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versión On-line ISSN 1562-4730
QUARTIERO, Emanoel. Chemistry brazilian scientific journals indexed in Scopus: characteristics and internacionalization. Biblios [online]. 2018, n.71, pp.32-49. ISSN 1562-4730.
Objective. It reports the study that investigated Brazilian scientific journals which publish Chemistry content indexed in Scopus, regarding their characteristics and internationalization. The journals of the research corpus were characterized (sections in which they are published, periodicity, languages accepted for publication, average number of articles per issue, SJR and Impact Factor, indexation in other databases), comprising 8 titles; It was described the Qualis evaluation of the journals in their coverage areas; it was verified the existence of co-authorship in the articles analyzed by establishing a comparative to the twentieth century and, at last, it was characterized the authors who published papers in 2014, with the report of their home countries and languages in which the analyzed articles were published. Method. Data collection was performed by consulting pages of the magazines and websites of Lattes Platform, Sucupira Platform, SCImago Journal & Country Rank and JCR. For data analysis of the authors, the statistical software "R" was used with the purpose to examine data frequencies. Results. Among the results are: 75% of the titles have indexation in databases of complete text or referential other than Scopus and there is a predominance of domestic scientific collaboration (developed by authors from the same country).
Palabras clave : Authorships; Brazilian scientific journals; Chemistry articles; Chemistry journals; Internationalization.