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vol.77 número3Comparación entre la depuración de creatinina en orina de 24 horas y la fórmula de Cockcroft - Gault para estimar el filtrado glomerular en mujeres gestantes atendidas en un hospital de LimaDesórdenes psiquiátricos de los inmigrantes chinos del siglo XIX. Primera parte: Inmigrantes chinos en el Manicomio del Cercado de Lima entre 1879 y 1902 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Anales de la Facultad de Medicina

versión impresa ISSN 1025-5583


LIZAMA-LEFNO, Andrea. Cross-disciplinarity in the managernent of chronic diseases. An. Fac. med. [online]. 2016, vol.77, n.3, pp.263-267. ISSN 1025-5583.

The health of the human being is a complex phenomenon, essentially multidimensional and provided with a systemic functioning. Thus, health problems cannot be understood in isolation from the gender, race, social and emotional problems or family issues, in short, separated from each persons history of life and the environment in which they live, beca use they transcend the purely biological and physiological. Chronic diseases are one of the major health problems in the world, and reflect the impact of modern lifestyle and Western beliefs about life, body and health. The aim of this paper is to analyze the need for medical practice, and particularly the management of chronic diseases, from a systemic health perspective. This implies appealing to a cross-disciplinary perspective, inclusion and integrity in the scientific approach as well, and understanding the various issues of human beings, culture and nature are interconnected and interdependent. Therefore its complexity transcends the division of their physiology and segregation of medical approach, but results in a holistic view of the human being and its health, that understand the human being body and its physiological components as a part of an integrated whole.

Palabras clave : Multidisciplinary Approach, chronic diseases; Social Determinants of Health; Biopsychosocial Model; Health Inequality.

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