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vol.40 número2Semántica léxica y estructuración aspectual/eventiva: telicidad, perfectividad y delimitación en el análisis de las cópulas españolasLiteratura, historia y mito de una ciudad: el Cuzco como prólogo (Paisajes peruanos, I) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0254-9239


ZANELLI, Carmela. Las fábulas de Garcilaso: ¿alegoría, historia o ficción en los Comentarios reales?. Lexis [online]. 2016, vol.40, n.2, pp.421-433. ISSN 0254-9239.

This article explores the inclusion of small tales-as examples, parables and fables-within the textual fabric of the historical text of the Royal Commentaries by the mestizo writer Garcilaso de la Vega. It proposes the idea of classical fable in the sense developed by Neoplatonism during the Renaissance. According to these perspective Classical mythology was understood as embedded with hidden senses of different caliber-literal, moral and theological ones. In the same way, I study Inca myths and other tales as classical fables embedded with different meanings, suggested by Garcilaso Inca to his readers from all times.

Palavras-chave : Garcilaso Inca; Royal Commentaries; fable; Neoplatonism; allegory.

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