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Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica

versión impresa ISSN 1726-4634


CORNEJO DONAYRE, Alberto. Algunas observaciones entomológicas relacionadas con el paludismo en Lima. Rev. perú. med. exp. salud publica [online]. 1944, vol.3, n.3, pp.244-262. ISSN 1726-4634.

We have found out that of the two Anopheles'species: A. pseudo-punctipennis and A. punctimacula present in the valleys of the rivers Rimac and Santa Eulalia, the pseudopunctipennis is the transmitter responsible for the high malarial morbidness that prevails in theses valleys, as their breeding places are near inhabited zones (on occasions only at a few yards), due to the marked domestic habits of the adult mosquitoes, as a considerable number are found within the home; and above all because in the dissections carried out it was determined that the percentage with natural infection is within the limits fixed for the communities where malaria fever is common. The type of breeding place preferred by the A. pseudopunctipennis is constituted by accumulations of clean water that gather between the stones, at a few yards from the river banks; breeding places that abound when the river diminishes its volume of water. These breeding places have on their surface a great quantity of green algae, and generally are directly under the sun. It was verified that at the outskirts of the city of Lima, the A. pseudopunctipennis breeds during the months of Fall and Winter seasons in the same type of breeding places (2). The observation carried out indicate that the greater anopheline density is reached from March to April inclusive; and that the increase of the sporezoitic index belong to the descent of the temperature and to the increase of the atmosphere humidity that take place in the Fall months.

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