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Ecología Aplicada

Print version ISSN 1726-2216


BARRI, Fernando R.. Preliminary evaluation of native mastofauna mortality due to collision with vehicles in three argentinian routes. Ecol. apl. [online]. 2010, vol.9, n.2, pp.161-165. ISSN 1726-2216.

Road kills of wild fauna has been extensively studied in developed countries. This information led to take prevention and mitigation measures. However, in regions such as Latin America the knowledge on this issue is scarce. We have conducted a preliminary survey to determine the number of species of wild mammal fauna of medium and large size found dead by collision with vehicles, in three stretches of Argentine national routes adjacent to natural areas for 24 hours. Based on what we observed, and the literature review, we also suggest some future research lines to be followed.

Keywords : Argentina; road kills; medium and large mammal fauna.