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Revista de Psicología (PUCP)

versão On-line ISSN 0254-9247


ORE, Beatriz; DIAZ, Juan José  e  PENNY, Mary. Impact of a group intervention with mothers and babies on child development. Revista de Psicología [online]. 2011, vol.29, n.1, pp.37-66. ISSN 0254-9247.

This study evaluates the impact on child development of a group intervention with mothers and their eight-month-old babies from a marginal urban district of Lima. The groups, control and treatment, were randomized and child development was assessed before and after with the BSID-II. The intervention had a general positive impact in the children's development, but no significant differences were found between both groups in the Mental Development Index or the Psychomotor Development Index. There was a significant effect (p < .05) in two of the BSID-II Behavioral Scale factors.

Palavras-chave : Child development; impact assessment; mothers and babies; poverty; Peru.

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