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vol.39 número2El vocabulario sechurano de Richard Spruce índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0254-9239


MONTALBETTI, Mario. La cuarta exclusión: notas sobre lingüística formal. Lexis [online]. 2015, vol.39, n.2, pp.415-435. ISSN 0254-9239.

Formal linguistics is posible only if a program of three exclusions is put into place: exclusion of reference, diachrony and the Subject. The first one to embrace this program was Saussure and then, the different versions of structuralism followed suite. However, I would like to suggest here that a fourth exclusion is needed in order to understand theories that emerge in the outer limits of structuralism (Lacan/Milner’s hyper-structuralism), Chomsky’s biologizing proyect and Q. Meillassoux’s absolutizing attempts: the exclusion of meaning.

Palavras-chave : formal linguistics; exclusion; meaning.

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