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vol.36 número1Nota sobre la relación de Marion con LevinasLa política de la comunión de Jean-Luc Marion índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1016-913X


MURGA, Ezequiel D.. The Possibility of Practical Thought in Marion based on Cartesian Esteem. arete [online]. 2024, vol.36, n.1, pp.128-144.  Epub 18-Jul-2024. ISSN 1016-913X.

According to Jean-Luc Marion, the subject is responsible for the phenomenalization of the given. This process-characterized as “hermeneutic” by the author-implies a discrimination concerning which is the most adequate way to show the phenomenon. For this to be possible, however, a modality of thought which does not deal with objects but with events is needed. This paper argues that this modality-suitable for deciding the way of phenomenalization of the given-can be found in practical thought. Firstly, I trace back this possibility to the Cartesian esteem. Secondly, I discuss it with reference to the Aristotelian prudence. Finally, I relate both approaches to comprehension (Verstehen), a concept that Marion picks up from Heidegger and Gadamer.

Palabras clave : Marion; esteem; prudence; hermeneutics; phenomenology.

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