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vol.20 número2Afrontamiento y rumiación frente a eventos adversos y crecimiento postraumático en estudiantes universitariosComprensión de textos de ciencias en estudiantes universitarios: generación de inferencias causales durante la lectura índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1729-4827


DOMINGUEZ LARA, Sergio Alexis; VILLEGAS GARCIA, Graciela  y  CENTENO LEYVA, Sharon Brigitte. Academic procrastination: validation of a scale in a sample of students from a private university. liber. [online]. 2014, vol.20, n.2, pp.293-304. ISSN 1729-4827.

The objective of this research is to analyze the psychometric properties of the Academic Procrastination Scale (EPA) in a sample consisting of 379 students from a private university whose ages are between 16 and 40 years (M = 20.82). The confirmatory factor analysis conducted reveals that the EPA has a bivariate structure. Reliability was estimated through Cronbach’s alpha, obtaining.816 for the total scale; .821 for the self-regulating academic factor, and.752 for the activities postponement factor. It is concluded that the EPA has psychometric properties suitable to continue with validation studies using other strategies, supporting its use as a tool for evaluation of academic procrastination.

Palabras clave : Academic Procrastination; reliability; validity; college students.

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