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Revista de Gastroenterología del Perú

versión impresa ISSN 1022-5129


MONTES TEVES, Pedro; SORIA MEDINA, Jaime; GAMARRA ESPINOZA, Zer-Ima  y  MONGE SALGADO, Eduardo. Análisis de la prueba de tolerancia a la lactosa. Rev. gastroenterol. Perú [online]. 2001, vol.21, n.4, pp.282-286. ISSN 1022-5129.

OBJECTIVE: The present study analyzes the Lactose Tolerance Test in order to propose a reduction in the length of it. Design: Cross-Sectional, descriptive study. METHODS: Glicemia curves of patients considered "tolerant" and "intolerant" were compared. Results were analized for 56 patients. A cost minimization analysis was performed. RESULTS: Six patients had a normal curve of tolerance and the other 50 had flat curves. Both groups had similar basal levels of glicemia 93.3 and 90.3 (p=0.1). Glicemia levels measured at 30 minutes were 122 and 86.0 (p= 0.003) and at 60 minutes 108.3 and 87.5 (p=0.02) both groups being statistically different. Values at 120 minutes were not statically different between both groups (p=0.4) and not different from basal levels. CONCLUSIONS: diagnosis of lactose intolerance could be made using a shorter test, without considering the 120-minute figure. A 25% reduction in user's cost could be attained using the modified method as compared with the standard test.

Palabras clave : Lactose Intolerance; Lactose Tolerance Test.

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