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vol.20 número2Tiktok, red simbiótica de la generación z para la realidad aumentada y el advergaming inmersivo(In)Equidad de género en la prensa chilena: periodistas y fuentes índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Comunicación

versão impressa ISSN 1684-0933versão On-line ISSN 2227-1465


MIRANDA BUSTAMANTE, María de los Ángeles  e  AGUDELO VIZCAINO, María Fernanda. Woman vs. Woman: female misogyny in Facebook news comments. Revista de Comunicación [online]. 2021, vol.20, n.2, pp.243-257. ISSN 1684-0933.

Using a quantitative discourse analysis, this research aims to identify female micro and macroaggressions against other women within the news social construction process through the comments published on the top sources of news Facebook pages during 2020, in the context after the “feminist revolution” in 2018 and the social uprising in 2019. The investigation concludes that 26,55% of all female users’ comments on women related news, content aggressions towards other women. That confirms the idea of feminine misogyny, as a consequence of the patriarchal system. Most of these discourses correspond to Otherness (56%) and, in the second place, to Stigmatization (27%). The majority of these addressed the personal sphere of the victims (33%), which confirms a general rejection of women and their social status. At last, results suggest that the microaggressions predominance, that add up 73% as a whole, is due to the fact that they are subtler and socially accepted than macroaggressions (27%), which installs a visible stigma on women and motivates more users’ reactions and a potential social punishment.

Palavras-chave : social media; feminism and communication; microaggressions and macroaggressions.

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