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Revista de Neuro-Psiquiatría

versão impressa ISSN 0034-8597


ALARCO-HERRERA, Rafael; ARAUJO-SILVA, Kildery Bruno  e  ROJAS-CAMA, Luis Felipe. Family dysfunction and anxious-depressive symptoms in inpatients of a substance use disorders rehabilitation center in Lima. Rev Neuropsiquiatr [online]. 2024, vol.87, n.2, pp.104-117.  Epub 28-Jun-2024. ISSN 0034-8597.


To determine the relationship between family dysfunctionality and the presence of depressive/anxiety symptoms in patients hospitalized for substance use disorders.


Analytical and cross-sectional study in 57 male inpatients of a substance abuse rehabilitation center in Lima. Sociodemographic and substance use information was collected; the APGAR-family, IDARE-R and IDERE-R questionnaires were applied for family dysfunctionality, anxious and depressive symptomatology, respectively. The relationship between the scores of the surveys was evaluated with the Spearman’s correlation test.


APGAR- family scores had a non-significant inverse correlation with both the IDARE-R score (rho = -0.061; p = 0.654) and the IDERE-R score (rho = -0.084; p = 0.533). The scores obtained were 24.6 ± 7.2 for dysfunctionality, 46 ± 6.9 for depressive symptomatology, and 46.2 ± 5.4 for anxious symptomatology; it was found that 80.7% presented normal functionality, 71.9% high levels of depression, and 63.2% high levels of anxiety. The anxious symptomatology score was significantly higher in young people compared to adults; a positive correlation (Rho= 0.599, p<0.001) was found between the scores of anxious and depressive symptomatology.


No relationship was found between anxious-depressive symptoms and the level of family dysfunctionality. A positive relationship was identified between the scores of anxious and depressive symptomatology among the members of the evaluated sample; likewise, a higher degree of anxiety among young probands was found, similar to the depression measurements but without being significant in the latter.

Palavras-chave : family support; anxiety; depression; substance-related disorders; substance abuse treatment centers; Peru.

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