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vol.18 número1Estilos de aprendizaje en relación al rendimiento académico en modalidad virtual de estudiantes de carreras del área de la saludQual a aplicabilidade do Referencial DigCompEdu para o ensino superior online? Um estudo com professores portugueses índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Digital de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria

versión On-line ISSN 2223-2516


VIALE-TUDELA, Héctor; HUAMAN-COTRINA, Enit  y  ROJAS, Reyna. Relación entre la participación en un programa de transición y permanencia en estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima. [online]. , e1725.  Epub 15-Ene-2024. ISSN 2223-2516.


Will identify the relation generated by participation in a transition program carried out between the end of secondary school and the beginning of higher education with the permanence of first-year students in university.


This research is quantitative, longitudinal, non-experimental, with a descriptive and correlational scope. The study is based on a census and the analyzed population is made up of 15710 first-year students from a private Peruvian university. Statistics, such as Chi Square, were used to determine the association or independence of two quantitative variables with a 5% degree of significance. The effect was measured using the V-Cramer statistic.


In the seven-year period analyzed there is a statistically significant difference in the student permanence variable in favor of the group of students who attended the transition program.


These findings confirm that it can be stated that transition programs of academic nature contribute to the permanence of university students.

Palabras clave : Academic Persistence; Dropouts; Dropout Research; Educational Attainment; College Students.

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