


: The sexual and reproductive health (SRH) profile of the Venezuelan migrant population in the study areas had its own characteristics that was not comparable with the vulnerability of the Peruvian population, and reveals that they have SRH needs that require attention.

Palabras clave : Venezuelan migrant population; Sexual and reproductive health profile; Need for care.

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