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versão impressa ISSN 2219-7168


VALDIVIA TERRAZAS, Renzo Favianni; CALSINA PONCE, Wilber Cesar  e  VELAZCO REYES, Benjamín. Musical software in the teaching-learning of Music students of the National University of the Altiplano Puno. Comuni@cción [online]. 2021, vol.12, n.1, pp.25-36. ISSN 2219-7168.

Music software have revolutionized the way musicians nowadays develop their musical practice in terms of composition, musical arrangements and orchestration, that is why in the present research the objective was set; to determine the influence of music software in the teaching-learning process of music students at the Nacional University of the Altiplano in Puno. The approach was quantitative, being the design quasi-experimental and applied instruments such as pre-test, and post-test, for the collection and analysis of data, resulting in students have new skills in the process of composition, musical arrangements and orchestration, using the Sibelius and Finale software, compared with traditional techniques; It is concluded that there is a significant influence of the use of the Sibelius and Finale software in the teaching-learning process of the students; since it was observed that there was improvement in the development of the abilities in composition, musical arrangements and orchestration.

Palavras-chave : composition; musical arrangements; musical software; orchestration; teaching-learning.

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