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Revista de la Sociedad Química del Perú
versión impresa ISSN 1810-634X
REPO DE CARRASCO, Ritva y ENCINA ZELADA, Christian René. Determination of antioxidant capacity and bioactive compounds in native peruvian fruits. Rev. Soc. Quím. Perú [online]. 2008, vol.74, n.2, pp.108-124. ISSN 1810-634X.
In the case of the tree tomato ( ) the relatively high crude fibre content stood out (4,5 g/100 g of fruit). The tree tomato and golden berry had higher protein content (1,9 g/100 g for both fruits) than the other fruits. Regarding to the mineral analysis, the prickle pears are very good sources of phosphorus as well as calcium. On the other hand, the tree tomato is an excellent potassium source followed by golden berry and papaya( ). In addition golden berry is a relatively good source of iron and zinc. The mountain papaya is a very important source of phosphorus surpassing to the other fruits. All the samples presented significant difference as far as the content of total phenolic compounds, but mountain papaya is the fruit that presented the highest content of these compounds (167 mg of gallic acid equivalent/g of fruit). The content of betalains in red prickle pear was of 68,95 mg/1000 mL. Golden berry had the highest vitamin C content (43,3 mg/100g) followed by mountain papaya (31,41 mg/100g). The lowest content of this vitamin was in the tree tomato followed by red prickle pear, 16,09 mg/100g and 22,75 mg/100g, respectively. The content of carotenoids was the highest in the tree tomato, (4 mg -carotene/100 g) followed by golden berry with 2,64 mg -carotene/100 g. Red prickle pear presented much greater capacity of inhibition of radical DPPH than the other varieties (77,65%). Comparing the different fruits regarding to the measurement of the antioxidant capacity, the mountain papaya (2141 71 g equivalent trolox/g of fruit) had the highest value followed by golden berry (1066 28 g equivalent trolox/g of fruit), tree tomato and red prickle pear. Finally, it was found that the grade of maturity had a direct effect to the antioxidant capacity.
Palabras clave : Frutas nativas peruanas; Physalis peruviana; Cyphomandra betacea; Carica pubescens; Opuntia ficus indica; capacidad antioxidante; compuestos bioactivos; Peruvian native fruits; Physalis peruviana; Cyphomandra betacea; Carica pubescens; Opuntia ficus indica; antioxidant capacity; bioactive compounds.