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vol.32 número32Los planes de vida y la política indígena en la Amazonía peruanaEntre discurso político y fuerza espiritual: fundación de las organizaciones indígenas awajún y wampis (1977-1979) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0254-9212


VALLEJO, Ivette. Petróleo, desarrollo y naturaleza: aproximaciones a un escenario de ampliación de las fronteras extractivas hacia la Amazonía suroriente en el Ecuador. Anthropologica [online]. 2014, vol.32, n.32, pp.115-137. ISSN 0254-9212.

The article discusses the expansion of extractive frontiers in the southeastern region of Ecuador, with the bidding for oil blocks around XI Round Oil. It presents the results of a research done 2013-2014, which aimed to analyze the bonds between extractive and developmental policies and their effects on indigenous people’s territorial dynamics. The research included interviewing leaders of indigenous organizations and government officials in the province of Pastaza, conducting thematic forums and monitoring of key events (forums), plus reviewing documentary sources. This article describes government policies that strengthen the developmental cosmography and coloniality of nature in the Amazon, and cause setbacks in the implementation of collective rights, while various positions, narratives and indigenous people agency activated conflicts around the control over territory and resources.

Palabras clave : cosmography; territoriality; extractivism; development.

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