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vol.44 número2La circulación y lectura de los libros de caballería en el virreinato peruano: dos cuestiones por resolver índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0254-9239


ARROYO BARRIGUETE, Jose Luis. The Chronotope in Space Opera: A Comparative Analysis with the Adventure Novel. Lexis [online]. 2020, vol.44, n.2, pp.805-822. ISSN 0254-9239.

In this paper we analyze the characteristics of the adventure novel of ordeal, which Bakhtin identifies as one of the three essential types of ­novelistic unity. The exegesis of such chronotope reveals a pattern not unlike that which articulates a popular sub-genre of science fiction: space opera. Our conclusion is that both chronotopes are virtually identical except for a very relevant aspect, temporal reversibility, absent in space opera, because of a lesser protagonism of the event. This is the result of a heroic axiology that is more typical of the epic than of the novel, an aspect that is also analyzed in the paper.

Palavras-chave : chronotope; Bakhtin; space opera; adventure novel.

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