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vol.26 número4Frecuencia del edentulismo parcial y total en adultos y su relación con factores asociados en la Clínica universitaria Cuenca Ecuador 2016 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Estomatológica Herediana

versión impresa ISSN 1019-4355


VILLAFUERTE PALACIOS, Lizette Emperatriz; GERMAN SANTA CRUZ, Luis Alberto Benito; CAMARA CHAVEZ, Rolando  y  MALLMA MEDINA, Adrian Segundo. Histopathological changes in dental follicles in relation to pericoronal spaces and position of the unerupted third molars. Rev. Estomatol. Herediana [online]. 2016, vol.26, n.4, pp.206-214. ISSN 1019-4355.

Objectives: To determine the histopathological changes of the dental follicles in relation to pericoronary space and the position of un erupted third molars. Material and Methods:128 dental follicles taken from105 patients of both sexes were included in the research. The measurement of pericoronal spaces and position of the third molars were obtained from panoramic radiographs. Follicular samples were sent for histological study; they were fixed in10% formalin and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and then were read by an oral pathologist. The data were recorded on cards and then been evaluated statistically using the chi-square test. Results: Of the participants, 60.9% were femaleand 39.1% of men aged15-49years. One (76.6%) follicular histopathological changes were found. The relationship between histopathological changes and measure spaces pericoronal was not statistically significant (p =0.470), but a high prevalence of follicular pathology (75.7%) were observed in the group of measures=2.5mm, where should not be changes. The relationship between histopathological changes and IB position of the third molar (90.9%) according to the classification of Pelland Gregory was statistically significant (p =0.031). Conclusions: Histopathological changes at early stages are not observable radiographically, so the complementary histology is indispensable. It is recommended prophylactically extract unerupted third molars to prevent follicular pathology development and routinely send all follicular samples for histological examination.

Palabras clave : Histopathological changes; third molar; dental follicle; oral pathology; pericoronitis.

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