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versão impressa ISSN 1815-8242versão On-line ISSN 2413-3299


CASTILLO EDUA, Bertha Rita  e  AGUIRRE MENDOZA, Zhofre. Modeling of Thinning Through the Use of Linear Programming in Pinus Caribaea Morelet Plantations from the Agroforestry Company of Pinar del Río, Cuba. Arnaldoa [online]. 2018, vol.25, n.2, pp.597-614. ISSN 1815-8242.

The purpose of the research was to model thinning in plantations of Pinus caribaea Morelet var. caribaea Barret and Golfari, using Linear Programming as a mathematical tool and considering the budget and fuel assigned to the company as economic constraints. For this, we worked with data obtained from the San Juan y Martínez Silvicultural Unit Management Project, which belonging to the Pinar del Río Agroforestry Company. The sample was selected from the stands that had recommended management. The mathematical model obtained, plan the thinning in a total of 30 months with the optimal amounts of fuel and budget to be used for it, so as to maximize the number of stands to thin in the Silvicultural Unit. Considering the results of the model, the activity would be carried out in two years and six months, with a total consumption of 973.2 liters of fuel and $ 298 708.74 of budget. In addition, it orders the stands that should receive the silvicultural treatment, showing the type of thinning and the order of them, so that the forestry activity is optimized

Palavras-chave : forest modeling; silvicultural treatments; linear programming; plantations of Pinus caribea.

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