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versión On-line ISSN 1562-4730
DA ROCHA, Suzana Francisca; KAFURE MUNOZ, Ivette y VILAN FILHO, Jayme Leiro. Fatores que influenciam a interação com a interface do Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas (SEER). Biblios [online]. 2017, n.66, pp.1-10. ISSN 1562-4730.
Objective. It aims to identify the factors influencing the communication and information mediation between the user author and the electronic journal interfaces using the SEER. Method. Two scientific journals from the area of Information Science - Ciência da Informação and Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação - were used in a simple task: find a specific article in the journal. The analysis model of the periodical structure, the heuristics and participants perceptions were used in the inferface analysis. Results. Showed that participants are frequent authors users, because they accessed both journals for search articles and for submissions. Conclusions. The information mediation of interactions interface is satisfactory for frequent author-users who want a more advanced search system.
Palabras clave : Communication and mediation of information; Electronic journal; Human-computer interaction; Open Journal Systems; Usability.