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vol.40 número2Escribas semiletrados o iniciadores del castellano bilingüe andino: el caso del copista de Cristóbal de MolinaSeguimiento de referencia en náhuatl índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0254-9239


MARTINEZ VERA, Gabriel. Estructura sintáctica de las construcciones con verbos parasintéticos de los tipos a-…-ary en-…-ar. Lexis [online]. 2016, vol.40, n.2, pp.243-292. ISSN 0254-9239.

I postulate an unitary syntactic structure for constructions with a-…-ar and en-…-ar parasynthetic verbs through four hypothesis: both patterns have a common basic syntactic structure regarding vP and VP, whose heads are CAUSE and BECOME, respectively; the difference between the patterns lies on, within a scale of affectedness (Beavers 2011), the fact that a-…-ar assigns (compositionally) a result state to the theme, while this does not happen with en-…-ar. I claim that affectedness is a binary operator located higher than vP that quantizes the event determining the specificity of the result state for the object; and the morphological form of the operator is a- (if its value is positive) or en- (if its value is negative).

Palavras-chave : parasynthesis; quantization; event structure; affectedness; result state.

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