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Revista Medica Herediana
versión impresa ISSN 1018-130Xversión On-line ISSN 1729-214X
VELIZ MARQUEZ, José. Validation of a questionnaire dealing with medical ethics transgressions. Rev Med Hered [online]. 2006, vol.17, n.4, pp.212-219. ISSN 1018-130X.
The increase in accusations against doctors about medical ethics transgressions, motivated, since 1999, the design and rehearsal of a questionnaire. This questionnaire collected the opinions about the transgression frequency observed by doctors in other colleagues. The fifth version of this questionnaire (22 items) was successfully subjected to validity and reliability tests, and the result was a sixth version with six new items. Objective: To validate the sixth version of the Transgressions Questionnaire. Material and methods: The sixth version was rehearsed in 530 doctors of 22 regional councils of the Peruvian Medical Association. The validity of theoretical construct was evaluated by means of the correlation of Pearson and the concurrent validity, comparing the preference order of the percentages only with the answers "frequent" or "very frequent" from 530 doctors, with the percentage achieved in a previous work on accusations against doctors. Results: The validity indexes of all items, even item 3 and 4 invalidated in the 5tª version, fluctuated between 0.94 - 0.99, higher then the results in the 5tª version, verifying the construct validity. The preference order of percentages of the transgressions observed versus those transgressions reported (concurrent validation), was similar. The Crombach´ alfa was 0.95. Conclusions: The sixth version possesses theoretical construct validity and a concurrent validity. Six types of transgressions were identified and the most frequent transgression was related with the patient. (Medical-patient relationship). The use of these results is recommended in the continuous medical education and in pre and postgraduate levels. (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:212-219).
Palabras clave : Medical ethics; medical error; ethic-medical transgressions.