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Revista Medica Herediana

Print version ISSN 1018-130XOn-line version ISSN 1729-214X


SANCHEZ-VELAZCO, Diana; CRISPIN-SEGURA, Ana  and  FERNANDEZ-MERJILDO, Diana. Knowledge and perception on sepsis in Lima settlers, Peru during COVID-19 pandemic. Rev Med Hered [online]. 2023, vol.34, n.4, pp.212-218.  Epub Dec 20, 2023. ISSN 1018-130X.


To determine the level of knowledge and perception of settlers of Lima, Peru on sepsis during the COVID-19 pandemic.


A cross-sectional study was carried-out using electronic survey among Lima settlers above 18 years of age from December 2020 and April 2021. We excluded health care workers.


289 surveys were conducted; mean age of participants was 38±15 years; 63% were females; 64% had heard about sepsis; 63% had the perception that sepsis was potentially lethal; 18% did not know about it; 8% said that it is a severe inflammation and 7% responded that it is an allergic reaction. Fifty three percent did not know that COVID-19 could lead to sepsis but 68% knew that sepsis may cause mortality.


The most common perception on sepsis by Lima settlers was of an infection potentially lethal, but more than half of participants did not know that COVID-19 could lead to sepsis.

Keywords : Sepsis; perception; knowledge; COVID-19.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )