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On-line version ISSN 1562-4730
FIGUEREDO FIGUEREDO, Ana Luisa; LEON AGUILAR, Rafael Francisco and MARTINEZ ROSELLO, Mariela María. Procedure for the processing of scientific information in the DPI of the Forest Engineering programme. Biblios [online]. 2019, n.75, pp.46-61. ISSN 1562-4730.
Objective. Develop a procedure for the processing of scientific information in to the Disciplina Principal Integradora (DPI) of the Forest Engineering Programme on the University of Granma (Cuba), derivative in specific objectives: diagnose the processing of scientific information ; designing a procedure for the processing of scientific information and assess the effectiveness of the procedure in the process of training of undergraduate . Method. Applied as a theoretical methods, historical trend , analysis - synthesis and deduction - induction; empirical methods, survey , observation scientific - participative and as statistical, descriptive statistics. Results. The authors provide a procedure for the processing of scientific information through the use of different informational stands, from the obvious need of solving a group of constraints that prevent the proper use of source s that taxed to the vocational training of foresters. Conclusions. The study reveals that the proper use of each source of information power the quality of the teaching process - learning , establishing new relationships around the processing of scientific information .
Keywords : Higher education; Processing of scientific information; Scientific information.