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versão impressa ISSN 0254-9239


SANCHEZ ORENSE, Marta. Consideraciones terminológicas sobre la evolución del léxico de la fortificación abaluartada. Lexis [online]. 2018, vol.42, n.2, pp.443-472. ISSN 0254-9239.

In this paper we attempt to draw an overview on the evolution of the lexicon of bastionated Fortification from its origins, in the 16th century, until its apogee, during the 18th. To do this, we start from an intermediate point, the second half of the 17th, when the Epítome de la fortificación moderna (1669), written by Zepeda, was published. In that way, we select the specialized vocabulary which is defined in chapter II of the second part of its "Preludios geométricos" with the purpose of comparing and analysing this vocabulary with the lexicon contained in the first treatises of the Fortification in Spanish language, from the final years of the 16th, until the Tratado de fortificación (1772) of Lucuze.

Palavras-chave : lexicology; lexicography; semantics; fortification.

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