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Revista de Neuro-Psiquiatría

versão impressa ISSN 0034-8597


GARCIA-BORJAS, Cristina  e  ARCE-HUAMANI, Miguel Á.. Factors associated with post COVID-19 pandemic posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in medical students. Rev Neuropsiquiatr [online]. 2024, vol.87, n.2, pp.131-142.  Epub 28-Jun-2024. ISSN 0034-8597.


To identify post-COVID-19 pandemic-related factors associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms in medical students from a private university in Lima, 2023.


Cross-sectional study of 193 medical students implemented through a web-based survey using the COVID-19-PTSD questionnaire. The data were tabulated and analyzed using the version 25 of the statistical software SPSS, and employing prevalence ratios (PR) within a 95% confidence interval (CI).


Among the participants, 129 (66,84%) were female, with a mean age of 29,66 ± 6,25 years. Being a healthcare worker was an individual factor associated with PTSD (PR: 1,29; 95% CI: 1,05-1,58; p=0,014). Family-related factors such as having children at home (PR: 1,30; 95% CI: 1,09-1,54; p=0,002), cohabitating with relatives during the quarantine period (PR: 1,90; 95% CI: 1,55-2,33; p<0,001), and living with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 (PR: 2,25; 95% CI: 1,78-2,83; p<0,001) were also associated with PTSD symptomatology. Lastly, having had multiple COVID-19 diagnoses (PR: 1,77; 95% CI: 1,67-1,89; p<0,001) and having been hospitalized for such reason (PR: 2,32; 95% CI: 1,44-3,73; p<0,001) were pandemic-related variables associated with PTSD symptomatology among medical students.


The mental health of medical students was significantly affected during the pandemic, suggesting the need for adequate psychological support in future similar circumstances.

Palavras-chave : PTSD; COVID-19; associated factor; medical student.

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