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Revista de Gastroenterología del Perú

versión impresa ISSN 1022-5129


CASTILLO-ELERA, Christian et al. Incidence and associated factors in ulcer bleeding recurrence post inyectotherapy with adrenalin. Rev. gastroenterol. Perú [online]. 2012, vol.32, n.4, pp.351-356. ISSN 1022-5129.

Aim: to determine the incidence and associated factors with Upper Gastrointestinal bleeding after injection therapy with adrenaline in a general hospital. Methods: Study design: longitudinal and analytic. Clinical records of patients with Upper Gastrointestinal bleeding who received injection therapy with adrenalin during 2005 and 2011 in Daniel Alcides Carrion Hospital, Peru were reviewed. Rebleeding and pre-endoscopic and endoscopic associated factors were sought. A bivariate (Chi Square, Fisher Exact test and RR) and multivariate analysis were performed. Results: A total of 111 patients were included. Rebleeding rate was 20.7%. Multivariate analysis showed active bleeding (p=0.002) and anticoagulant drugs (p=0.035) were associated with rebleeding. Conclusion: Rebleeding rate was 20,7% and active bleeding as well as anticoagulant drugs use were associated factors.

Palabras clave : peptic ulcer hemorrhage; epinephrine; risk factors.

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